Increasing your chance for female...


Well-Known Member
thats why i am still searching; im no biologist, so i could be interpreting some of this information wrong, but am now highly interested...
I'm not a biologist either - in fact never went past high school so a lot of this stuff zooms right over my head. I mean stuff like "dioecious cultivar Fibranova" isn't difficult to grasp but when the article starts discussing " a putative permease, a SMT3-like protein, a putative kinesin and a RAC-GTP binding protein" I am left scratching my head.

so maybe between you, me and the rest of the RIU community we can make heads or tails and come up with some factual information.


I'm not a biologist either - in fact never went past high school so a lot of this stuff zooms right over my head. I mean stuff like "dioecious cultivar Fibranova" isn't difficult to grasp but when the article starts discussing " a putative permease, a SMT3-like protein, a putative kinesin and a RAC-GTP binding protein" I am left scratching my head.

so maybe between you, me and the rest of the RIU community we can make heads or tails and come up with some factual information.
i intended to leave that part out, as i dont understand the jargon either; but i believe that the simple fact that a plant can turn hermie indicates that sex is not concretely determined from seed and is more of a environmental survival mechanism. and yes, i think that we at RIU have enough interested and intelligent people that we could at least form a phesible, experiment based hypothesis on the subject. given the legal status, not much in depth research goes on about cannabis.

maybe this needs to be moved to advanced cult. now...


Well-Known Member
google banana religion!!!
lol i read one article about it on another forum, and from what i read the success rate were like 90%. out of all the people who replied (and i read there response) there was only one person that reported a male and his ratio was still 3 fem 1male so it seems to be quite a god idea ima try it when i FUCKING GET ONE OF THESE LOWRYDERs TO GERM!!!


Well-Known Member
ive read of people feeding their plants half a birth control pill or estrogen pill in a gallon of water to increase chances of might have something to do with the hormones


i have heard of the ethylene gas thing, but never looked into it b/c didnt know what ethylene gas was or how to get it. i probaly wont try it, but it is really interesting.


Well-Known Member
do feminized seeds fall within the realm of what you guys are talking about or are they really feminized?


Well-Known Member
do feminized seeds fall within the realm of what you guys are talking about or are they really feminized?
good question. straight answer: i don't know.

but i use them and so far have not had any males/hermies (but my numbers aren't statistically significant).


Well-Known Member
i believe that sex is predetermined when the female part is met by the pollen. its whether the pollen is carrying the X chromosome or the Y. i believe this is proven when making feminised seeds as there is no Y chromosome present therefore only predetermined females will be. also to add to my 'proof' id say if sex is influenced by environmental issues then almost all batches of seed would turn out one sex or the other as most seeds that are gerinated together are treated the same way and have the same environmental influences as each other. but even with the high temps, lower humidity and all the other changes people do they still get some male and some female.

i have a mate that always germinates the paper towel method and uses birth control pill laced water to dampen the paper towels. he always got females, i mean every time. i thought this 'must' work. after several grows i found out that he has been using bag seed and i guess the seed was made by a stray hermie which resulted in feminised seeds so he was always bound to get females. he still uses the birth control pills even though i explained about the feminising


i believe that sex is predetermined when the female part is met by the pollen. its whether the pollen is carrying the X chromosome or the Y. i believe this is proven when making feminised seeds as there is no Y chromosome present therefore only predetermined females will be. also to add to my 'proof' id say if sex is influenced by environmental issues then almost all batches of seed would turn out one sex or the other as most seeds that are gerinated together are treated the same way and have the same environmental influences as each other. but even with the high temps, lower humidity and all the other changes people do they still get some male and some female.

i have a mate that always germinates the paper towel method and uses birth control pill laced water to dampen the paper towels. he always got females, i mean every time. i thought this 'must' work. after several grows i found out that he has been using bag seed and i guess the seed was made by a stray hermie which resulted in feminised seeds so he was always bound to get females. he still uses the birth control pills even though i explained about the feminising

how do you explain the people that have gotten males from fem seed?


Well-Known Member
I always thought the average person got more females than males... I always get about 7-8 females out of 10 seeds, and i have never done worse than 5 females per 10 seeds and i have got 9 out of 10 females a couple times as well, i think conditions have a lot to do with wit


Well-Known Member
i usually get about 60-70% females. i dont think its 50/50 down the line even with thousands of seeds it would be in favour of more females i think. going by my experience anyway


Well-Known Member
hahaha email that was some serious writing. Yea, i think its more 50/50. but when your growing seriouly. which i dont. You grow alot, which i have never done. ;) cough.. but who knows? peace and love ^^


Well-Known Member
hahaha email that was some serious writing. Yea, i think its more 50/50. but when your growing seriouly. which i dont. You grow alot, which i have never done. ;) cough.. but who knows? peace and love ^^
glad you enjoyed it - i love this kind of stuff! :joint:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
i believe that sex is predetermined when the female part is met by the pollen. its whether the pollen is carrying the X chromosome or the Y. i believe this is proven when making feminised seeds as there is no Y chromosome present therefore only predetermined females will be. also to add to my 'proof' id say if sex is influenced by environmental issues then almost all batches of seed would turn out one sex or the other as most seeds that are gerinated together are treated the same way and have the same environmental influences as each other. but even with the high temps, lower humidity and all the other changes people do they still get some male and some female.

i have a mate that always germinates the paper towel method and uses birth control pill laced water to dampen the paper towels. he always got females, i mean every time. i thought this 'must' work. after several grows i found out that he has been using bag seed and i guess the seed was made by a stray hermie which resulted in feminised seeds so he was always bound to get females. he still uses the birth control pills even though i explained about the feminising

I thought I read some where on here that Hermies produce seeds that are Hermi? Don't know but the x and y thery you talk about makes sense.
I'm going to keep reading the rest of this thread very interesting
:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
i've heard that if you plant ur seeds at 4:20pm you will get super females, they only take 4 weeks from seed to bud too! oh and have the show "Weeds" playing on a tv in the grow room, this also produces 2liter bottle main colas.


Active Member
Seriously, I've heard that if you leave a bannana with your seeds before you germinate it can increase their chances of being female by 30%! I've also heard about birth controll pills, as the hormones inside the pill are suppost to increase the chances of a female. But the best thing is Giberellic acid. If you use the right concentration you can literally choose whether you get a male or a female!