Becoming hermie? And other little problems...



my plant is 25 days old (lowryder 2 auto, fem.). Its my only plant and I fear she´s becoming a hermie. Its my first grow also. I grow her outside but the weather isn´t that good. I do sun her as much as I can. Is she becoming a hermie?

Also. Will my plant still grow because she´s around 25 days old and she´s only 6.5 inches tall? Does marijuana grow until flowering or does she grow even when she starts to flower? OH and also whats wrong with the leafes?

AND...i found one bug on the soil. It´s that bug from the picture (not from the plant, just random pic from the internet). I found only 1 bug. He now serves as a fertilizer to my plant. Are they bad for a plant?

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Well-Known Member
How much research have you done so far?

I dont even know where to start, If I start jabbering about something you have no clue on, then its a waste of time, but if i need to kinda start with the basics I will, but if you already know the basics then there is another waste of time. Pretty much your questions are pretty general, and with atad bitof knowledge and mostly common sense you can figure this out. Your just looking for approval and TBH i wouldnt be suprised if it is a hermi because of using feminized seeds.


Well i did my homework before i started growing. Its my test bunny so I can learn from it and decided to make it right next time. I know how female, male and hermies look like. But since this is my first plant and in early stages I need someone to confirm/deny what i am worrying. Its like u are first time in the car and the instructor tells you to start and move the car and you shift into a 1st gear and when u try to get it goin the car dies. Obviusly you released the clutch too fast. But instead of telling you this and giving you some tips, he´d become a smartass and ask you if you didn´t learn the basics at theory or if u have failed the tests. Wtf man, dont be so hard on us beginners.

Im just not sure if its a hermie. I know what hermie looks like, im just not sure in this early stage.

Please help, peace!


Well-Known Member
some autos dont get any taller then what u have right there ...some do.if your plant doesnt start showing flowers soon then its not a true auto.normally they should show flowers from around day 14-20.


Well-Known Member
autos do what they want, changing lights will stress them and results will suffer
do what they want...not really changing anything suddenly will stress any plant thats why you do it slow but there is nothing wrong with giving it light i can tell by that really light green its getting about 3 hours of direct light witch is grows best with about 16-18 cfls work fine with autos 2-3 23watt bulbs will do


Well-Known Member
do what they want...not really changing anything suddenly will stress any plant thats why you do it slow but there is nothing wrong with giving it light i can tell by that really light green its getting about 3 hours of direct light witch is grows best with about 16-18 cfls work fine with autos 2-3 23watt bulbs will do
normally they grow for 3 weeks from seed then bloom, yes the light green could be caused by a lack of light, but it can also be caused by high Phosphorous and/or lack of nitrogen,or just the genetics of the plant. if it was just getting 3 hours it would be stretched aswel witch its not.


Well-Known Member
The bug is called an earwig and they dont eat plants, just less than informed growers. Homework, lots and lots of homework.......


Well-Known Member
Im just not sure if its a hermie. I know what hermie looks like, im just not sure in this early stage.

Please help, peace!
If you know what a hermi looks like and cannot tell by looking at the plant personally then how do you expect us to be able to tell from a few pictures? I wonder how much homework you actually have done???????? Like BBYY said, pretty basic questions......