Do You Believe In Ghosts?


Well-Known Member
when you bring such fancies like "empty digital files" up then you deserve to be mocked

what format were they recorded in?

Are you retarded?

He's talking about a blank SD card.Not everyone knows precisely how digital media works.

He's attempting to detract from the argument by pointing out something he sees as technical ineptitude. There are no files on a blank digital storage device, just empty space.

As to the answer to the original question? Yes, ghosts are real. But you won't see them on Ghost Hunters or any similar television show. Some EVP may have some merit, most is interference.


Well-Known Member
Are you retarded?

He's talking about a blank SD card.Not everyone knows precisely how digital media works.

He's attempting to detract from the argument by pointing out something he sees as technical ineptitude. There are no files on a blank digital storage device, just empty space.

As to the answer to the original question? Yes, ghosts are real. But you won't see them on Ghost Hunters or any similar television show.

and what exactly do you use to play back a blank sd card? i've got one lying about here unused as of yet just it seems i have nothing to play it thru


Well-Known Member
and what exactly do you use to play back a blank sd card? i've got one lying about here unused as of yet just it seems i have nothing to play it thru
and you still haven't answered my question, so that makes a pretty strong argument for your being a coward as well as a fool.


Well-Known Member
is that because only english is spoken in the afterlife? people die everyday all over the world; not all of them speak english. i already told you radio interference has been ruled out; artifacts from a brand new blank tape and or empty digital file? give me break dude...
A Faraday cage was only used in a tiny amount of what people submit as EVP's. Unless the device used to record was completely passive, pareidolia has not been controlled for, and thus the scientific method has not been carried out.

there is a Divine Paradox at work in this field in that one must first believe in order to see, for belief after seeing is rather disingenuous and viewed with no small degree of contempt... the existence of God will not be pinned down by your puny science, but the realms of science and metaphysics are about to run head-long into each other. don't believe me; i couldn't care less. I know what I know.
So, after all you admit that evidence is not important to you. You just know what you know. I wonder, do you think that calling people names and defending your position with hostility makes you correct?

One thing you seem to 'know' is the concept of special pleading, since you use it quite often.


Well-Known Member
and you still haven't answered my question, so that makes a pretty strong argument for your being a coward as well as a fool.

i think you believe every word that you say so in that sense i would not consider you a liar

if you were to ask if i thought you were highly deluded to the extent where you were fooled into thinking you were talking to you dead spouse

then i would say yes very much so


Well-Known Member
i think you believe every word that you say so in that sense i would not consider you a liar

if you were to ask if i thought you were highly deluded to the extent where you were fooled into thinking you were talking to you dead spouse

then i would say yes very much so
ok, fair enough. to be completely honest with you, had i not experienced these things for myself, i would continue to doubt their existence as well. but as I am no longer afforded the luxury of that ignorance, I am bound by the truth as I have experienced it.


Well-Known Member
ok, fair enough. to be completely honest with you, had i not experienced these things for myself, i would continue to doubt their existence as well. but as I am no longer afforded the luxury of that ignorance, I am bound by the truth as I have experienced it.
I think our point all along has been, human experience can not be trusted to draw any sort of conclusions, for what should be obvious reasons. Your point seems to be, you trust in feelings more than evidence or rational thinking. Which is a well known bias and one of the first things the scientific method controls for.


Well-Known Member
A Faraday cage was only used in a tiny amount of what people submit as EVP's. Unless the device used to record was completely passive, pareidolia has not been controlled for, and thus the scientific method has not been carried out.

So, after all you admit that evidence is not important to you. You just know what you know. I wonder, do you think that calling people names and defending your position with hostility makes you correct?

One thing you seem to 'know' is the concept of special pleading, since you use it quite often.
my lack of social graces notwithstanding, you admit that research was carried out in conditions that would make radio interference "bleed-throughs" impossible, correct?


Well-Known Member
my lack of social graces notwithstanding, you admit that research was carried out in conditions that would make radio interference "bleed-throughs" impossible, correct?
As I understand it yes. The spiricom device was actually made to improve and control for some variables, much better than franks box. The Faraday cage only controls for outside interference, and not interference from any equipment inside, and so does not control for pareidolia.

EVP's and their history are a subject I have found interesting for a very long time, I just don't feel the experience warrants a supernatural theory. All I'm doing is pointing out a more worldly explanation, one that avoids the pitfalls of logic and perception built into the human experience. Something the EVP explanation does not do. It has all the earmarks of pseudoscience.


Active Member
Here are my thoughts. And a little story of my own.

I've seen some strange things. Some of these things I can't explain. Does that mean what I was observing was paranormal in nature? Possibly, but more likely it was something much more mundane. Here's one I can't explain. It could be coincidence, but it'd be one hell of a coincidence.

When I was younger my parents drug my siblings and I along on one of those historical homes tours. Lame. Maybe it's cool if you're fifty and into that sort of thing, but if your eleven and forced to go along as a mobile babysitter, not so much. Anyway, inside of one of these huge antebellum mansions my youngest sister (about five at the time) kept going on about some woman in a green dress on the third floor. You actually could see a good bit the third floor from the atrium, but it was empty, having been used as the house's ballroom. Anyway, I ignored her. The house hadn't actually been lived in for decades, just used for weddings and expensive holiday parties. Besides the tour group and the caretaker/guide we were the only ones on the grounds that day. Later on, the tour guide was talking about how the third floor was off limits due to safety concerns. Something about the staircases being in poor repair and not up to current code. Huh, ok, so sis is making crap up again. We move on and she (the tour guide) starts talking about about the house being used as a hospital during the civil war and how one of the nurses (actually the plantation owners daughter) died there during during the fighting and reputedly haunts the grounds. Weird. Then she tells us that the people that have seen this ghost claim to see a woman in a green dress. Ok, so this is really weird. Unsolicited and without any prior knowledge of the house or its ghost stories, my five year old sister has an experience that was nearly word for word what other people had seen. Was she frightened? Nope. She thought the dress was pretty and wanted to tell me about it.



Well-Known Member
As I understand it yes. The spiricom device was actually made to improve and control for some variables, much better than franks box. The Faraday cage only controls for outside interference, and not interference from any equipment inside, and so does not control for pareidolia.

EVP's and their history are a subject I have found interesting for a very long time, I just don't feel the experience warrants a supernatural theory. All I'm doing is pointing out a more worldly explanation, one that avoids the pitfalls of logic and perception built into the human experience. Something the EVP explanation does not do. It has all the earmarks of pseudoscience.
so this is what we have been reduced to? taking our machine's findings as gospel when they contradict human experience? saddening. and your belief that our technology is impervious to spiritual influence is utter folly and lays the groundwork for dire times ahead.


Well-Known Member
so this is what we have been reduced to? taking our machine's findings as gospel when they contradict human experience? saddening. and your belief that our technology is impervious to spiritual influence is utter folly and lays the groundwork for dire times ahead.

we're very easily fooled


Well-Known Member
and for the record, what has been accomplished in the EVP field is the very definition of pseudoscience. but so was electricty at one point. our ancestors were not idiots; but the knowledge of the field was incomplete just as EVP research is today.

"When the great innovation appears, it will almost certainly be in incomplete and muddied form. to the discoverer himself it will be only half understood, to everyone else it will be a mystery, for any concept which at first glance does not appear crazy, there is no hope." Neils Bohr (again... you feelin me Heisenberg?)


Well-Known Member
NO but check out a documentary called Ancient Aliens then you can wonder about how we really got here.
I've read Von Daniken and Zachariah's work extensively. waaaaaayyyyyy before this theory gained it's current popularity. aliens are time travelling humans.period. interfering in our development. there is no debate amongst the learned on the matter.


Well-Known Member
NO but check out a documentary called Ancient Aliens then you can wonder about how we really got here.
now why don't YOU read the Kebra Negast as that Giorgio Whateverhisnameis guy suggests on the series.
"The most important book you've never heard of."- that dude

ever seen the end credits for that show? produced by Prometheus Productions. Prometheus being the god who gave mankind the knowledge of fire; making him the "light bearer" aka lucifer. never trust the Hitler Channel...

does nobody else remember when the History Channel was All Hitler, All the Time? seriously... it was gnar.


Active Member
One time I came home from work and my ceiling fan was on turbo. Weirded me the fuck out. There was no way I would have turned it on and forgot about it in the middle of winter. I live alone and there is no way someone could have come in and turned it on to fuck with me.

Another sory is my cousins wife's. Her widow grandma who lives all alone in her old farm house had welcome mat on the front porch that kept getting rotated around during the night. She would turn it around back to the correct way and sure enough the next morning it would be turned back around towards the door. I can't remember how long this went on before someone put up a trail cam and caught the image of a face that looked just like the womans dead husband. wish I could remember more of that story, but I know when my cousins wife was telling us about it brought tears to her eyes so I'm sure she wasn't fucking with us.