The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
not really.
Yeah he did, you went to college and got a degree right? You are working full time in your field of choice making at least 51K right now correct?

Dan is, im sure hes making huge bank working in his field of choice which must be basketball or football.


Well-Known Member
like i said before, i have a bachelor's of science.

they actually teach you something in those classrooms.

it's not just sex, drugs, and party....


Well-Known Member
I would rather have a degree then not..but you keep raising your kids thinking that you don't need college..I will make sure mine go...


Well-Known Member
Yeah he did, you went to college and got a degree right? You are working full time in your field of choice making at least 51K right now correct+
learned enough to know i wasn't learning, dropped out to work making decent money. kinda wish i had stayed now that the bottom fell out of the market.

no regrets though, i do what i love and scrape by.


New Member
New Ron Paul Clips for today 6/4/11 - Ok we got several new Ron Paul videos today - I am going to break each down into separate posts.

Ron Paul speaks at the faith and freedom coalition conference appealing to social conservatives 6/4/11
Ron Paul "We Should Not Have These Perpetual Wars!"

Ron also discusses his pro-life stance and religion. Ron Paul the only real christian, the only veteran, and the only anti-interventionist candidate running! Connects these thoughts to the fall of the republic - the new theocracy our authoritarian politicians promote. The main focus of the speech is about the offensive perpetual wars.


Well-Known Member
like i said before, i have a bachelor's of science.

they actually teach you something in those classrooms.

it's not just sex, drugs, and party....
A BS in what? I have a BS also, but mine is in Business, what is yours in ? Basket Weaving? Dramatic Arts?


Well-Known Member
seriously, that is your rebuttal? "you are stupid"?

weak as hell.
No, my point, in case you couldn't tell, was that just because you have a college degree does not mean you are intelligent or deserving of higher pay. You don't have a degree, yet I would say you were many fold smarter than Dan, who does have a degree. You see what im getting at? Dan says that unequivocally if you go to college you will be employed automatically at a higher rate of pay than one who doesn't, which just isn't true at all, in fact its a bald faced lie. The person who gets paid the most is the one who does the best job, they don't really give a shit if you have some boring 4 year degree.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dan is, im sure hes making huge bank working in his field of choice which must be basketball or football.
Actually I did just fine working in the field of my choice. I just decided the corporate world isn't for me and started growing bud instead. Is that a problem? I do not regret college at all even though I'm no longer working in the field of my degree. What I learned will be with me forever and no one can take that away from me.

I'm not a statistically normal example. My ex girlfriend who I lived with at the time is now a VP at her company and has been making six figures since she was in her mid 20's. She could have never gotten that job without her education.


Well-Known Member
Dan says that unequivocally if you go to college you will be employed automatically at a higher rate of pay than one who doesn't
i haven't read this whole thing, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that ON AVERAGE (not automatically) those with degrees out earn those who do not have degrees. and i am sure that is what he was getting at, and that if he said "automatically" then you are just twisting his meaning to try to make him look stupid. which doesn't reflect very well on you.

they don't really give a shit if you have some boring 4 year degree.
go check the classifieds. they do give a shit if you have some boring degree, and you can forget about even applying if you don't have it.


New Member
I learned a lot in college but I didn't learn how to make money in the workforce, Unclebuck mentions he can find a job on craigslist that "requires" a degree for 12$ an hour, do they really "require" a degree....If they are a smaller company and not contracted by the goverment, hell no they do not require a degree, if you go to that interview and tell them your passion for basket weaving and how you want to make a career of it your likely to get the job and do well......

Aside from government contracted jobs (which to be fair is a lot of jobs encompassing many fields) you don't need a degree to make good money, does it help you get your foot in the door? sure. Can a degree give u the secuirty to always have a good job? sure....Is college a hell of a lot of fun and do you learn a whole lot? yep

but the truth is if your motivated enough you get a lot of jobs without a degree and Id argue that the passionate hard workers who are motivated and intelligent often make more money then those with a degree that work for the establishment. I have been in both boats myself - in sales & IT I made more money then the jobs I had for government or government contractors which actually required a degree.


Well-Known Member
it is not a lie.

no matter how bad the economy gets, even in these times where college educated folks are working the worst jobs just to get by, even now, college educated kids are more likely to find a higher paying job than non-college educated/

and if you dig a little deeper you see a sharp increase in college education rates among workers right along the 40k line.

that means that you can reasonably expect to have your salary plateau at 40k without a college degree. with an undergraduate degree the plateau lies around 65k.

graduate degrees plateau closer to 70-100k, depending on your field.

nvmd the facts.

we are in a weak economy, finding jobs is hard for even the most educated amongst us.... that means that not going to college is the smart choice, b/c you won't be hampered with all the debt and you'll earn the low wages anyways.....

thank god we all see through this bullshit b/c america would just nosedive into a pit of ignorance with ND's advice.....


Well-Known Member
...but the truth is if your motivated enough you get a lot of jobs without a degree...
i'm super-motivated to work in a research lab studying nanotechnology, but all that motivation doesn't mean dick to them for some reason. fuck them.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
i'm super-motivated to work in a research lab studying nanotechnology, but all that motivation doesn't mean dick to them for some reason. fuck them.
You should tell them to open their eyes and that college is just a scam purported by the lame stream media. I'm sure if you do that they'll give you a job.


Well-Known Member
You should tell them to open their eyes and that college is just a scam purported by the lame stream media. I'm sure if you do that they'll give you a job.
i'll bring my laptop to the interview and play a few clips of ron paul and alex jones to really drive the point home.


New Member
i'm super-motivated to work in a research lab studying nanotechnology, but all that motivation doesn't mean dick to them for some reason. fuck them.
yep - well if you work in a research lab studying nanotechnology your essentially government contracted business, ya your gonna need a degree, as a I said, there is a lot of jobs thats do require a degree, but how much money you make and your degree do not ALWAYS correlate directly assuming your an intelligent motivated passionate individual in your craft and your not working for a big corporation or government contracted job. Private sector jobs make the most money and generally you do not need a degree, you just need to know what your doing and be good at it, or get some lucky breaks. (don't count on the later without high charisma and/or good work ethic).

Should you get a degree? Hell yes, College is awesome, you learn a lot and it is very usefull, DO YOU NEED A DEGREE AND IS THERE A DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE AND YOUR LEVEL OF EDUCATION ? Not always! I am walking proof,I make twice the income I did working public sector jobs that required a masters and I work with college dropouts who make just as much as me. You guys are arguing this as if there is a direct connection and using trends to argue this.


Well-Known Member
No, my point, in case you couldn't tell, was that just because you have a college degree does not mean you are intelligent or deserving of higher pay. You don't have a degree, yet I would say you were many fold smarter than Dan, who does have a degree. You see what im getting at? Dan says that unequivocally if you go to college you will be employed automatically at a higher rate of pay than one who doesn't, which just isn't true at all, in fact its a bald faced lie. The person who gets paid the most is the one who does the best job, they don't really give a shit if you have some boring 4 year degree.
How would you know how to do your job or do the best job without a degree..hell would you let a Teacher teach your child without going to college...would you let a Doctor operate on you without a degree..???.would you let an Accountant count your money without going to school.??? hell I wouldn't let you manage a store without one..but I would let you work the counter, but that only pays 9.25 an hr.


Well-Known Member
How do you tell which people in the 12th grade will make more money down the line? The ones with the higher GPA of course,
But don't the ones with the higher GPA go to college? of course
So the ones with the higher GPA but don't go to college will they make more money than the ones with lower GPA that dont go to college? of course
Why is that? because the ones with the low GPAs dont do shit. Why would that change because they finished high school?

if you take the bottom 10 percent of a graduating class stick them in a 4 year college and compare that to the the top 10 percent you have forced to not go to college but work instead. Who will come out ahead? If you said the bottom 10 percent because they went to college then you are probably in that bottom 10 percent of your graduating class and a verifiable dumbass.

I can respect someone for going to school and getting a degree. Why get yourself in a mountain of debt though?

Rarely has anyone here at 18 sat down and put paper to pencil, figuring projected costs and income. We bought into the koolaid at a young age."You need an education to succeed." So we can't be wrong, right? For a lot of people that is true for many others it isn't.
You want to succeed more than the average bear? Be your own boss.
Schools out