Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
see man? tellin you, im stoked you got that FFOF!!!, that shit is the bomb, it has enough nutes to last you ALL throughout veg so dont fertilize until u go 12/12 IMO, i never gave my girls any nutes during veg and they did awesome, u might risk over fertilizing if u try, but im not some pics man, i wanna see that shyt,lol!
hell yea. Shit I may just use as little nutes as possible. I figure after I transplant thatll get me 4 wks through flowering then I may add a lil of the tiger bloom and the kool bloom. I also have a g13 skunk in a dwc setup to try it, it aint goin too well lol. Ill definitely post pics of em but right now they just lil babies lol.


Well-Known Member
thanks del, its coming along real nice, ill post some pics in a few days...

nature, thats bad ass man, cant wait to see....


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 11 into 12/12...

So i just got back from arizona, they have an annual tube float at the colorado river, downriver from lake i went with some friends and family and the GF, took the sea-doo's...MAN OH MAN< talk about hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of smokin hot girls, wearing pasties over there nipples, and a bunch were flashing, dancing, stripping and god knows what else, i remember i went 2 years ago with 3 other guys and every single one of us got laid and flashed and drunk, its so fun...anyways im back now and i was very happy to see the 3 girls doin awesome...they are only day 11 into flower but the small white hair afro's have already began to become very pronounced, the LA CHEESE flowers the fastest so u can actually see the pistel clusters most on her, the grapefruit haze is the christmas tree looking plant and she has already begun to transition very heavily as well, the silver diesel is the one who looks very limp but all 3 of the plants are actually "sleeping"ing these pics, she just sleeeps heavier than the other 2...i cant take close up more detailed pics as of right now cause im short on time but i will soon as to make a long story short my fingers will stay crossed but as of right now these 3 have had extreme fast healthy growth since day 1 and i cant wait to reap the rewards for my patience!...IMG_20110605_164136.jpgIMG_20110605_171037.jpgIMG_20110605_171031.jpgIMG_20110605_171019.jpgIMG_20110605_164143.jpgIMG_20110603_135513.jpg

heres a pic of the clones only 1 month ago!!!...DSC02412.jpgDSC02411.jpg


Well-Known Member
Whoa brotha, those babies r gonna be loaded in no time man. They look sweeeeet. That LA is gonna be bangin. That trip sounds bad as fuck too lol.


Well-Known Member
Whoa brotha, those babies r gonna be loaded in no time man. They look sweeeeet. That LA is gonna be bangin. That trip sounds bad as fuck too lol.
hey nature, yea bro. im way fuckin stoked, new hairs and more growth every day now!....i cant wait,lol...


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 13 into 12/12...

so i wasnt really gonna post an update but i had to pull the plants out one by one to tiewire the nodes closer to the main stalk cause im getting WAY too crowded lol...the LA CHEESE is straight out exploding and there is like atleast 40 budsite, im trying my best to get every single fan leaf hit with as much HPS as possile so im stoked the way the plant looks post tiewire...the nodes are all parallel with the main stalk and im hoping its gonna be like 15 colas, haha i wish...either way, still looks good....the grapoefruit haze looks just like a christmas tree with very healthy thick foliage and alotta bud sites as well, the yellowish looking leaves in the pic is actually glare, there all forest green....the silver diesel is looking very healthy as well, she looks a tiiiiny bit more sative than the others but hey, fuck it, i bet it will be bomb smoke, well see....what do you gusy think?...all help/suggestions are appreciated!

the silver diesel....IMG_20110607_195905.jpgIMG_20110607_195848.jpg

this is the grapefruit haze, very christmas tree-ish but i kinda like it, well see how the cola/buds turn out...IMG_20110607_203107.jpgIMG_20110607_203055.jpgIMG_20110607_203137.jpg

and this, my friends, is the LA CHEESE, so stoked on this plant, shes starting to smell almost a little like gasoline for some reason,LOL, but in a good way...she transitioned into flowering extremely fast and she exploded asap with flowers all over!...heres a few pics after I brought the growth in closer to save room...IMG_20110607_202823.jpgIMG_20110607_202920.jpgIMG_20110607_202855.jpgIMG_20110607_202747.jpg

heres a pic of all 3, its ahrd to get a good pic with the HPS on but heres what i wake up to,lol...IMG_20110607_201551.jpg


Well-Known Member
well i got my seeds in the mail, now i have to wait till the perfect time to germ and grow them so i can veg and hopefully flower them as soon as these 3 are plan is to crack these 2 seeds, and wait till they are as big as a clone from the dispensary, when they are the perfect heighth, ill add a clone from the store to make it 3 total plants again...2 from seed, 1 from clone...pic of the LA CHEESE, watered todayIMG_20110608_165948.jpgIMG_20110608_165549.jpgIMG_20110608_171326.jpg

Well-Known Member
Dude maz...

Your LA Cheese strain looks sick. I'm from So.Cal as well and found your grow in looking for a quality cheese strain to start. I'd like to start from clones but not sure where to get some great clones, kinda the same boat you are in. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, I'll be back...

Mr. Bond


Well-Known Member
Dude maz...

Your LA Cheese strain looks sick. I'm from So.Cal as well and found your grow in looking for a quality cheese strain to start. I'd like to start from clones but not sure where to get some great clones, kinda the same boat you are in. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, I'll be back...

Mr. Bond
hey, sounds good bro, nice to have you up in the journal, if u have your card there is great places to get clones in the orange county area...right next to my house actually...nice clinic with a separate climate controlled room just for clones, they have atleast 75 clones and 10 different strains at any given time...PM me for more info bud, thanbks for the compliments, im loving this grow so far, very very excited, and anxious!!

i cant claim to be a guru on different strains but what i can tell you is this fucking LA CHEESE (la confidential x UK cheese)...<i think>, is fucking bomb, it literally switched over from vegging and starting shooting out pistels in like 3 days, at 14 days into flower she has jelly bean size baby nuggets ALL over, starting to heaven that is,lol

FYI, i dont know what the harvest is gonna be like but its CRAZY, the grapefruit haze actually fucking smells EXACTLY like a grapfruit, thats nuts, i touched a baby nug and smelled it, if i had my eyes closed i would have seriously sworn that i was smelling some sort of grapefruit candy, it almost smells like squirt (the soda)...nice!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
just took out the grapefruit haze to water her and thought id snap a few pics, anyone who has grown a christmas tree looking bud plant probably instantly can picture how shes gonna end up (i hope)...huge top cola and side shoots with speary looking buds too, i hope again,lol... anyways, shes doing awesome and healthy, and like i said before, it smells exactly like a grapefruit!...HPIM1381.jpgHPIM1383.jpgHPIM1379.jpgHPIM1382.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lookn awesome bro. I like that plant but idk if I'd like the grapefruit smell lol, but I could get over it cause I'm sure it'll be some kill


Well-Known Member
Lookn awesome bro. I like that plant but idk if I'd like the grapefruit smell lol, but I could get over it cause I'm sure it'll be some kill
thanks nature, yea its very different, i think its gonna be some real good smoke as well, its more citrus-ey than anything else...i like it cause its different, i can already tell the LA cheese is gonna have the standard fruity cheesy bomb aroma but something new is always more than welcome... hey since u have experience with seeds i was hopin you copuld help me out???....

so i have those 2 fem seeds, the DP blueberry and the free UFO spr haze #1, now my problem is that i havent really popped a seed in paper towels in like 11 years or so....i want to time it perfect so i can have these germed, popped, planted, rooted and about a foot or so tall right at around when its time to harvest the current 3 im growing now...i know almost every time frame of every stage of growth differs from plant to plant but ball park how long does it take you from seed into wet towel to plant a few inches tall???

anyone else who sees this can help out as well

thanks nature


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro somethin different is always good. I can't wait for u to pop them beans. Its takes mine around 2 wks to get around 5-6 in bro. That's with my t5 fixture and it right smack on em. This is a white rhino I have right at 2 wks. 5 in tall. Hope this gives u an idea bro. Keep them babies dark,damp, and warm and they'll be ready to go in 24 hours


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 20 of flowering....

hey everyone, its been a while since ive done an actual complete photo and growth update, off work a little early today so i thought id drop a few lines incase anyone is interested...the plantalones' are doing magnifique and super healthy...ive always been very anxious through this part of the grow because its past the pistel/budsite formation but pre-chunk stage as well, its like your in limbo,lol... but either way, they are budding fast and goin for the gold so i wanted to share...

So here are some pics of the SILVER DIESEL, she is doing really good but as you can tell from some of the pics shes pretty crowded into the cabinet door which id rather not do but, rather be over crowded than under,lol....she seems to have more sative than the other because of the lanky growth. she is also a little late to flower in comparison to the LA CHEESE, and Grapefruit haze...u can tell this plant really wants to be outside and having her in the cabinet is like a prison, oh well she has a death sentence anyways, as soon as she explodes with bud, haha...doesnt really smell yet and the way her buds grow are a little leafy as opposed to more of a pistel explosion.

heres a couple pictures of the grapefruit haze...i think this plant is going to produce the largest densest nugs, she also has started to pick up momentum and her cola is reeeeally filling in, you can tell from the pics but the nugs are all linking up at the the top and starting to become a cola, she stinks like grapefruit and is growing very healthy, the little bit of yellowing on the fan leaves look more severe in the pics than in person, shes 110% healthy and starting to get pretty sticky as well, the other pics are the grapefruit haze and SILVER DIESEL side by side...u can see the more indica in this plant compared to the silver D.HPIM1404.jpgHPIM1402.jpgHPIM1406.jpg

this is the LA CHEESE, shes still my favorite cause i really like the way she grows, the nugs are exploded with pistels and i think she is going to have fat golf ball+ size nugs all over, shes barrrrely starting to smell cheesy but the trichomes are starting to form pretty heavy, the pics dont really do her any justice but hopefully you can still tell she is doing well...NONE of the plants have ANY signs of...PM, spidermites, leaf curl, stretching, nute burn, super stoked....HPIM1407.jpgHPIM1399.jpgIMG_20110613_151617.jpg

SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK???...any suggestions or comments are more than welcome...


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro somethin different is always good. I can't wait for u to pop them beans. Its takes mine around 2 wks to get around 5-6 in bro. That's with my t5 fixture and it right smack on em. This is a white rhino I have right at 2 wks. 5 in tall. Hope this gives u an idea bro. Keep them babies dark,damp, and warm and they'll be ready to go in 24 hours

hey nature, sorry about the late reply, the advice you gave me on the seeds is perfect, it really helps me determine a timeline for when to crack the seeds...although i dont really wanna build a "veg" cabinet @ this point soi might just run the 3 pack im doing now until i harvest and then start from scratch in the cabinet with the MH bulb and or cfl hood....but fuck, thast gonna take long, fuck that, ill do something to speed up the process....BTW, your white rhino looks fuckin bomb dude, i know its small but such a rich green!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea thanks bro. Its n the ffof that's why lol. The leaves look like silk man, so pretty. Bro u wouldn't have to build a separate cab really. Do like I do, I have a aluminum garbage (never used of course) I think its 13 gallons. But 4 or 5 small plants fit perfect in it and ur cfl hood would fit in it perfect. May not b the most orthodox "veg cab" but it only costs about 13 bucks, maximum reflectivity, and for sure the easiest cab I've seen to clean and sanitize. Put some fans and maybe cut a hole in it for vents and itd be a perfect starter. Mine don't really get crowded till around wk 4-5. Glad I could help ya bro


Well-Known Member
hey nature, yea, its not the build thats the problem, its my space, i have no space...ill probably just have my buddy vegg them for me...