Plant Dropping to Sure Why Help!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think she probably might need it every other day at that size. Water till it starts to come out the bottom. You can add like a capful or two of peroxide to a gallon of water every so often for an oxygen boost to the roots. What are the temps like?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
A little yellowing during flower is normal, it's a nitrogen def. Are you giving bloom nutes, or does your soil have some mixed in? I'm not an expert on that. Also, whats your ph? And the ph of the water you're using? Looks to me like a simply underwatering problem and normal flowering N def.
temps are like 85 lights on and 72 off

iv also got some yellowing going on
yea shes lookn a bit dry and looks as tho shes havin problems "breathing" a bit. Doesnt look like a nutrient problem tho i could be wrong. Are you givin her a nice sprits every now and again?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, I'm sorry, I beg to differ. Think of flowering as autumn for your plant, when the leaves change. The plant is using up the available N in the leaves as it flowers, and if you've fed it right during veg, it should have plenty to last it until harvest time. Yes, you could add a little more if you think it won't make it without using up its stores, but really, for flowering, your plant needs higher P, or phosphorus, as it is using that for bud building. N is only really essential in vegetative stage. However, even bloom nutes usually provide some N, and this is plenty. Different nutrients for different times in a plant's life, kind of like how dietary needs change with age in humans. As for flushing, some folks never do it, it's more of a matter of taste, if I'm not mistaken. Some folks swear if you don't flush the last two weeks, the taste is compromised. I personally believe in flushing because I want a clean smoke, and I think it also kinda lets the plant "know" that time is almost up, thereby making it increase resin production. I'm not an expert, however, and I could be wrong in that. But I do know yellowing is normal during flower, and I said, it's autumn for your plant. I've also heard introducing extra N in flower is going to make your yield smaller, as P is what is needed for good bud production.
This should not happen the plant should be green and lush for its entirety simply add N and Do not flush before harvest....


Active Member
No, I'm sorry, I beg to differ. Think of flowering as autumn for your plant, when the leaves change. The plant is using up the available N in the leaves as it flowers, and if you've fed it right during veg, it should have plenty to last it until harvest time. Yes, you could add a little more if you think it won't make it without using up its stores, but really, for flowering, your plant needs higher P, or phosphorus, as it is using that for bud building. N is only really essential in vegetative stage. However, even bloom nutes usually provide some N, and this is plenty. Different nutrients for different times in a plant's life, kind of like how dietary needs change with age in humans. As for flushing, some folks never do it, it's more of a matter of taste, if I'm not mistaken. Some folks swear if you don't flush the last two weeks, the taste is compromised. I personally believe in flushing because I want a clean smoke, and I think it also kinda lets the plant "know" that time is almost up, thereby making it increase resin production. I'm not an expert, however, and I could be wrong in that. But I do know yellowing is normal during flower, and I said, it's autumn for your plant. I've also heard introducing extra N in flower is going to make your yield smaller, as P is what is needed for good bud production.

Do not listen to this advice....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Please explain why ceeconst should not listen? What do you disagree with, and why? Why is your advice the advice he should take? If I'm wrong, please tell me exactly why and how, and I'll be happy to apologize and defer to your greater experience. Thanks!
Do not listen to this advice....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i agree with stoney a plant will pull nutrients from foliage during flower , this plant needs more than its getting in that small container and the fact it dries out every three days is a problem as is the high temps ...please tell us red eye so we can be as wise as you where are you getting your info


Active Member
Please explain why ceeconst should not listen? What do you disagree with, and why? Why is your advice the advice he should take? If I'm wrong, please tell me exactly why and how, and I'll be happy to apologize and defer to your greater experience. Thanks!
Here is a quote from another grower (RM3) regarding pre harvest flushing and I have followed this method:

Preharvest flushing puts the plant(s) under serious stress. The plant has to deal with nutrient deficiencies in a very important part of its cycle. Strong changes in the amount of dissolved substances in the root-zone stress the roots, possibly to the point of direct physical damage to them. Many immobile elements are no more available for further metabolic processes. We are loosing the fan leaves and damage will show likely on new growth as well.

The grower should react in an educated way to the plant needs. Excessive, deficient or unbalanced levels should be avoided regardless the nutrient source. Nutrient levels should be gradually adjusted to the lesser needs in later flowering. Stress factors should be limited as far as possible. If that is accomplished throughout the entire life cycle, there shouldn’t be any excessive nutrient compounds in the plants tissue. Additionally You can supplement N in the flowering stages to avoid the plant eating itself.. several metabolic processes are unable to take place anymore since other elements needed are no longer available (the immobile ones). This includes processes where nitrogen and phosphorus, which have likely the most impact on taste, are involved.


Active Member
i agree with stoney a plant will pull nutrients from foliage during flower , this plant needs more than its getting in that small container and the fact it dries out every three days is a problem as is the high temps ...please tell us red eye so we can be as wise as you where are you getting your info
Ahh another reason why RIU is going to shit... a high post count user being sarcastic to someone who just may know a little something....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
not sarcastic tool asking in honest curiosity........................

and i don't agree with flushing even though plenty of growers still swear by it i would never presume to tell someone not to listen to that advice, but i am concerned about the size of the container and the time between watering