Lucy Avatars


Well-Known Member
Ugh ive been pretty uber busy lately but boy did i have to take time from RL to tell you guys,

If you have a chance to take some legit avatar Blotter do it:hump:

Finally had a chance after much anticipation to dose these bad boys last night and they were as potent as expcted:D.

Anyone else tried these before, curious to get a comparison to mayan calanders pm me.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
my friend told me about these in early spring time.

I dont hear them going around anymore but I heard two doses gets you WILD!

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I have tried and wasn't terribly impressed. Mind you I paid like 9.75/pce @100 pce.

I have had better for cheaper; plus I usually prefer white on white just to show off the lack of discoloration.


Well-Known Member
I have tried and wasn't terribly impressed. Mind you I paid like 9.75/pce @100 pce.

I have had better for cheaper; plus I usually prefer white on white just to show off the lack of discoloration.
I am humbled if you truly werent impressed with the same batch as i got, hopefully one day i too am able to prefer the "boring/plain" white blotter ;)

I actually had a chance to sample some riu wow and the hits i got werent too strong, still good but no avatars.

All different batches probably :P

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Could be.

I really don't do the stuff all that often, my last dose was a couple weeks ago but before that it hasn't been since 8 months. Honestly I wait until something really novel comes around, microdots, window panes, thumbprints, ect.

BTW, when I say unimpressed I mean it wasn't as strong as I expected. I think I was told they were 120 mics but I doubt they were much over 80 mics. Either way I always have a good time on the stuff :D

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have tried and wasn't terribly impressed. Mind you I paid like 9.75/pce @100 pce.

I have had better for cheaper; plus I usually prefer white on white just to show off the lack of discoloration.
fuckkkk.... used to give them away for like 70 or 80 a tenstrip thought that was steep 975 a sheet? Someone just made like at least 400 bucks LOL!


Well-Known Member
I bought some with friends, they are pretty potent and £4.8 per piece for 50 of em. I can`t wait till these bloody exams are over lol Theres a free peace festival on saturday, might have a cheeky tab ;)

heir proctor

New Member
Ellis Dee, can you explain what you mean by thumbprint? I am aware of the right of passage or so to speak, but from what I've read, the number of people to have experienced such a dose are few and far between. Surely you don't mean a mg size dose, or do you? Have you actually consumed said dose before? If so I am honored to be in your presence.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
It wasn't the ritualistic family style initiation. This was merely a personal, and closely tied experience. I don't know how much it amounted to all in all, but it was a hefty experience that I don't really care to indulge in ever again. I was in the company of a blotter salesman who laid his own sheets. Well he had recently come back from a festival where he traded some-few sheets of blotter for a supposedly extra-strong LSD concoction(~750 mcg/drop!!) in a 250ml amber glass vial w/dropper made for dilution and vial sales. You can make a lot by selling a 3ml vial with a few drops diluted in it. :)

He had so much LSD over the week that he figured his tolerance was so high he could drip some of this ethanol-lsd onto a piece of aluminum foil and press his thumb into it while it was drying to make a impression. It worked like a charm, a nearly invisible discoloration on the foil as an exact fingerprint, or 'thumprint. I then realized that he could have been taken for a ride due to the odd nature of the trade, and the sinister light of mocking RC's. I checked the vial under high-band UV and it illuminated, my eyes were crimson.

I carefully placed the tinfoil print-side down on my tongue and slowly drifted. After about twenty minutes I was certain it was the real deal when the fair lady, Lucy, greeted me at her gate, the furthest I had ever been, and invited me into her house. What a psychedelic wonder-pad she had, indeed.

The funny part is that my friend had a similarly high-potency experience, even with his tolerance, which makes me think he probably lifted quite alot off of the tinfoil while it was drying, or dosed when he saw I was completely delirious. :)

Again, probably not something I want to try again. Or maybe I do...

heir proctor

New Member
Damn, how bad that could have been if it was indeed some RC like DOX or one of the nbome's!

So how long were you tripping for?

Having experienced a way above average dose, do you think there is a saturation point with LSD?

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I really think your right, good thing I didn't let my compulsive side get the better of me. Who knows, maybe if I didn't check it would have been a RC. At the twelve hour point I noticed a considerable comedown, like to the point of being able to actually recognize my hand or a table. After effects lasted easily another 6 hours. It started with kaleidoscopic OEV's and progressed to complete fictionalization then came back to the OEV's. The 'mind fuck' is a given as I assume most of you realize but at that dose you just kind of give in and love.

As far as saturation points I think its when every synapse reaches affinity saturation. Now I think you may reach toxic levels, and quite definitely serotonin syndrome, before that ever happens. I have performed a quick google search that reveals a theorized dose saturation point of 5-HT receptors at 2000mcg, which I probably came close to breaching, no doubt if not right over the top. The twelve hours of shear imagination seems to point in that direction.


Well-Known Member
Cool story, Ellis :clap:
I'm sure you've read Chinacat72's (+WhiteRasta) Thumbprint thread over @ Shroomery. Wild stuff. Doses of up to 50mg :shock: UNfathomable.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
No I just came across it while reading through a thread about the saturation points.

I read his first couple stories now about his experience, and the one in the motel in Ohio or Cleaveland or something.

I have no idea what to think about that much LSD. That seem over the top, but at the same time can see how it could be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Someone I know had done about 800ug (his estimate) accidentaly (think he said 5-6 drops of liquid lsd) and had to be taken back to his dad from his friends, lol Might of been his first time with lsd, don`t remember but after an hour they just polished the vial off thinking it was weak or inactive. His dad was a medic dropout and measured a pulse of 250bpm or something like that. My friend truly belives he just about avoided death that day, is that just his belief or in other words, bullshit?

It has to be if people are doing 2-50mg`s of the stuff!! :)

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Well it can certainly be said it feels like death at such high doses.

I have done a 4-square of some powerful stuff, even 6-hits once, but never have I felt like that one day, before or since.

I was learned enough to know I wouldn't die, but it does have an indistinguishable feeling of 'dissolution'?.?.


Well-Known Member
Someone I know had done about 800ug (his estimate) accidentaly (think he said 5-6 drops of liquid lsd) and had to be taken back to his dad from his friends, lol Might of been his first time with lsd, don`t remember but after an hour they just polished the vial off thinking it was weak or inactive. His dad was a medic dropout and measured a pulse of 250bpm or something like that. My friend truly belives he just about avoided death that day, is that just his belief or in other words, bullshit?

It has to be if people are doing 2-50mg`s of the stuff!! :)
We avoid death every day we survive, don't we? ;)

But seriously, a heart rate of 250 bpm?! Wowzer, I think he IS lucky to be alive.

That's the thing with low to moderate doses. You may be fried as fuck, but you are very aware, you know? Awareness coupled with new and alien experiences, or even just a negative trip, this can potentially bring about much psychological stress manifested physically. With extreme thumbprint doses (not from personal experience, mind you) you are so far gonzo that the mind is not experiencing a 'here and now' as it were, so the body's regulatory system operates on a relatively 'normal' level. Or so I've read, anyway.


Well-Known Member
If there are heroes out there blasting away on such doses then I`m feeling pretty safe :)

Yeh that makes sense Cannabiz Canuck, I was thinking the excitement/fear of the trip coupled with the stimulating effects causing some heart troubles. But then again, looking at how many people died from LSD in history you get a pretty safe answer :)


Well-Known Member
FFS I hate living in a new state and having no connections.

I stumble upon these thread all the time, a quick read is all I can do before I fill up with jealousy.

Cheers to ya'll - My time will come, but not soon enough :):):):):)