Cfl Spec for Flower


Active Member
Should i use all 2700k cfl's or should i have a day light bulb in there to when i frower? any advice would be great thanks!


I would recommend a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of 2700k:6500k
^ = winsauce.

The reason being, the plant requires Daylight during veg, and then Soft White during flower. If you give it all Soft White it will 'stretch' just as if you planted it in shadow and it was not getting enough light.

The good news is that the plant does not require a lot of Daylight to get through veg, and even while in flower some Daylight still helps. So a 3 Soft White: 1 Daylight is a good all-around mix. That way you don't have to worry about swapping bulbs and whatnot.

But if you want to bring it straight into flower and leave it at that, than yes, you can use just Soft White. Lots of people do. Personally, I'd toss in a couple Daylights just to balance it, but that's up to you.


Active Member
Picture 077.jpgPicture 077.jpgDSCF4551.jpg:leaf::leaf:DSCF4550.jpgPicture 046.jpgDSCF4547.jpg:leaf::leaf:Picture 070.jpgDSCF4549.jpgPicture 025.jpgDSCF4552.jpgDSCF4548.jpg:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: I got 1 female out of 3 plants of bag weed. The pic's are at 43 days of 12/12. The other was at 30 day's of veg from seed. The day i put them in the box I started 12/12. the 1 female did not show white hairs for 6 days! The 2 males showed after for days of 12/12.... I'm off the nutes now 2 to 3 weeks from harvest and i feel like a junky thinking i need more nutes!!!! LOL... Any questions hit me up...
P/S Don't hate on me. My first grow in 14 years got busted for my last one of 40 plants..........