The Whale Wars thread


Well-Known Member
Save the motherfuckin' whales! :peace:

Can't wait, new season starts tonight at 9PM Eastern on Animal Planet...

They use a lot of non-lethal tactics to either ruin the deck of the whaling ships thus making the meat unsellable, they use prop-stop lines dragged in front of the whaling boats to stop their propellers, and more recently I think they are stepping it up to more lethal tactics, or at least dangerous to the whaling crew by throwing objects similar to molotov's on the whaling vessels.

No one else watches this? It's quite entertaining.
Ive gotten into the show...its sometimes kinda interesting but usually pretty boring i hate to say that
I like that they r running with more than one boat now though
Watched several of the first series of shows.....The captain of the one ship is certifiable.......Those foreign Whaling ships are lucky i'm not in charge LOL...research on the side or not we all know what they are doing so you give them 60 minutes to abandon ship then sink it. Or better yet tow it to port and scrap it...send the reigistered country a cheque for the amount it fetched at the scrap yard along with a nice letter explaining that we are happy to help them get rid of their whaling fleets....all they have to do is keep sending them and we will keep scraping them.

The other side of the coin is.....We have certain cultures here on earth that have been hunting whales since forever for their survival.

That same Captain went down to the coast South America to fight the shark fin industry as well. Very interesting documentary forget the name but its worth a watch.
the captain sucks, hes always talking about how they have to be willing to risk there lives, when he's not even willing to risk his. he doesnt care about the whales.
The captain will go down with his boat I am sure... but he is the Captain for a reason, hes paid his dues and risked his life plenty of times in the past.
"whaleing finaly Ends?" that obviously mean it probably doesnt.. bc there obviously not sure about it.

and what i consider war is irrelavent.

bc that an incredably complicated question, that cant be answered simply, and thats why you asked it. and i dont appreciate that. **
i will see if i can catch that series, looks pretty good, i like deadliest catch myself, tough guys on those boats

what ho G, how ya doin
i will see if i can catch that series, looks pretty good, i like deadliest catch myself, tough guys on those boats

what ho G, how ya doin

It's good, especially if you are supportive of animal conservation as I am.

Yeah, some of the crew may be a little out there on some things, but they've got some badasses on the crew as well... especially the crew of Gojira.
The only thing lamer than killing whales are the stupid fuck whale wars guys themselves,just because you have a different opinion than someone else doesnt give you the right to basically become terrorists.Putting other humans at risk of death or in danger over an animal is ludicrous,what will they do next?fly a plane into a highrise in tokyo?I am totally supportive of animals(their delicious!JK) and i think killing whales is stupid but their culture does not share that same ideology.Ohnestly though these guys should have been stopped along time ago not glorified on TV,there are peaceful ways to get your point across.
damnit they killed willy

in all seriousness though these cats killing the whales are real jerks.
this show's pretty cool but the captain is a reckless fuck.

if he didn't have such a naive crew the mutiny would make sure his ass is thrown
whales are just big fish with sad eyes.

heavy mayo please.


can you believe they actually kill them with a rifle? :shock: