so you have a "grow room" for the mothers and one for the clones then straight to flowering right?how long are the clones chilling be they go to flower?
That's right. I have a roughly 1.5'W x 5'L x 7'H "room" (more like a cupboard!) housing my mums under 24/7 400HPS light. They are in a flood tray which is about 1' x 4'. The floorspace is only slightly larger than the tray to permit placement of an oscillating fan in the area and allow for some air circ. The mother zone has its own thermostat and 150mm axial exhaust fan. Intake is passive.
An area this small with that big of a light in it is hard to keep cool; in summer, the tstat keeps the fan running almost all the time to keep temps at or below 26C, even when intake air is 20-21C. A cooltube would be great in here but there's simply no room for one. I might someday modify the existing micro reflector so it can be air-cooled. However, the mother plants don't seem to care too much. Vegging plants are somewhat more tolerant of excess heat and RH (to a point, of course) than are flowering plants.
The clones spend about 14 days in the clonebox, though they set root in 7 days, with most copies having fairly profuse root formation by day 10. My last batch has popped first tap roots in 6 days.

Must be doing something right.
So I have no idea what you said in "Orstrayan" haa...anyway would upgrading to a 400W increase the harvest by a noticeable amount or is it not worth it?
That's OK, I don't know what I said either. Just something out of the 'Australian for tourists' book I was given by one very kind Aussie. Says here that the phrase is supposed to be a polite way to invite your boss's wife to get naked and dance on your desk, which apparently is an Australian custom- or so it says in this tourists' book. It'd have to be true, wouldn't it?
A 400 used in the same floorspace as a 250 will give you bigger, denser buds further down from the tops than a 250. You will get more yield from the same number of plants you housed under a 250, but a 400 can really do quite a few more plants with decent quality. If you're only growing for yourself, try the 250 first, you'll probably get what you need and save $ on power.
Hi Al, i know you are using 8 inch pots but i dunno how you fit 23 of them in a 3x3 table.
Here's 24 in an 820mm^2 tray, though I usually only put in 23. You can see that they don't sit flat on the tray when there's 24 wedged in: