Is my Setup Good?

i use 4 100watt flouresents and i used miracle grow mixed with alittle plant food and i use 15-30-15 miracle grow bloom booster for flowering. and im doing 12/12 now. Ph in all of them is between 6-7 most are 6.6. and i have a fan in there on low. is there anything else i need or am i good for now? oh and this is my first grow.



Well-Known Member
Looking good. i am using bloom booster also xD. Its pretty strong, i think i am using about 1/5 of what its calling for per gallon.. For ur setup maybe minus the tinfoil and put mirrors or mylar. My setup is more ghetto so i can say much :D


Active Member
wow they are hurting...did you veg for how many weeks??? I would think 4 to 5 weeks before nutes and week 6 or 7 before changing light cycle. Of coarse we don't know what your are growing or how long they have been soiled/sprouted.


Active Member
what are you planning on doing for lighting in flower? That isn't going to cut it
you need at least twice as much cfls,y-adaptors are good,you can run t2 bulbs off 1 socket
alluminum foil absorbs light, so its woring against you,just rock the plain white wall
(i made the same mistake)
go wit(hreflective material) mylar or panda sheets,cost a little but worth it
im gonna get some of those bulb sockets that look like a Y so i can hook up 2 2700k CFLs to each lamp and ill update u guys with a pic after i get them and put them in.


Well-Known Member
get the 2700k daylight and soft white CFL's. put 1 in each Y adapter.
i have 3 lights, all with 3 Y adapters w/ 1 of each CFL.... in that way my plant is getting both daylight and a soft regular light
hope that helps a tad

(although in my other posts people are telling me to get a HPS.... for my 1 plant!..... sooooo, what im thinking is if a 400wat HPS isnt overkill for my one plant i might just plant 2 more beans and use my CFL's for its 18/6 cycle for 4-5 weeks. then walk them over to the HPS section for 12/12)


Active Member
For your first grow if you got them to sprout then you did good! Ok so are your bulbs 23 actual watt 100 watt equivelant? if so then you are severly under powered for 4 plants. You will always have people saying that MG soil is shit but it will do the job and until you have a few grows under you belt it is perfectly fine to use (hell i still mix it in with my fox farm) I agree that you should take the foil down as you have gaps on your wall which makes light reflection awful. I use reflectix from lowes and it works great. The biggest thing you will learn while growing is that everyone has a different style of growing and will repeat shit they have heard as golden rule and have never actually tried it themselves. There are multiple nutes on the market now and bloom busters and fushers and so on and so on. If you are on a budget get alaskan fish emulsion and use it instead of the MG line up. During flowering plants dont need as much N as you are providing. If you look at what the Big Nute companines are pushing you will never see their consentrations hit double digit numbers. :) We are hear to help ask any questions you may have...
looks good! One thing I noticed is that it looks like you're growing in a cabinet, if you close the doors, make sure your temperature stays in the mid 80 degrees.


Well, I'll restate the obvious... 400 watts of HID destroys 400 watts of cfl. Is it a cost/heat/stealth issue? If not, grab yourself a 400 watt HPS. Although MH would be better for veg, HPS will carry you through both phases nicely and you already have the CFL's to supplement the yellow HPS during the vegetative cycle.


Active Member
Things look great so far. Be cautious with feeding with MG soil though.

Personally, I've never used MG when growing cannabis. Though damn near every vegetable or plant I've put in MG before fries shortly after.