Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
choice is not illusion choice is reality... i choose to continue to convince you guys to come around to my way of thinking even though it could very well be pointless... would an animal do this??? would they waste their time on something not directly attibuted to survival??? i wonder???


New Member
Animals do things not directly attributed to survival all the time. Chimpanzees have sex for pleasure, they'll even use different positions. They also hunt other animals, using tactics. They also fight other tribes of chimps. They also use weapons.


Well-Known Member
and i bet they have been doing this forever skunk... they didn't just wake up one morning and begin these behaviors they have been doing this forever... and they will continue to do it forever... that is just how chimps are... it is not evolution it is not concious intelligence it is just how they are... they may be smarter then most animals but have they ever done anything to let humans know that they understand reality and what it is to live and die... i don't think so... they are just a little smarter then other animals... i never said animals couldn't be smart i've seen plenty examples to prove the opposite... however i do say and continue to say that they don't understand their mortality the way humans do and they don't strive to be remembered to pass on legacys... they are just animals and if you believe you are an animal skunk well to each his own... but i don't believe now nor will i ever that i'm nothing more then an animal...


New Member
No, the first time chimp's were ever recorded hunting was back in the 70's, and it shocked the world. They are also standing upright far more frequently, and exhibit qualities we'd associate with fictional cavemen.

All animals understand death, they witness it just as we do. Elephants were recently discovered to be removing the tusks from dead elephants and taking them away somewhere. It has the scientists puzzled... it is believed it has something to do with the hunting of their tusks. They have witnessed their kind killed for their tusks. Does this not show understanding? A dog will protect his master, maybe even lay down it's life... but do you really believe this dog has no fear?

If not an animal, what are you frth'?


Well-Known Member
frth, we are animals. and if u refuse to accept this, then atleast accept that "the animals" are smarter than we are. so far, it seams that humans are the only beings on this planet that stubbornly disrupt nature.

mining, pollution, genocide. animals dont really do this, and certainly not to the same degree. we destroy our home more day by day you pretend that we're on another level than the four-leggers? if this is true, then they are definitely our superiors!


Well-Known Member
skunk you know some interesting things and don't ever let me discourage you from sharing them... i love learning things i don't know and you seem like a fountain full of facts i don't know... these things are all interesting but... when i say i'm not an animal i refer to what i believe is the soul... i understand physically we are animals and accept this... our physical bodies however are not all there is to us however... and as for the dog any dog will protect the pack leader and dogs see humans as their pack leader... so they will lay down their life to protect them... just as ants and bees will do whatever neccesary to protect their queen... all animals that are social (live in packs and associate with each other) have things that they protect by instinct this is obvious... and just because chimps weren't observed doing certain things until the 70's doesn't mean they haven't always done them... this goes back to the tree falling in the woods scenario... just because a human isn't there to witness it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen or it could be that so many people started to believe in evolution that the chimps started to act how we wanted them to... like humans because the collective minds and energy projected that image and so it was... it could be any number of things or none at all... this truly is the most important part of my theory... that there are any number of possibilities the only constant that i have is that there is a higher power of some sort and that we are tested by ourselves by design... back to the top example... if i start a top spinning and decide that i will influence it in no way what so ever it will spin until it stops but it is out of my control... so skunk i believe that if you and preo live good lives and do everything you can to do the right things and you can die knowing you led a good life even though you don't believe in religion that there will be a heaven for you if there is one... there is no set of requirements there are no rules besides those ingrained into every human... to know the difference between right and wrong... isn't that what the ten commandments were after all just a set of basic rules that humans already understand???


Well-Known Member
Goddamnit... some people need to eat some acid sometime or something because they just won't look beyond the surface... idiots...


Well-Known Member
ill 2nd that.

being that ur a self-proclaimed deep-thinker, what do u think about the illusion of choice, muu?
We are aware of our actions. But we believe because of our awareness that we choose to act a certain way. Our brains, our instincts, tell us what to do. We are slaves to our basic emotions. We react based on subconcious programming that is begun the day we perceive.


New Member
We are aware of our actions. But we believe because of our awareness that we choose to act a certain way. Our brains, our instincts, tell us what to do. We are slaves to our basic emotions. We react based on subconcious programming that is begun the day we perceive.
Exactly like animals then.


Well-Known Member
Goddamnit... some people need to eat some acid sometime or something because they just won't look beyond the surface... idiots...
sorry i don't believe in drugs that help you escape reality... including alchohol... they were all created by humans so that they didn't have to live in the real world... if you choose to live elsewhere muu that is your thing... i live in the moment and look forward to the future however... i tried ecstacy and coke and alchohol and it scared the hell out of me because i wasn't myself and i saw the world in a light that wasn't true... if you choose to be an escapist thats fine by me.... you see man made drugs are around for one reason and one reason only and that is to blind people to what is true so that they will never rise above what society wants them to be... i have no problem with people who are sheep and puppets but i refuse to be... i try to keep a clear head and learn from what i see through sober eyes... and when i want to relax i smoke the god given antidote to stress... wake up guys!!! its no wonder people don't think they have choices when they use drugs that take away their perception of reality and their will....


Well-Known Member
sorry i don't believe in drugs that help you escape reality... including alchohol... they were all created by humans so that they didn't have to live in the real world... if you choose to live elsewhere muu that is your thing... i live in the moment and look forward to the future however... i tried ecstacy and coke and alchohol and it scared the hell out of me because i wasn't myself and i saw the world in a light that wasn't true... if you choose to be an escapist thats fine by me.... you see man made drugs are around for one reason and one reason only and that is to blind people to what is true so that they will never rise above what society wants them to be... i have no problem with people who are sheep and puppets but i refuse to be... i try to keep a clear head and learn from what i see through sober eyes... and when i want to relax i smoke the god given antidote to stress... wake up guys!!! its no wonder people don't think they have choices when they use drugs that take away their perception of reality and their will....
And you say this having never tried acid... so how do you know? And I will never rise above what society wants me to be? What the fuck are you talking about? Religion is what you use to escape reality. It's blinded you to the truth. You say that you refuse to be a sheep yet you don't think for yourself half the time, you let your bible think for you. Following a religion is like being intellectually lazy.


Well-Known Member
read my posts muu... i dont believe in religion and i dont subscribe to the bible... i just think thats all and ive tried acid shrooms and pills that make you trip... i just didnt think i needed to list every drug ive tried... and i wasnt insulting you personally just stating my beliefs... i dont like man made drugs period... thats all... everything ive tried just brought me back to weed.... i just simply say this... those who live with a closed mind might as well not live at all... i dont want to offend anyone except those that purposly submit to evil and i think man made drugs from my own experience are evil!!!


Well-Known Member
except for medicine and i dont even like taking medicine unless it is absolutly neccesary... your body isnt meant to have these things otherwise they would be provided by mother earth... anytime man tries to play god or nature however you choose to look at it... the results usually end up bad...


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and i challenge you to find any of my ideas ive stated in this post in the bible good luck with that considering you have probably never even read it...


Well-Known Member
For some reason I thought you were christian?! LOL. And I read lots of the bible when I was younger. My mother is a very devout Catholic so I was forced into a sunday bible school for 7 years.