

Well-Known Member
it doesn't solve anything.. violence isn't the answer.

but unfortunately.. its a part of life.

When you have two or more parties that do not agree with each other.. with one party being civil and mature about whatever the situation is.. with the other party being the instigator and not wanting to agree to peace between the two parties.. then, you have the building blocks of war.

I've never agreed with war.. because once again, I don't think it solves anything. Well, it might solve some things.. but at what cost?

Which, I mean hell.. just take a good look at the current war going on. Then you have the issues over in Libya and everything else going on in today's world.

Those are some fine examples of how war comes about..



Active Member
as lennon once said...violence begets violence. there is essentially no way to win against war, it's big business what to do what to do..?


Well-Known Member
War is what happens when individuals give up their most sacred and beautiful notions of personhood to become a tool for the elites.


Active Member
I've lost a few friends since 2002 to the war. As hurt as I was, it was a wake-up call that I needed. We put such extreme value on meaningless possessions that we are willing to fight and die for somebody elses agenda just to make a little money. Not to mention Americas poor education system funneling citizens with no better choice straight into the military. If we spent more money on education, perhaps in 50 years somebody would be wise enough to realize that we are hurting ourselves and wasting our time and using our resources to fight a perpetual money-machine for the informed called war.


Well-Known Member
war is bred on evil, money and control.
war is another form of fear.
war is what the goverment and higher powers create, and then expect us to go out there and fight for their problems and fight for the lies they have told us just to bring back some oil and to put the eatsern countrys into more poverty!
The west are the evil ones that created all of this nonsense in the first place!

fuck war and the pople who create it!

and the end of the day it comes down the the government, they are constantly trying the kill us.
with weather control, the big pharma, food, everything you can think of they are slowly killing you!

dont trust anthing they say or do. there is hardly any truth in anything they say.


Active Member
The west are the evil ones that created all of this nonsense in the first place!

fuck war and the pople who create it!
I do agree with your position about war, but the west are the evil ones. Are you meaning USA, because if you are, I like to see where you would be if it was not for the USA.

You would be speaking German now, because Hiltler would have overrun you like nobodys business.

To the original OP, I fight with this in my mind all the time, I hate the idea of war but what if nothing would ever be done.

Examples Hitler, Japan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc.... Many people would have been killed and strongarm leaders would have taken over.

I wish somebody had the right answer....


Well-Known Member
My opinion on it is that its f*cked, human nature, definitely, but still f*cked.


Active Member
My opinion on it is that its f*cked, human nature, definitely, but still f*cked.
I bet Papa Smurf would know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

They only had little fights, but not all out war, and they always made up real quick.

That answers alot of questions why they were always happy, they were tripping on shrooms, they never showed that on TV though.


Well-Known Member
yes the west do create all the drama and wars. not just the USA, but parts of europe and the UK. im not talking so much as in the 1st and second world war, but everthing after that has been created. alot of the time there has been no need for these wars. wars are mainly about money and control.

i know im going on to something different, but its just another example of how they put fear into the people! al queda, created by the west, to put fear into the people. America and the UK have been behind nearly every major attack on their own turf. it makes me sick how they can kill their own people in the hundreds. and then try and blame it on fucking terrorism. what crap. they fucking trained all these terrorists and sent them out.
the rest of them who cause misery are not terrorists. they are oppressed, because of us killing all of their familys and friends, they have nothing to live for so they go and kill you! what do you expect, id do the same

sorry i havent gone into alot of detail, but its something im deeply into and prefer to go of on one face to face. i cant be botherd to write all the shit thats going on.
im totally against the government and dont believe a word they say.

Peace dude :D

I do agree with your position about war, but the west are the evil ones. Are you meaning USA, because if you are, I like to see where you would be if it was not for the USA.

You would be speaking German now, because Hiltler would have overrun you like nobodys business.

To the original OP, I fight with this in my mind all the time, I hate the idea of war but what if nothing would ever be done.

Examples Hitler, Japan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc.... Many people would have been killed and strongarm leaders would have taken over.

I wish somebody had the right answer....


Well-Known Member
yes the west do create all the drama and wars. not just the USA, but parts of europe and the UK. im not talking so much as in the 1st and second world war, but everthing after that has been created. alot of the time there has been no need for these wars. wars are mainly about money and control.

i know im going on to something different, but its just another example of how they put fear into the people! al queda, created by the west, to put fear into the people. America and the UK have been behind nearly every major attack on their own turf. it makes me sick how they can kill their own people in the hundreds. and then try and blame it on fucking terrorism. what crap. they fucking trained all these terrorists and sent them out.
the rest of them who cause misery are not terrorists. they are oppressed, because of us killing all of their familys and friends, they have nothing to live for so they go and kill you! what do you expect, id do the same

sorry i havent gone into alot of detail, but its something im deeply into and prefer to go of on one face to face. i cant be botherd to write all the shit thats going on.
im totally against the government and dont believe a word they say.

Peace dude :D
In general, I would say its just governments, not a specific country, I mean, it might be China for a hundred years (thats leading all the corruption and everything) and the next hundred it could be Bulgaria maybe? Bottom line being, we're all human, we make a lot of mistakes and f*ck ups, and don't judge people because the region they come from.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I say war is important and a good thing.

because there are people who want to dominate you. therefore they must be killed in a war.

without war we would all be slaves or dead.

I think what you guys should be saying is bad wars are bad. but there are plenty of good reasons for war. so good wars are great and bad wars are bad.

if you were on an island with 100 people and 25 of them were stealing all the food supplies and your people were starving and you could not convince the other side to stop taking your share of the food.

then its you duty to kill these people or stop them by any means necessary to ensure your future and that of your family and allies.

anything else would be cowardly and weak and will result in your doom and the doom of your kin

war is needed always.

i personally think war is exciting. if it must be done, then it must be done. why not enjoy it. humans are competative because all the ones who were not got killed a long time ago and thier seeds never flourished.

if you look at nature it is kill or be killed. you would be a fool to think humans are an exception to the rule.

nature is brutal and so must we be,

death is a part of life and so is killing. you will never get around this fact. although you may find that you can live without killing for a while. eventually killing will be needed again.


Well-Known Member
Big P,

I think you are lumping together self-defense/armed resistance with war. There are times that self-defense/armed resistance are necessary, but war is more than that.

Here is a definition of war, emphasis added by me:

1. a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.

Self-defense/armed resistance involves an individual or perhaps a small militia where individuals protect their interests. In a war, the individual becomes an agent for some political unit-- and the reasoning behind participation becomes abstract (patriotism, religious fervor etc.). Of course it is a spectrum; a militia can become a political unit. To whatever extent the conflict is political, it is harmful to the human spirit.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P,

I think you are lumping together self-defense/armed resistance with war. There are times that self-defense/armed resistance are necessary, but war is more than that.

Here is a definition of war, emphasis added by me:

1. a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.

Self-defense/armed resistance involves an individual or perhaps a small militia where individuals protect their interests. In a war, the individual becomes an agent for some political unit-- and the reasoning behind participation becomes abstract (patriotism, religious fervor etc.). Of course it is a spectrum; a militia can become a political unit. To whatever extent the conflict is political, it is harmful to the human spirit.

Ya I see what your saying. It just bothers me when peeps make blanket statments like "I dont like war" "it sucks"

thats like saying "rain is wet" or "I dont like bleeding profusely out of my anus" :D

like implying they are somehow better or more wise than people who must make the hardest choices and fight wars.

to me, a war is just based on if it will save more lives in the end than it kills. like iraq for instance. If less poeple will end up dead by killing in the Iraq war and it becoming a democracy, than decades of murder and oppression through saddam and his sons leadership then that war would be just in my opinion

however what adds to the debate is national interest. like we could save a shit load of lives all over the world. but why would we want our boys to lose thier lives doing it? even if we save way more lives in the process

people who say we are in there because of oil are right. but they make it sound like we want to steal the oil. when all we want is a stable government there that does not kill its own people so we can buy the oil from them

if the middle east decided to stop all oil exports to the USA tomorrow. there will be alot of people who would all of a sudden think attacking them is not such a bad idea.

the world is full of hypocrates and its easy to be "just" when times are good and your not starving to death. or eating roaches and feeding them to your kids because you cant afford food because the price it takes to transport it without oil is huge.

i mean you can live in a tent and barly not starve. but will you be be cool with that or will you be be like, "FUCK THEM lets attack and take some shit!!! they are being unreasonable"

we are all self interested in the end and we are all evil. its just easyer to hide it when you have abundance.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
War is population control. The Elites need the masses to labor and invent shit, and gain control of other peoples, then they need to kill them off when they become too abundant. That's my take on it, in that case war is actually super effective.