Autoflower outdoor, seem very small.

Hi guys,

I have a few autoflowers on the grow outdoors atm which i recieved as a birthday gift, the gift was a surprise out of the blue from a friend so didnt really have time for a proper setup, planted them straight into pots outside and hope for the best...

Things have gone fairly well considering all i do is water them and let the sun do the rest but they seem really small for the amount of time they have been going, i know non-auto's grow and veg quite fast but these sprouted up around 3 weeks ago and are only on their 2nd set (3 tipped) of leaves with third set, most likely the first 5 tippers, on the way through, is this normal, for them to grow so slow at first or am i doing something wrong?

i dont over water them, they get around 8 hours of direct light per day with another few hours of ambient light and they dont seem unhealthy, just really small lol.

Any advice would be more than welcome, maybe im just overreacting and auto's are sposed to be this small at 3 weeks?

ps, in height theyre around 3-4 inches.


New Member
Auto flowers are dwarf plants. They will grow slower. Try giving them some nutrients at half strength.
I have seen some auto's only yield about 3-4 grams. They are quite funny to look at, but it depends on the seeds. With those, since they are genetically altered, results can vary widely and you can never really tell what you will get. I wouldn't say it is "normal" per se, but definitely possible as in your case. Hope that offers some kind of insight. Best of luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I have seen some auto's only yield about 3-4 grams. They are quite funny to look at, but it depends on the seeds. With those, since they are genetically altered, results can vary widely and you can never really tell what you will get. I wouldn't say it is "normal" per se, but definitely possible as in your case. Hope that offers some kind of insight. Best of luck and happy growing!
That makes me never want to grow an auto. 3-4 grams a plant? fuck. lol
Those results aren't typical from what I have seen, but it can happen. I have also seen auto's yield over 3 o's, so it depends on the seeds. Just think about the time and money saved if they are good plants :)

I personally don't do auto's, but a friend of mine sticks to auto's almost exclusively so I am quite familiar with them I suppose. He typically gets about 2 oz per plant with 3 plants under a 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I have a few autoflowers on the grow outdoors atm which i recieved as a birthday gift, the gift was a surprise out of the blue from a friend so didnt really have time for a proper setup, planted them straight into pots outside and hope for the best...

Things have gone fairly well considering all i do is water them and let the sun do the rest but they seem really small for the amount of time they have been going, i know non-auto's grow and veg quite fast but these sprouted up around 3 weeks ago and are only on their 2nd set (3 tipped) of leaves with third set, most likely the first 5 tippers, on the way through, is this normal, for them to grow so slow at first or am i doing something wrong?

i dont over water them, they get around 8 hours of direct light per day with another few hours of ambient light and they dont seem unhealthy, just really small lol.

Any advice would be more than welcome,
maybe im just overreacting
and auto's are sposed to be this small at 3 weeks?

ps, in height theyre around 3-4 inches.
no your not overreacting, 3" at 3 weeks is far too small. Somethings wrong.
Did you go from seed or did you receive the actual plants? If you went from the seeds, were the seeds germinated or just stuck into the soil?..
Yeah i just chucked the seeds in the soil and hoped for the best, ive grown before, years ago but didnt really plan this so it was more of an experiment than anything. I did find some pics/info on a grow journal on these forums somewhere saying the same thing happened. A grower whose autos only got a couple of inches tall in the first few weeks and then just exploded in growth after the 4th week and carried on growing into flowering so im hoping that happens.

seeds werent germed first atall, it was a straight out of the packet and into the soil job to see what happened, but now im stoked lol, if these dont work i think its time for a proper setup again lol.

I guess i'll just wait and see what happens, if they pick up and start doing well i'll get some pics up.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
You should have most definitely germinated them first. I have never grown - but I ordered some auto souvenirs also and would be pissed if the result is 3-4 grams. I would demand a full refund.


Active Member
I always yield 1 - 2 cured ounces off my autos under 400hps in soil.

Anyway, they can grow pretty fast depending on the strain but will stay small.
Since you did not germinate the seeds, you are right on track with growth then. They will start to grow significantly over the next few weeks. For the seeds to crack and sprout out of the soil can take up to two weeks, so expect some good growth coming. They will probably finish out at about 18-24 inches tall.

I only mentioned the small plants I have seen before because I was under the impression the seeds were germinated first. Sorry for my assumption. You should be good, no worries :) Take it easy.