Just Watered My Plants with Nutrient Mix. Now This


Well-Known Member
Yeah never fails every time I water my girls the rain comes a few hours later.... Not a sprinkle either a damn gully washer.:neutral::evil:


lol, thts why i keep the handy weather thing on my desktop, i always check the radar and watch for any rain coming our way, im livin in indiana, and we've been having awsome sunny 85-95 degree days. very warm


Well-Known Member
Yeah never fails every time I water my girls the rain comes a few hours later.... Not a sprinkle either a damn gully washer.:neutral::evil:
i had the exact same problem 2 days ago.... watered that day and it rained that night. plants were OK but i have to wait a few more days to go back and give them some more dilute ferts. i think the rain washes alot of it away. i guess its been a fucked up season for the entire west coast, Cali-canada its fucked up weather.

try living in ontario well get random hail storms in june o.o
haha BC is the exact same way. yesterday there was thunder and lightning at first, then Hail then torrential rains..... like ONE of those isn't bad enough right? gota <3 canada :)