cant figure out what this curling is


Well-Known Member
theyve been like this for a while now. it doesnt seem to affect the whole plant, just a few leaves towards the top. any ideas?



Well-Known Member
outdoor. temps r around 80-85. its not a heat issue for sure. it stays the same at night


Active Member
They look healthy so the only thing I can come up with is your root system is having a difficult time supplying enough moisture to the entire plant. I was having similar issues when I started in larger pots, it seems to happen more often when the plants are younger and have under developed root systems. Mine fixed themselves as they matured and the root system developed..


Well-Known Member
over/under watering? how big is your pot, root bound?
the pots r 2 gallons i believe. i dont think theyre rootbound, they went in the pots like 3 weeks ago. ive been watering when the pots get light. i dont think its under/over watering cuz its only like 3 leaves on the whole plant that r affected

They look healthy so the only thing I can come up with is your root system is having a difficult time supplying enough moisture to the entire plant. I was having similar issues when I started in larger pots, it seems to happen more often when the plants are younger and have under developed root systems. Mine fixed themselves as they matured and the root system developed..
yes they look healthy, thats why im stumped haha. no real leaf discoloration
this may actually be the problem. i supercropped them two weeks ago on the main stems and some lower branches. the leaves affected are above that stem supercrop, so maybe the stem cant carry water through it to those leaves because theyre damaged. other leaves above the supercrop seem fine though.


Active Member
maybe just give it some time then if it is otherwise healthy. A 2 gallon pot to me seems too small tho.


Well-Known Member
to me from the pic's it looks like its ethier over watering or Nute burn.... outdoor plants need to be watered less and fed ALOT less, a small over feeding outdoors can cause consequences like this.

and 2 gallon pots ARE a bit small, personaly i like 3.5 gallon pots so the roots have alot of time to expand.

oh, and have you been turning them on a regular basis? if soo look at the stem going up to the leaf it may be twisted, i've had plants do that before.


Well-Known Member
to me from the pic's it looks like its ethier over watering or Nute burn.... outdoor plants need to be watered less and fed ALOT less, a small over feeding outdoors can cause consequences like this.

and 2 gallon pots ARE a bit small, personaly i like 3.5 gallon pots so the roots have alot of time to expand.

oh, and have you been turning them on a regular basis? if soo look at the stem going up to the leaf it may be twisted, i've had plants do that before.
i have them in the 2gal pots for now, and i plan on putting them in 5gal lowes buckets later. probably towards flowering time, so i can put a flowering soil mix in the bottom.


Well-Known Member
thanks danny.
ok so yesterday my cousin came over, and i wanted to show him supercropping, so i did it to one of my smaller plants. well i ended up pinching too much and pretty much breaking it lol. but i taped her up and hopefully she will survive. anyways, i wake up this morning to check on them, and that clone is doing the same exact thing as the big ones r. so it seems to me that the supercropping damaged the 'veins' in the plant, and cant take water up to those leaves. its just wierd that its only happening to a few leaves on the big ones. hopefully theyll recover

oh yeah i foliar sprayed plain water on the clone


Well-Known Member
I can't tell how tall your girls are:lol:It looks like root bound to me:hump:its real easy to pop the plant out of the pot and check the roots:-?If its not that and isn't wateringbongsmilieI'm thinking over/under feeding whats the ppm:lol:


Well-Known Member
Could be just a weird pheno a buddy of mine grew a slh dat looked exactly like that i dont think you have anything to worry about


Well-Known Member
I can't tell how tall your girls are:lol:It looks like root bound to me:hump:its real easy to pop the plant out of the pot and check the roots:-?If its not that and isn't wateringbongsmilieI'm thinking over/under feeding whats the ppm:lol:
ive been using RO water, so the PPM is probably around 10 haha. and i have amendments in the soil so i dont need nutes. at least not yet

Could be just a weird pheno a buddy of mine grew a slh dat looked exactly like that i dont think you have anything to worry about
thats what i was originally thinkin. my buddy(who i got the plants from) said some of his did it too