I could use some advice... Should I clear house or take the risk?


Well-Known Member
Sup rollitup, I'm in a bit of a pickle and I would like to know what you guys would do in my situation...
Here's the skinny, I'm growing(duh) and a friend of mine who is also growing had some really really bad luck while he was out of town and just got busted... This friend knows that I am also growing but I talked to him and convinced him (at least I hope so) that I destroyed my grow op and cleaned house. He is currently getting his affairs in order before he turns himself in. I am scared shitless that he's gonna roll on me but I'm only four weeks away from my harvest and I just can't bring myself to destroy my children... He's an good friend but I should just assume he is going to roll on me and I should start chopping now! But goddamnit I don't know what to do and I could use some sage advice...


Well-Known Member
I only have four weeks left... Is there any general time frame that would tell me how long would it take them to get a warrent and raid my ass??

benny blanco

Active Member
None of my real friends would rat. But I don't know what kind of charactors you associate with. Go on your gut feeling


Well-Known Member
I don't know man, I don't think so but I don't know how hard they are gonna pressure him... If I was sure I would have chopped asap but jail scares theshit out of me and in SC they are kinda harasses about this shit.


Active Member
If hes a good friend why would he ''roll on you'' ? Unless you have done something in the past to piss him off then I dont see why he would. Continue with your grow :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, his roomate Tried to kill herself (or at least she tied to get attention) while she was at her boyfriends house and she sent a text to her bro and then turned off her phone so her bro called the cops and they went to her house looking for her and found his garden tent.


Active Member
I'd continue to grow, start your clean up now and get the miscellaneous out of there or atleast somewhere else. Get prepared for harvest and have a plan and where you are going to hold the stuff. Is there any way you could move or move your grow op? Let us know how it all turns out. Good luck.


Active Member
Unless your a bigger then he his why would u think he would sell u out. But if you wondering how long did he get and how much did he have?

Los Muertos

Active Member
I would think a good lawyer could get that shit thrown out. I mean, don't they have to be specifically looking for pot?
Also, I wouldn't think your buddy would really have anything to gain by ratting on you unless you've got way more plants
or something. Cops aren't gonna let someone off with a 2 plant grow just for another 2 plant grow. If he's a good friend
he'll do the right thing. I can understand being worried though. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Well then it's not like they have had him under investigation and all.He got popped on a fluke,bummer.I think you should carry on.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't sweat it. From my experience they don't play tag with grows. Now if you got busted on the street with a sack then they want to know where it came from. But when your the grower the line stops at you. I was told by my lawyer that only the feds cut deals. The locals will tell you they can cut a deal but it wont help you. Or your friend I should say. You should learn from this. I tell people that I have to go by the growers house to pick up the stuff. Don't tell anyone about your grow especially where it is. Friends today enemies tomorrow. WM


New Member
The fact that you think there might even be a small chance he will rat you out tells me he probably will.

I think you hurt your self by telling him its all gone, if the feds ask about other people or maybe even you he may be inclined to rat thinking you have nothing to get caught with.

Get what I am saying....

Cut your shit down while you can or even move it somewhere else for a couple weeks. Are a few ounces really worth the 5 - 10k you will spend on a lawyer?


Well-Known Member
if you dont atleast move them your fucking stupid.And you wont even be able to beat his ass in jail,they'll make sure you to are always seperated.If your friends a real bitch hell go into PC