Cruzer 101 you are much kind with your wisdom.. I realize this is an old post, but water chillers havent went down much if any over here in the land of the big 3 (almost( and legal mmmp cards with doctors approval. Anyways I luv your mini fridge idea/invention with the freezer plate in the nute tank, I just wanted to ask you what size fridge that was and name brand.. I just dont want to buy anyone, what Im getting at is the one you used in your picture is white coated I guess? but its not metal, and for me thats good cuz I wouldnt want to put any exposed metal in my tank... and I'd like to know size to base off the tank you used to the fridge you used to compare with what Im planning on using.. One last thought.. What do you think of have disconnecting the cooling tray at either the closet point to the back wall or even see if you could cut it off from the condensor and pull it through the fridge back wall then take/break cooling tray off, with connections and thermostat still intact, and leave fridge totally intact and reroute tray from outside part of condesor basically instead of traveling inside the fridge you would reroute to rez even by longer cooling tray tubing/connection themostat as well but thats just wire or rewire (2) I believe but Im no expert but I will ask these questions to my heating/cooling/refridgerant guy )) first thing tomorrow I cant wait.. and you have a blessed one.. wisdom is a gift always best shared then hidden.. hope to hear back.. I invent a lil bit myself ))