Nutrients or No Nutrients?

X MagicMushroom

Active Member
I have purchased some lowryder seeds from attitude and have been debabting for a while if i need nutrients. Ive hewrs that 90% of the plant is genetics so if i have good seeds genetics wise, if i dont use nuttients
Will my bud still come out stellar or just green homegrown lookin stuff? I need help ive been sewrching fir an answer for weeks now and my plants are now growing first sets of fan leaves so if im gunna use them i wanna order them now. PLEASE SOMEONE REPLY AND GIVE ME SOME TYPE OF INFORMATION REGARDING THIS!!
No nutes whatsoever in the first 3 weeks...and that's with nuteless soil.....lowryder strains are one of my favs and good genetics but I do use organic nutes (biobizz) to aid in health and yeild....genetics are a big part of success but it takes lot of patience and timely a google search for'll find some good info perhaps...
it depends on your medium , soil, hydro, soiless etc as to whether you need nutes.

Genetics do play a big part but so too does the environment.

What are your plants in right now?

Plants need nutrition to live. When a seed pops open, it is because it had stored nutrients in it from when it was created.
The photosynthetic equation, if I recall correctly is Sunlight + CO2 + H2O + nutrients = C6H12O6 + O2

so what that means is a plant uses sunlight, co2, water and nutrients to make sugars for itself to survive AND then it gives us O2, Oxygen.

Here is a graphical representation for the youngsters who are averse to reading text:

it is sill to think you can have raise a living thing without feeding it. just marinate on that for a minute.

Plants need nutrition to live. When a seed pops open, it is because it had stored nutrients in it from when it was created.
The photosynthetic equation, if I recall correctly is Sunlight + CO2 + H2O + nutrients = C6H12O6 + O2

so what that means is a plant uses sunlight, co2, water and nutrients to make sugars for itself to survive AND then it gives us O2, Oxygen.

Here is a graphical representation for the youngsters who are averse to reading text:

it is sill to think you can have raise a living thing without feeding it. just marinate on that for a minute.


As Tommy said... There is absolutely no way you can grow a plant through veg, and the flower it with any type of success, without Micro and Macro Nutrients.

You should use nutrients that have every nutrient needed for growing Marijuana...

If your not gonna use nutrients i suggest you dont even grow as its not worth the risk involved

you can put together your own nutrients if you know what your doing.. otherwise you should get a full feeding program.. they come in Two, Three or sometimes 4+ bottles. They range from very cheap to very expensive.. A few to check out.. General hydroponics ( for hydro) Or foxfarm and or biobuzz for soil..

You need nutes for all stages of growth.. if you were to choose say foxfarm, you would need the three bottle set. Grow big, Big bloom, And Tiger bloom. These contain all of the micro and macro nutrients needed. If your really into your plants foxfarm makes an additional three soluable nutes called Beastie bloomz, Cha ching , And open Sesseme

if your looking for something more simple General hydroponics makes a Floro series that is only two bottles instead of 3 or 6

Please dont feed Seeds Seedlings or even tiny plants just starting veg untill they need it.
Also nutrient companys are in the business of selling nutrients so the strength they reccommend is just WAY over board. Use about 25% of the strength reccomended.
Marijuana horticulture is semi difficult, especially when first starting out. When i first started nothing was more valuable then two books, One is Jorge Cervanties Indoor/Outdoor Grow bible. The second is Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana growers handbook.

These will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and then some. This website is also a very good place but sometimes it can be hard to find exactly what your looking for. Also there is no lack of bad answers on this website and you have to be careful. If it sounds wacked out and crazy ... it most likely is
No nutes whatsoever in the first 3 weeks...and that's with nuteless soil.....lowryder strains are one of my favs and good genetics but I do use organic nutes (biobizz) to aid in health and yeild....genetics are a big part of success but it takes lot of patience and timely a google search for'll find some good info perhaps...

I have read allll overgoogle but ifeel like i nees to talk one on one to really get questions anssered. I wanted to use butes for the first time and wanted to go organic too. If you have a guide as to what you use for your as a feeding shcedule and a how you dilute whateber type you buy. They are currently in some organic seedling soil i bought from a local garden shop and they have sprouted about a week ago, i would like to get going with the nutes soon because these autos flower quick and i wanna make sure i get some good lookin bug yelidin buds. I have harvested one time before but it was just a plant and grow. Nothing but water and i wasnt dissapointed just lookin to get more serious and need lota of help with nutes. I have read before on biobizz but i need to talk to skmkne with one on one about it who has used it before.
I have about 20 lowryder ak48 strain feminized. They are outside and are in some peatmoss pots for now. All but a few have spriuted and some are even growing there first node or two high. They are in some type or organic soil with perlite/moss/humuss etc. Basically im asking for somone who has grown lowryders and is comfortable with a type or organic nutrient and knows a good feeding schedule and dilluted solution. I reallt wanna try using nutes, lastgrow i just watered and was deffinatly not ashamed so i could imagine what itd be like if i fed them.