New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
Everything is good peeps! Im still hanging with fam then working for a few hrs then back out to hang with the fam. I'll be back to my normal routine soon enough :-)



Well-Known Member
Everything is good peeps! Im still hanging with fam then working for a few hrs then back out to hang with the fam. I'll be back to my normal routine soon enough :-)

Holy shit you have a job!? All this time I presumed that dank was your job haha. Rock out.


Well-Known Member
hahah yeah hes got a sick ass work shop that his grow room is pretty much apart of. it seems hes his own boss so he just has time for the dank!


Well-Known Member
Sooo boss lol


I'll go ahead and take some basic pics before I leave for today :-) Just hold on I gotta do some watering.



Well-Known Member
BnS ~


Space bomb~ and 2 bco kush at the bottom of the pick, left one is seeded with like crazy lol I'll tell later why, on the right is looking nice and there is another not in the pics also looking nice. Seeded one smells kinda like lemonade ~

Some from the sour d I had in the 2gal pot, you know, chunked out visitors from above :lol: She came out to an ounce :-)




Well-Known Member
alls looking n sounding good,breeding comeing along nice for thats good to hear.
likes the bong!!


Active Member
Beautiful beautiful buds! Respect it homie. I'm about to start my own grow soon--do you really think a screen makes a huge difference? And how high up is your screen from your pots?


Well-Known Member
BNS are looking dank already and that super soil is keeping them so damn green!!!! one day in the future i may be making me some of that, i really like the idea of straight water!! i call some seeds in advance, already got my nuggage packed under the pillow for the fairy.


Well-Known Member
Dude your plants are perfect specimens of health. How is the super soil plant doing? I dropped another one in today, they seem to love it but I'm curious if they will go the distance through flower.


Well-Known Member
shwag- most all of his plants are in super soil now, atleast the green ones of superb health are haha. he tries to hide the others from us!!


Well-Known Member
shwag- most all of his plants are in super soil now, atleast the green ones of superb health are haha. he tries to hide the others from us!!
Haha, that's awesome! The ones I have in super soil right now are probably the healthiest plants I've grown so far.


Well-Known Member
alls looking n sounding good,breeding comeing along nice for thats good to hear.
likes the bong!!
Thanks G~ I took the bong out,,, it was too dirty lol I'll show the rest once I finally clean it.
Beautiful beautiful buds! Respect it homie. I'm about to start my own grow soon--do you really think a screen makes a huge difference? And how high up is your screen from your pots?
Thanks allot nick,
If a scrog is done correctly I think it can greatly increase yields. The screen over my hydro ladies is about 3 inches above the hydroton.
Thanks again.
BNS are looking dank already and that super soil is keeping them so damn green!!!! one day in the future i may be making me some of that, i really like the idea of straight water!! i call some seeds in advance, already got my nuggage packed under the pillow for the fairy.
hehe thanks LG ~ The supersoil is really kicking ass with the BnS but oddly enough the space bombs are much lighter in color, must be genetic. I might feed a tea next week just to give em a little jolt, doesn't seem that they need it but it def cant hurt :-). So hows about this name ~ space bubble :lol: Space bomb x Bubble n' squeak :lol: I think I'll have to work on it for some time before I can actually name the cross eh.?. not sure lol who cares.

Dude your plants are perfect specimens of health. How is the super soil plant doing? I dropped another one in today, they seem to love it but I'm curious if they will go the distance through flower.
shwag- most all of his plants are in super soil now, atleast the green ones of superb health are haha. he tries to hide the others from us!!
Haha, that's awesome! The ones I have in super soil right now are probably the healthiest plants I've grown so far.
Thanks allot shwag ~

LG ~ lol you a fool :lol:
Yeah all soil plant in my room are in subs SS... The last batch I mixed is just about ready to use (vics SS)

Update tonight!
If I dont then I will never sign on again, k.?


Well-Known Member
Rooting Space bomb clones.

BnS clones in veg. x-planted a few days ago.

The two BnS ladies that got lucky today. All 3 phenos of the space bomb were used along with a bns male :-)

I think lower portion of this plant is getting wind damage

The ones that didnt get pollen~

Space bombs

BCO kush mix 3 of em. The small one is seeded by many fathers.

? purp chugging along but not going to fill the 360*. I really under estimated the amount of area it covers. The reflector may remain for the rest of the grow, but it is only day 8... will see :mrgreen:

Night ladies!

peace folks


Well-Known Member
space bubble sounds good for now until some more pondering can be put into it haha. some strains just perfer more nutes than others so im sure the BNS arent heavy nute drinkers while the space bombs may be looking for all they can get. if they were a bit lighter in the entire process then it may be nutes for sure. everything is looking pretty dank though, cant wait to see everything with some giant nugs. just another couple weeks if that.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go ahead and brew some tea for the space bombs and the bco kush plants, might give the mass seeded one a light veg mix. Everything is going good so far. Gonna have to veg some big girls if I want to fill the entire screen :-) work in progress lol

Btw looks like the pollen took, got dead hairs :-) I'll try and catch the space bombs earlier.



Well-Known Member
hwiadhowhdohahgfleglkshklghklaefkahwkdfjkawjdk;aklfhakhfkahwdhoaphefaouhehpeohfoakehgkoahegkhasdkaghoarheghasdklghaegphqewog to u too!