Dutch Passion Blueberry + DNA Genetics Sour Creme + freebies Let's Go


Well-Known Member
things really have improved, guess the gnome hasn't hurt, and if it works, keep doing it
very strong looking for a strain that supposedly doesn't like topping


Well-Known Member
room is built. ran it 24 hours yestersay and the temperature is ok 74-81. humidity however may be a problem 58-72%.
lights being cooled, with a passive intake. i believe i will have to add an active intake in the future... we'll see how they progress in the coming weeks. i will be running the lights 18/6 today, and tomorrow start the 12/12.

cleaned res out, fresh flowering nutes with micro/grow/bloom, ppm 900.
also waiting on some additional nutes foralicious plus, florablend and koolbloom, along with exhale co2 bags, all should arrive any day now. ill wait till she drinks the present res then add the additional nutes. :joint:
heres a few pics of the build, before and after:mrgreen:

edit: sorry i forgot to flip the pics!



Well-Known Member
this bitch is gonna stretch........ any ideas how to keep her the same height? i guess tying her down is the most obvious answer but if i do how will i change/add the res?? idk.. gonna think about it tonight at work...


Well-Known Member
you do have a good sized plant
well, on the bright side the rough patches you had getting started don't mean much now
you do need to start flowering asap, or it will really get out of control


Well-Known Member
yea i kno growone! today is day one of flower. im gonna either buy the waterfarm water level/drain at my local hydro shop if they have them in stock or diy. then make a scrog screen about 6 inches lower than the tops now which are 4'3" from the floor and i have a 7' ceiling minus approx 20inches for the light, gives my 5'4" of total height. crazy...... if the screen or the drain level dont work out within the next 2 weeks i will have to just chop her down... sucks... but it is what it is. i learnt from my mistakes, and it was more of a personal thing than a growing technique or style, i knew i was vegging to long... my gut was talking to me, i just ignored it for a couple weeks to long..
well on the bright side, i turned this bitch around. and i will have scrog screen by the end of today, whether for this plant or for a future plant. maybe my super lemon haze that just cracked:mrgreen:
oh, btw, out of 5 slh seeds, ONE cracked. W T F is up with that?!?!
im starting to think my germination method is fucked up. i use distilled water, paper towel folded twice on the bottom inside plastic tuberware. place seeds on top of paper towel, get another paper towel and fold twice, sprinkle water till damp. top with a metal pot lid and place on top of my cable box.... i think im gonna invest in a propagation tray like this


Well-Known Member
paper towel method is much used, works well for many - some seeds can take their sweet time sprouting
so don't give up them, a careful nick in the right spot could possibly salvage a seed or 2


Well-Known Member
in 3-4 days she completely drank the 2 1/2 gallon res. with that last res change i added 1ml of bushmaster, no signs of burn! that res was 900ppm.

today i got some additional nutes to go with mcro/grow/bloom, enter floralicious plus, florablend and liquid koolbloom. ppm was 1050. i did the calculations of the nutes at 2 1/2 gallons, but it was 3 gallons of water to bring the overall ppm down from whatever it would have been. id guess 1300 or so. Zena seems to love it. thats her name, cause she is a fucking warrior coming back to life from the brink of death! so yea, Zena is not burning, she likes the level of nutes that she is receiving, i will keep this ppm for just about the whole flower cycle, up until i switch to dry koolbloom.

with my nutes i also got Exhale co2 bags, they are the hanging bags in the pics, i used an old shirt to create a basket and tied it up to the roof with a nail. :mrgreen:

also i skipped the scrog, decided to just tie the branched down, took like 6-8 inches of the height:mrgreen: i will continue to tie them down as they continue to stretch.
i tied them down yesterday and this morning already the tops rearranged themselves toward the light, nice and perky in less then a day. that shit is sooo fucking cool!

temps are 73-82F and humidity 47-61.

questions comments always welcome



Well-Known Member
i will admit to being very impressed with your recovery - all the more for a strain with a fussy reputation, especially when not in soil


Well-Known Member
so upset... she was getting taller.. i attempted to tie down further... she snapped... attempted to make a split but it was to top heavy.... so upset............................. several tops........... lost..... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:



Well-Known Member
so upset... she was getting taller.. i attempted to tie down further... she snapped... attempted to make a split but it was to top heavy.... so upset............................. several tops........... lost..... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Clone her stat!


Well-Known Member
sooooo after i fucked up and snapped a branch off (pic below) i decided im not tying the branches down anymore further than what they are. this means the main tops will be off to the side of the hood and basically not receiving the light. it is what it is......:-|

besides that, side branching, particularly the center branching is receiving the full blast of the light and are really starting to look fucking great! many many tops in the center and all at a good distance from the light, hopefully they wont stretch much further.

bottom leaves are spotty, but all the tops are perky, lush and strong green in color. i dont know what thats about... im guessing the strain being a bitch.

here are some pics, in the top pic you can see the bottom leaves in the background and see the yellowing.



Well-Known Member
Hey man check out the thread in my sig on super cropping. If you start earlier in veg/flower you can train the plants nicely and make a nice transition to LST. Gotta watch out for those sativas though, they do tend to be a bit tricky to train and crop.


Well-Known Member
you had me worried on the branch break, but this is nothing, you won't be able to notice the loss, other bud sites will grow a bit extra
your plant is over sized for your light, but no problem if some of the side buds are not so large, there will be plenty of big ones from the center


Well-Known Member
Hey man check out the thread in my sig on super cropping. If you start earlier in veg/flower you can train the plants nicely and make a nice transition to LST. Gotta watch out for those sativas though, they do tend to be a bit tricky to train and crop.
i did man.. just like a week to late lol. one question, you can supercrop the main stems? mines are VERY think, im thinking i can only do it to side branching...?


Well-Known Member
you had me worried on the branch break, but this is nothing, you won't be able to notice the loss, other bud sites will grow a bit extra
your plant is over sized for your light, but no problem if some of the side buds are not so large, there will be plenty of big ones from the center
yup yup, thats what im hoping for. the side buds will prob be airy and not as dense as the others, but thats ok, now just crossing my fingers that she doesnt hermy!


Well-Known Member
i think Xena will turn blue/purple. she seems to be getting a tint, tried taking a pic but you cant really see it, dunno if thats cause of the 600 or what..
rootball is HUGE! easily like the size of a volleyball or smaller than a woman's basketball. i will going to the hydro shop today and picking up Great White and Hygrozyme. gotta stay making improvements where i can :mrgreen: and both together will be well under 100bucks, i think like 50 for both depending how much they up the price. you guys have any pointers using these products? or anything similar?

also, she doesnt smell.... which is VERY odd, she was starting to smell in the last weeks of veg but now since flower, nothing. i have a carbon filter just sitting outside the room waiting to be used but im not gonna put it in until the smell is strong.


Well-Known Member
thought id spread some info on these products

Great White - "Great White is simply the best mycorrhizal product of it's kind! Plant Success uses a combination of mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria, trichoderma, and plant vitamins to create Great White. This combination of ingredients gives your plants a strong, well-developed root system. Strong healthy roots greatly increase your plants ability to break down and absorb nutrients more efficiently and effectively. Using Great White will also increase water uptake and the overall absorption area of the root system. Bottom line - healthier plants!"

Hygrozyme - "HYGROZYME may well be "the greatest breakthrough in Horticulture in the last decade." Simply explained: it is developed using a proprietary bio-fermentation process, made from ALL NATURAL ingredients that produce a supply of BACTERIA-FREE enzymes and complex chains of amino acids. "

sooo basically Great White protects the roots with beneficial bacteria living in there and Hygrozyme is like a disposal system that reuses dead/weak roots to create more healthy roots. sorta like saliva helps to break down our food. i think both working together will be a great addition to anyones garden. altho, i am a newb. so i cant say it works or if other products work better, just going of what iv been researching:peace: