Outdoor Party Mix 2011

seed slaya

Active Member
gday everyone, ill be updateing you on a grow i started from seed about 4 weeks ago.
so far this is my lineup

- 3 blueberry haze
- and a few seeds i got mixed up which were.. hashplant, ak47 and some random one : p

the blueberries were germed in papertowel and the rest were put directly into peet soil pellets( both produced about similar results)

only 2 blueberries sprouted but there growing strong. and the mixed seeds sprouted 2 nice sprouts themselves.(i plan on putting up pics tomorow maybe)

i started them a little late and the weathers been pretty greasy, but there doing fine and seem to be getting pretty tough in the process. thats all for now, if interested look out for some pics : D

later, wish me luck
nice man, good luck with your grow. your lucky you have some genetic seeds. is this your first time growing? this year is mine, im growing outdoors with bagseed. i have 3 plants vegging at 3 weeks right now and im germinating more soon. ill be following your grow
thanks man, n ya i got my seeds from a friend whos been collecting great strains for years so i was lucky. its my second year growing(last years went satisfactory) , ill check out your grow for sure too : )
thankfully the weathers cleared up, plants are darkening up, in about a week
ill start feeding them low concentrations of molasis, tryn to keep this as organic as possible
finally got a pic up check it out, there a lil out of date now though

happy smokin,
good job they look nice and green. what kind of soil are you using? the soil in the pot on the bottom right looks kinda green, you might wana check that out. nice job :joint:
im using some organic soil(cant think of its name from the top of my head:P ) mixed in some peat and perlite.
about the dirt bein green, it kinda is at the top from the peat pellot pod, doesnt seem to be causin much issue tho
plants are taking off, 3 have started there true leaves
the dwarf continues to lag behind but whatever
problem: plants are showing signs of burning on the outside of leaves, cnt be sure what burn but just in case i flushed em and have been keeping them in a shadier spot, hopefully it clears up
my plants today, you can see the little burn marks on them, nothing to serious
check em out


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nice they look alot bigger in just a few days. are you using any nutes? and you might wana germinate more seeds, ive noticed that having backup plants is a good idea cus shit can happen to your plants pretty quickly.
nice they look alot bigger in just a few days. are you using any nutes? and you might wana germinate more seeds, ive noticed that having backup plants is a good idea cus shit can happen to your plants pretty quickly.

i gave them very low concentrations of root builder while they were small and not long ago i started to feed them a molasis mixture(seems to be working)
also i might get a few clones off a friend for a backup : p
question: im thinking of putting my champion plant into a bigger pot soon as it seems to be outgrowing it, ne one else think its ready?
funny story about the anything can happen to your plants post, about 2 years ago a bunch of seeds spilled over the side of my porch(sux) and ever since every year after the snow melts a patch of seeds sprout on there own in that spot, its funny because the dirt there is disgusting my ex-step father smokes and has thrown his cig butts in that spot for probly 5 years and in that spot they get no direct sunlight at all,
the plants grow there no problem and iv never done anything to look after them
jeez eh? weeds will grow anywhere ; p
it should probly be good for a little while longer, they can actually stay in little pots for a while before they get rootbound. when do you plan on putting them in the ground? and you should try growing one of those ciggy plants, maybe you invented a new strain or something :joint::hump:
i decided to transplant the big plant,(i noticed a bunch of roots coming out of the pots drainage holes)
the transplant couldnt of gone better, i doubt it will even go into shock.
i topped the champ and all the other plants are ready for topping except for the dwarf, which incidently i found out isnt really mutated. i guess i acidently pinched off a section of it when it was a little sprout witch effectivley topped it in a very strange spot, n now its growing wierd as hell. you can see in the pictures check them out.

will keep ya updated
nice job youve had a lot of growth since the last pictures. even though they were small at first i think they'll do fine
ok couple things to run down here,

first off i have to transplant my plants again (roots growing unstopably) iv done 2 so far i need to find more buckets to do the rest. i moved the 2 into there final sized bin and i can only hope to god it wont outgrow it seing as its still got about a month n a half of veg o.o.

secondly iv been having some nasty bug problems theres quite a few cases where there are a bunch of small holes in the leaves -.- (anyone know of a cheap organic pesticide you can buy at a retail store?) another thing is the plants are showing yellow stripes / spots i assume its from the bugs chewing on the poor things but just in case ill put up some pics later n see if i can get a diagnostic.

lastley iv decided to clear out our old barn where we raised chickens, geese and roosters. and im digging up all the dirt in there. that stuffs old as hell mybe 3-4 years. but i know poultry manure is decent for growing weed. just wanted to make sure that stuff doesnt go bad after a period of time b4 i throw it in my pots.

thnx for any future input,
and happy shmokin ,bongsmilie