I could use some advice... Should I clear house or take the risk?


Well-Known Member
what the fuck ? are they really that bad in the ol us of a ? shit four plants in the uk would be pants down , slapp on wrist dont do it again sir ...........would you really do time for such a minimal crime ?
have you not heard about the war on drugs in the states, they fuckin hammer you big time

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
well yeah but i try to blank out shitty stuff like that wid big thick spliffs , i must say im pretty shocked youd do time for growing four plants ............yet in some states its ok for medical reasons wtf ? :-(


Well-Known Member
well yeah but i try to blank out shitty stuff like that wid big thick spliffs , i must say im pretty shocked youd do time for growing four plants ............yet in some states its ok for medical reasons wtf ? :-(
don't make scence does it if its that bad for ya why dish it out for meds, there are more people fucked up from booze than weed, thats governments for ya

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i really fear for amereica , im serious they are most powerfull country in the world and is it 90% believe in a fictional being in the sky? and they lock you up for growing a plant this same fictional being suposedly put on this earth like wtf ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
and any of u religious cunts try sayin weed is the devils work then you are wrong very wrong , weed was used thousands of years before christianity was even thought of .


New Member
Yeah, his roomate Tried to kill herself (or at least she tied to get attention) while she was at her boyfriends house and she sent a text to her bro and then turned off her phone so her bro called the cops and they went to her house looking for her and found his garden tent.

If he gets a lawyer thats worth a damn this case will be dismissed. Your friend can file for a NO ARREST bond and not really deal with the whole jail thing.. if the cops came looking for one thing, find something else inside a tent.. well shit they were where they weren't supposed to be.


Well-Known Member
If he gets a lawyer thats worth a damn this case will be dismissed. Your friend can file for a NO ARREST bond and not really deal with the whole jail thing.. if the cops came looking for one thing, find something else inside a tent.. well shit they were where they weren't supposed to be.
lol at the end of the day guys they found it and would have seized it no lawyer will get it thrown out even if they wasn't there for the tent you know i know we all know it :) pce


Well-Known Member
It all worked out just fine... I guess I got all worried for nothing...
I once went crazy over weed... At one time in my life all my friends would get together and smoke whaterver we had until the last .01 gram man.. then out of nowhere they were like fuck that we have 1 bowl left for myself... I went crazy broke bongs and shit... it was bad