Rain coming' you've got it trained have you lol, right, they cant be sprouted if they have yet to brake the soil' but we all know what u mean fella. i dont think you cover them up if you have planted them into the soil but i see what your saying' i my self wouldnt cover them up but i wouldnt want them getting soaked aswell at the same time, ive never growen outside before but im planing one.I'd try re-posting this in the outdoor growing part of the forum and see what people say' now i think of it more + more i really dont know fella' on the one hand when you go to germinate seeds it always says not to soak them in the paper towell, and then you think about someone who have planted some seeds outside and came in doors and it starts to rain' no ones gonna run out and dig them up. so im thinking that just cos the rain coming dont worry about it but wait abit untill others comment on what you want to know. ok