The Talk - Everything Included

Stay away from OK! LOL you might think the south is friendly, but people don't STOP when you are broke down on the side of the road. I was puzzled when that happened to me, bc EVERY person you pass while driving wants to wave at you. And the small towns are too small, with hierarchies based solely on wealth, your last name and what church you attend. I qualify in none of the three, therefore I am a loner- ten fold, than I had ever experienced in my high school days lol.

I miss Alaska like crazy. It's beauty, snow, of course the top quality weed (never bricked!!) and the truly friendly people who are generally accepting of many creed. BUT there can always be found, drama. And that's how I spell "crazy family" lol.
Here in alaska things seem to have stalled in the movement towards leaglization. Anyone in ak want to help? where do we go?
Here in alaska things seem to have stalled in the movement towards leaglization. Anyone in ak want to help? where do we go?
I believe Alaska needs to continue on the road to Medical - that helps make the transition (in a few years) easier for the anti's to accept.
How about dispensaries, how come we don't have any?
10 More days and I will be able to escape this shit hole in San Diego and come back to AK but, only for a week. Nice to see a few more Alaskans here on the forums. I cannot wait...oh I am so excited to see the snow and my family.
I believe Alaska needs to continue on the road to Medical - that helps make the transition (in a few years) easier for the anti's to accept.
How about dispensaries, how come we don't have any?

I was wondering this my self? Maybe there are no laws about selling it?...idk Its a good question

HEllo everyone, just checking in with you fellow AK peeps. Will be keeping an eye on here. Peace 907
My vacation was great, however I was freezing cold for the first week then it warmed up and started raining, classic AK winter weather. We did head out to Gorilla FW's and loaded up on the explosives and literally had a blast on new years.
I would like to organize a patient/caregivers meeting in Anchorage, anyone care to be involved? We should be networking, meeting with the public, and getting the ball rolling in AK. Alaska should not be 20 years behind when it comes to cannabis!

I guess I'm a bit late on this, but I would be interested. We are very behind.
Alaska Medical marijuana Advocacy

They are educators aiming to raise awareness and help patients seeking supplies. Their idea is that through awareness of the gray areas and immaculate conception laws, it will become obvious that the laws are unjust and need reform, and the inevitable will be just that. That however, is a tall task when according to their latest study, nearly 70% of Alaskans are unaware of their own medical marijuana laws. Join the group, raise awareness, make a change.


This is the best thing brewing in AK as of late, and looks to be a winner group! I suggest all Alaskan cannabis supporters contact these folks and see what you can do to help, join, etc. They too are leading the way in creating a legal medical marijuana related business that would open doors for many folks; based out of Anchorage however their is talk of opening simultaneously in various locations. Serious People!
Hey nothereners, so I have decided after working here for a month(yakutat, ak) that I am going to make the move back to AK. Thinking about girdwood or maybe anchorage. I forgot how much I missed this place after being here even though Yakutat is like a crazy fucking jungle. So many critters here. Im going fly fishing later with some of our lodge guides ill let you know how the fishing is!
Alaska Medical marijuana Advocacy

They are educators aiming to raise awareness and help patients seeking supplies. Their idea is that through awareness of the gray areas and immaculate conception laws, it will become obvious that the laws are unjust and need reform, and the inevitable will be just that. That however, is a tall task when according to their latest study, nearly 70% of Alaskans are unaware of their own medical marijuana laws. Join the group, raise awareness, make a change.


This is the best thing brewing in AK as of late, and looks to be a winner group! I suggest all Alaskan cannabis supporters contact these folks and see what you can do to help, join, etc. They too are leading the way in creating a legal medical marijuana related business that would open doors for many folks; based out of Anchorage however their is talk of opening simultaneously in various locations. Serious People!
Woodsman - I googled the outfit & didn't find any Alaska contacts, did I miss it?

Hey nothereners, so I have decided after working here for a month(yakutat, ak) that I am going to make the move back to AK. Thinking about girdwood or maybe anchorage. I forgot how much I missed this place after being here even though Yakutat is like a crazy fucking jungle. So many critters here. Im going fly fishing later with some of our lodge guides ill let you know how the fishing is!
Congrats on deciding on coming home - I managed to nail a 40 lb King last weekend (and Halibut too of course).
Let us know where you finally decided to settle.
AK grown, are the steelies done down there? I plucked a couple of nice little kings yesterday. I'm ready for the trout to stop breeding so I can tighten some lines. The kings were fun...and tasty on the grill.
sent an email to amma hope they get back to me gonna tell my other buddies about it once i get the info
yeah there still running albeit much further up the river. The sockeye are really picking up now. I couldnt catch one thing with that damn flyrod, i guess you cant expect much from a 1st time fly fisherman trying to catch sockeye but we still brought fish home. had a blast cant wait to do it again!