Club 600

Busy night in the 6. Welcome to our new growers for sure. Thanks for joining in the fun.

Hope everyone has a great week in their gardens and lifes.

PEace, DST
Flipping to 12/12 tomorrow for my next go around. Trying a vert bulb in a DIY cool tube this time. Forgive the ugly plant that got burnt from my careless spraying.


that is nice man very cool.
cool, but what are you going to change into......? hehe.
lol anything but these work clothes works for me :D But i put on my mickey mouse sweats gotta keep it G lol anyway heres my girls i believe its between days 25-32 of flowering
Group, Sour Cream, White Widow and Pineapple Express





Nice one HS, looks like a fine tent you got there. Def the bushiest I have seen it!!! No wonder you are happy...especially in your Mikey Mouse sweats, lol. Take it easy my bru!
lol shall do. You do the same Happy Memorial day by the way everybody.
My schedules freeing up finally the move went good just gotta get settled in, i have a alot of reading to catch up on but thats never a problem i always enjoy the pages and pages of bud porn we have
Also ill be having a tent update soon. Im getting a DR 150 for Flowering and switching my Flowering tent to my Veg/ Mother Room then my Dr 60 will be used for Clones :D Im a man on a mission
lol shall do. You do the same Happy Memorial day by the way everybody.
My schedules freeing up finally the move went good just gotta get settled in, i have a alot of reading to catch up on but thats never a problem i always enjoy the pages and pages of bud porn we have
Also ill be having a tent update soon. Im getting a DR 150 for Flowering and switching my Flowering tent to my Veg/ Mother Room then my Dr 60 will be used for Clones :D Im a man on a mission

Hey bill... I'm driving down to SD now... I'll be driving around with a weed loving hound dog and we are going to find you and your herb. I'll bring my guitar. Amazing looking buds bro.

Nice plants to the others who threw pics up.

Welcome TWS. Sounds like you and the rest of the fam are having a great time wherever you are. What's the Head dog og? Glad to have you along. Lastly, I'd like to run your avatar through a few of my own tests, haha.

Im sorry, that would be dead head og.
My 1000W digilux went poof after 3 1/2 months of 12/12 usage. The glass cracked down near the socket end and lots of little metal bits went loose; some kind o explosion lol. Happened right after we had a convo in this thread about bulb brands (last week?). I have plenty of sunmaster MH's so that's what I replaced it with. That Digilux HPS sure had a nice light though, kinda bluish for HPS.

They put out less light than an hps but you get the blue soooo its give take... Have you fired up a digilux yet?
My 1000W digilux went poof after 3 1/2 months of 12/12 usage. The glass cracked down near the socket end and lots of little metal bits went loose; some kind o explosion lol. Happened right after we had a convo in this thread about bulb brands (last week?). I have plenty of sunmaster MH's so that's what I replaced it with. That Digilux HPS sure had a nice light though, kinda bluish for HPS.
my bulbs are gettin 3/4 yo, should i stay with what i have already,....hortilux,.....or should i go cheaper and not notice a difference at all? hortilux i s all i know and i am by no means bitchin about what they offer, i would like to go cheaper, a penny saved is a penny earned lol
My 1000W digilux went poof after 3 1/2 months of 12/12 usage. The glass cracked down near the socket end and lots of little metal bits went loose; some kind o explosion lol. Happened right after we had a convo in this thread about bulb brands (last week?). I have plenty of sunmaster MH's so that's what I replaced it with. That Digilux HPS sure had a nice light though, kinda bluish for HPS.
oh yea, isn't this the 600 club? that's what i wanted to say first off but zoned out.....
I've used Sunmasters for years without problems. They are comparable in price to Digilux, which is to say about 40 bux cheaper than Hortilux, which I have never used.

I was a little surprised by the Digilux failure; they are a CAP product, and I've had satisfaction with most of the equipment I've had from them. I use digital greenhouse ballasts which I run through a surge protector and I'm meticulous about correct bulb installation, i.e. I screw the puppies in there good. The most common cause of early bulb failure is not seating the bulb properly in the socket which causes arcing, fire, death, in that order. I'm not cool with death.

Okay, okay, you caught me. I 'augment' my 600s with just one little 1000. I have a special exemption :D
hehe, indeed, but it's now known as the Phat Fukkin Bud Club, lol

I think we have a few peeps with interesting light combo' included.

oh yea, isn't this the 600 club? that's what i wanted to say first off but zoned out.....
I got fat buds!!! What up 600... hope your monday is good. I've been dealing with collectives the past couple weeks and have to say it's a bit frustrating. One would think you could get rid of some top shelf buds for next to nothing, but apparently not.
Hey Jig, sounds a bit like the Dam. My mate is always getting peeps coming in offering their weed to him to sell in his shop, but he buys off certain people and has limits to what he can keep legally. I guess it must be similar in the US with the Borg Collectives.....are they like Borgs in these places? lol.

Classic coffeeshop story. Me and my buddy go into a coffeeshop around the corner from where I use to work, my normal was closed and my buddy is a cheap ass so went into this place that I sure as hell wouldn't have bought shit from. He walks in and finds the menu on the counter, the guy behind the counter is sitting reading his big old newspaper. My mate asks, What's this one like? (he just pointed to it on the menu)

Without a word of a lie, the guy replied without even looking up, missing a heartbeat or a word from whatever newspaper article he was reading...."It's the BEST". I just pissed myself and left the shop. That saying has stayed with us whenever we think something is shite! Its the best! lol.