What a Dumbass

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Anthony Weiner admits he lied about his Facebook account being hacked. It turns out he likes sharing his umm.. attributes with women he hasn't married.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Who cares?

lies about who you have facebook chats with are so insignificant in comparison with the real lies told by politicians.

I'm much more concerned with lies like "Iraq is developing nuclear weapons, we must attack them now!" Or Chris Dodd/Larry Summers/Bernake/Githener pretending to be working for the people while they are robbing us on behalf of Wall St.


Well-Known Member
Knew this guy was full of shit right from the get go. Gotta think like a polly.....What else could they do...The truth is always the last resort and served up a little cold with a few tears on the side. The mass has been fed.


Well-Known Member
You guys think he should stay or resign? Personally, Weiner is one of my favorite politicians at the capital - I dont really give two shits about his personal life as long as he wasn't using government resources for phone sex and shit. I think he should stay, but It's not looking like he has much of a chance judging by all the media pressure to resign.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
You guys think he should stay or resign? Personally, Weiner is one of my favorite politicians at the capital - I dont really give two shits about his personal life as long as he wasn't using government resources for phone sex and shit. I think he should stay, but It's not looking like he has much of a chance judging by all the media pressure to resign.
So, what exactly do you like about the guy? Can you be specific about what policies or bills he's enacted that you like?