This make sense to you?


Active Member
So I was watching Caption Ron. It was at the start of the movie when he gets his letter and then tries to get back on the elevator.

It made me think so my theory about elevators. Now my theory will not work in all elevators cause of the height of the building.

But where I live the most buildings with elevators are the hospitals and they are at the most 6 floors.

Ok to the theory its better to wait on the elevator for the elevator then it is to wait outside the elevator. By this I mean that if I walk up to the elevator bank if a door is open I get on it no matter which way its going. Cause I would rather wait on it then to wait for it.

It might not really be a theory. :)


Well-Known Member
Thats your preference. Not a theory.
Its not proving nothing, and its not some new formula that will discover time travel.

So yes it does make sense that your obviously really high and I want some of what your smoking on..

now tell me this,
I was watching 1000 ways to die that Spike has on TV, and some terrorist were making a bomb and set the timer for 01:45, but it was "daylight savings time" so They thought they had an hour but really time was up, as soon as the GPS correct the time, the bomb ignited. Now does it make sense that this took place in iraq and they dont honor daylight savings. So does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
Why didnt they use a countdown timer or an analogue clock if they wanted "an hour"? Crazy terrorists!


Well-Known Member
LOL. I just watched that and felt it had to be said seeing as it dont make sense to me, figured something int his thread shoulf not make sense.


Well-Known Member
To the OP btw, it would seem faster to get in the elevator regardless of direction because it distracts the brain and stops time "dragging" instead of just standing there.


Active Member
To the OP btw, it would seem faster to get in the elevator regardless of direction because it distracts the brain and stops time "dragging" instead of just standing there.
I used to live in an area where when you got to a light you could go one or to ways to get home. If I would get to that light when it was red I would take the right hand turn curve and keep driving that way. It would take longer to get home. Not much longer.

I wouldn't say its faster but its more fun to wait in the elevator going up and down on it. Who doesn't like riding elevators? Like the light I would rather keep moving drive then waiting for the light. Driving is more fun then waiting.