Sea of green question

I am 3 weeks into my 2nd grow experience. First time around I harvested after 10 weeks, this time I am implementing the SOG approach. I veg'd for 14 days and flipped to 12/12. Into my 6th day of flowering. My question is relative to the trimming of my plants. The SOG focuses on the top cola to produce the bud, when should I start trimming the lower portion of the plants?:confused:


Well-Known Member
now, if youve flipped to 12/12 it should be trimmed once before, and once again 3 weeks into flowering.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
IMO don't trim your plants much after 2 weeks into flower. I like to remove about the lower third of the plant before flower and then as the plants grow, remove any branches below the top cola and or any leaves not receiving very much or any light. Good Luck.