OK, so im an idiot......


Active Member
The title says it al im afraid...

Planted 15 seeds, all germinated fine (Super Skunk)

Of the 15 that germinated, only 9 sprouted when potted

They have been sat in a propagator ever since with a standard home use CFL, ABOUT 30 - 40 CM away, maybe even more at the start.

Because of this, 6 of em have grown to about 4, maybe even 5 inches before the first set of "proper" leaves have even started moving up out of the "original" 2 leaves (sorry about the lack of correct terminology here!)
Im having to use the missus' hair clips bent up and stuck in the pots to hold them up!

Is this stretching too much?
Can i save em?

I do have 10 White Widow seeds in reserve, ready to germinate if you all agree ive fucked em up!

If i can save em, will i have any height issues with em starting off so tall, or can i correct that at a later stage by topping the fuck out of em?

Just for extra info for ya....

they are all planted in vermiculite, cus ive got a full re-circulating bubbler waiting for them - and didnt see the point of planting in a jiffy cube just to rip the roots out of it when im ready to transplant.

200w blue CFL in the grow room with
125 centrifugal fan with filter
Co2 injection
heater on a thermostat
6 pot recirculating bubbler, all in a 1.2m X 1.2m X 2.5m room

So verdict please - Am i an idiot for keepin the light so far away? Have i wrecked my dreams of having 6 4ft budding super skunks?:cry:

Thanks in advance,



New Member
Just keep em staked up they will recover as long as they do not stretch any more. You might wanna think about more lighting.


Well-Known Member
I agree with bigballin, but I also suggest if you are truly worried about the stretching...gently dig them up and plant the stem deeper into the dirt....


Active Member
Wow, that simple eh?

Just dig em up and plant em deeper who'd have thunk it!?
Genius idea though - thanks for that!

Im guessing once the stem sees that its in darkness it will just start growing roots - or will it just stay as stem under the ground?

Also - i forgot to mention,

as im growing in vermiculite - do i need to give much food?,
I have been so far, and im seeing a little browning of the edges of one plant, and from the info ive seen on here that would be nute burn????
Ive been using miracle grow of all things, as i started off wanting to do it on the cheap - after reading threads on this site though ive come to realise that probably wasnt the best choice though!

As for the lighting - i ran out of money when buying all the kit, i am going to invest in another lamp when payday finally gets here though, and then buy to orange spectrum lamps for the flowering - would that be enough, or would you suggest some more round the sides lower down for lighting the mid/bottom of the plants also?

Thanks again (im gonna go re-plant my babys now)


Well-Known Member
I am not very familiar with vermiculite. I like fox farm ocean forest myself. However, there could be a number of things going on with the plant that would make it brown at the edges. Over nuting is one thing, over watering is another, and I do believe if you mist/spray your plants under the light it will burn them. Personally, I think if you do a fluoro grow you should have some High Output lights. I have Sun Blaze T5 HO bulbs, 4 feet each and they both spit out 10,000 lumens!!! These bulbs, if you are worried about space, also come in 2 footers. I have a site that could be helpful, You can't order from it or anything but A. you can look up your products or whatever you need and then B. search the who the site supplies. If you're lucky someone near you may be selling these ^_^ Just remember the more light without burning your plant the better.


Well-Known Member
nope not the same....those dont even look like T5's. look for Sun Blaze T5 HO lights/fixtures. T5 bulbs are really really small.


Well-Known Member
nope not the same....those dont even look like T5's. look for Sun Blaze T5 HO lights/fixtures. T5 bulbs are really really small.
Thats what I'm using....Six 2' Sun Blaze T5 HO flouros....over 2 seedlings...they're less that two inches and have 3 going on 4 sets of leaves...Looks like they're going to veg into very bushy babies...glad I bought those lights!!!


New Member
Your plants are going to die if you keep them in the Miracle grow...
This is bullshit! I have grown in MG with many of my crops. Yes MG with time release! Mg is just not as good as other mediums, nothing more.
I could go outside and dig up even dirt out of my back yard and grow in. Hell some person is even growing in a gutter on his roof.
It's what you do with what you have that matters more than what you use when it comes to soil.


Active Member
Ive just been sifting throught he forum lookin at everyones lovely bud - and something has occured to me....

My "seedlings" are coming up to 2 weeks old - is it just me or are they FUCKIN SMALL??

Could this be the miracle grow i have been feeding them with??


Active Member
ok, so i found this pic on here (thanks to who ever took it) i couldnt be bothered to take a pic, copy it to pc ect.....

this is exactly what my seedlings look like!


Active Member
just found this pic on here (thanks someone!) couldnt be bothered to take a pic and put it on my pc etc, faaaaar to stoned for that shit.

Anyway, this is exactly what my seedlings look like!

Why the hell are they still like this???


This is bullshit! I have grown in MG with many of my crops. Yes MG with time release! Mg is just not as good as other mediums, nothing more.
I could go outside and dig up even dirt out of my back yard and grow in. Hell some person is even growing in a gutter on his roof.
It's what you do with what you have that matters more than what you use when it comes to soil.

that is one of the problems i had with my last grow... i used dirt from the yard, and it gave me nothing but hell. there is nothing wrong with mg soil, you just have to be careful


Well-Known Member
just found this pic on here (thanks someone!) couldnt be bothered to take a pic and put it on my pc etc, faaaaar to stoned for that shit.

Anyway, this is exactly what my seedlings look like!

Why the hell are they still like this???
you need more light...or maybe move your light closer to the top of your plant....you can put cfls really close.


Well-Known Member
This is bullshit! I have grown in MG with many of my crops. Yes MG with time release! Mg is just not as good as other mediums, nothing more.
I could go outside and dig up even dirt out of my back yard and grow in. Hell some person is even growing in a gutter on his roof.
It's what you do with what you have that matters more than what you use when it comes to soil.
MG is working wonders for me and my plants are growing faster with the lighting that I am using right now compared to my friend that is using 2 TFL here's one of the lights that I am using



Active Member
Ok then - so this time ive added pictures - i know how much you guys like pictures!

Lets make one thing clear - this is my first grow, and yes - ive spent alot of money on kit. I almost certainly didnt NEED all of this stuff, but by my reckoning it will be easier in the long run ( :? )


My seedlings havnt really gotten much better,

so far i have re-potted them deeper so the stay upright, put them in this home brew seedling box (picture 1) while i finished my grow room, stopped giving them nutes (told i didnt need to as they are too young), cut down on watering (thought i was over watering), watered little but more often (thought i was underwatering) and finally moved them into my grow room with Co2 injection.

ONLY 1 of my seedlings seems to have stood up to all my fuckups!
(although it will probably turn out to be a male, or at least a hermie!)

My dilema is, i have purchased 2 packs of seeds from Dr.Chronic, x5 trainwreck, and x5 Arjans haze #3 both packs of seeds are feminized.

I have been given 4 White widow seeds, 2 of which have just germinated.

Do i fuck the whole lot off and start again with my new seeds that i know are good and will all be female?

Or do i keep my 1 good super skunk bag seed, the strongest white widow, and keep on practicing with those untill i prove myself able to handle £47 worth of well good seed??

Any and all input is welcome (comments on my grow room also much appreciated!)



GUAGES & Co2 (top - PH, bottom - Constant TDS)




Active Member
I forgot to mention - my PH and TDS - they are in the system with it running, but with no nutes added - whats my PH like for tap water??

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Tap water differs in ph and hardness depending on where it comes from. Your plants streached trying to get to the light. It sounds like you have enough seeds to start a forest. I would keep the ones you have now and pratice. That's what I did, you can check out how bad I screwed up my plants in "way to much ph up". I was told to kill them and start over. Joke was on them, they have snapped out of it and I just took clones 3 days ago and started giving them mir-grow plant food to supplement the other nutes I'm giving them and they are growing like crazy. I thought after taking 19 clones it would have cleared up space but now the lower branches have taken over.

That's one hell of a setup for a first grow. I spent $700 for what I've got and it doesn't look anything like yours, good job. They are way to young for any nutes right now. They are so fragile that you can burn them or nute posion them before you know it without trying.

From what I've read here you should finish what you have and get some experience under your belt before trying WW. They say it isn't as forgiving as other strains.

Whatever you do good luck....