Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, yes you should pinch them some first. But its not the rule. It depends on feel of the plant. Plus if the height will end up causing problems down the road then you gave less vested and to lose by taking action now as opposed to then! Pinching is to prevent breaking the stem mostly. They look fine also, did a good job man!
That is good to know..... so if it is more "woody" then a pinch may be necessary. should I worry about supporting them or will they toughen up on their own?


Well-Known Member
That is good to know..... so if it is more "woody" then a pinch may be necessary. should I worry about supporting them or will they toughen up on their own?
Sometimes they fall on something in the grow room or another branch long enough to start rebuilding, but some do need support. It cant hurt!!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes they fall on something in the grow room or another branch long enough to start rebuilding, but some do need support. It cant hurt!!
Sweet!!! thanks so much for your help!!!!!!

speaking of supports... I know a few of us growers are on a tight budget, and I know those long wooden poles that we use for supports are not that cheap. here is an idea that i had that i though i would share..... the next time you are at a chinese restaurant, grab "a few extra" chopsticks, tape them together and there ya have it!!!



Well-Known Member
oh no man! im asking!! i tried supercropping,the pinching dealio that does the same thing u did.but i pinched the whole top right of.i cloned it and am packing a bowl of it as we type! but im thinking i might do what you did on my outdoor.over 6-7 ft the street behind my house will see them.but i could do something like youve done to fix that problem. but i was told to lightly pinch one direction,then 180 deg-lightly pinch again.then it should sorta fall over.well mine sorta fell off!lol
Make sure you do it right below a node and not in the middle of 2 nodes...they tend to snap when you do it further away from the node (Found that out the hard way like you ><)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is suppose to get the hormones going into overdrive, which spurs growth generally. Like topping kinda, but not losing the top :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is suppose to get the hormones going into overdrive, which spurs growth generally. Like topping kinda, but not losing the top :D
I sure do like overdrive!!!!!! It will be interesting to see the comparison. I have her twin sister in the opposite corner. she is a few inches shorter, and is getting the same amount of light. The only difference is I started to flower her twin one day later. Thanks again for the advise!!!!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful family Stoney GL on the supercropping
Thanks Smokey!!! I'm excited to see this side by side grow. I'm gonna post my results throughout the grow like the photo below. these plants were all vegged same day, same way.... the non-supercropped girl was put into flower on day later. they appeared to be exactly the same before i supercropped. and the pics below that are just for showing off. it is my tangerine dream. she has pretty much side growth for only being 17 days old from the time she sprouted. I know it's a little early but i gave her a very mild feeding tonight.

so enough of the BS.... here is the photos!!!



Well-Known Member
TD is getting big bro!! nice thick stalk!! gonna be good mother!!!
she is thick as a pencil! I plan to top her soon if she keeps growing this good!!! she is gonna be a clone factory!!!!! and she better be a she!

looking good stoney!! very nice bro.
Thank you sir!!!! i probably missed ya already, but good luck tonight!!!!

well guys it's all night smoke out Saturday night at stoney's!!!! I live near a bunch of dutch people (PA dutch) and they think BBQ is hamburger with ketchup mixed in.... YUCK!!!! here at stoneys we do it the right way..... smoked on wood, low and slow!!!! I'm warming up the smoker now... and about to put this bad boy on all night long for tomorrow!!! and believe me this ain't the only thing were smoking tonight!!!!



Well-Known Member
Stoney, first i have to congratulate you on the BBQ ingredients. That's how I do BBQ's in homerville as well!!! (only difference is I use coarse see salt, lol), but none of that hamburger and ketchup crap...Cumin, paprika and garlic powder... Perfect!!

Second of all, the supercropped and the TG pics look great!!

You asked me earlier what kind of tomato I was growing... funny story actually. It's a mystery seed that accidentally germed on a dirty kitchen rag last October lol. I raised it to a humongous 6-foot tall plant that yielded 2 (yes, just 2) tomatoes that were large and steak-like. possibly heirloom. Took a bunch of clones, gave most away, and finally gave the big mother plant to a friend with yard, but it was too late for her. The last clone I took, well I just fitted that one with the DT hat, and put her in my old box with all the lights on at full blast. I'll take a picture soon and show you. Gotta keep myself occupied while I can't grow the weed, you know?

Peace bro, have fun tonight!!


Active Member
Looks damn good Stoney nice slab of meat!! Bet it was wonderful!!!! Once a year the Smokey family gets together and we throw us a whole hog on the BBQ for 18 to 24 hours depending on the size of the hog, chop that meat up put my dads sauce on it make some cole slaw, boiled tators, greens, collards, and yams. Got yourself a family gathering!