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Should I put an adjustable cfl hood write up in the DIY section?

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Tyler D.

Now that you're here i'm pleased to announce the late breaking event that they're all female!!

4x Jack Herer (sensi seeds)
1x Sage (TH seeds)
1x White Widow (Dinafem)

Granted the sage and ww are both feminized, lol. 4 JH seeds were planted and not only did all germinate but they all have grown well (no major chem, heat, or watering probs), and now all JH are showing fem pre-sex pistols. I was even thinking to myself today, man these are getting too tall I need to put them to flower soon. Then while checking on them, bam. Its late so no big journal tonight but here are some teaser pics. Check back soon for updates and to check them out. I'll also post some old pics of bag seed sativa grows that were done for practice and maybe a write up on an adjustable cfl hood if anyone wants it.

Who can guess whats what? (+rep) for positive id. ;)

pics 1+2 group shot. 3: pistols . 4: bag practice sativa in flower


Mort Fink

New Member
I can tell which are which. Front left Sage, front middle Widow, rest Jack? Nice hood man I wish I had a air cooled one like that, I have to leave my door open all the time. Im subscribed to your thread.

Tyler D.

Front left Sage, front middle Widow, rest Jack?
Not quite ;) and thanks, i'm subd to yours too.
Here are some pics of my very first grow with the bag sativa. Got some dank with seeds in it, which was uncommon but now that i think back maybe the grower was breading? Regardless, I didn't know wtf i was doing at all, which is why they are trees.

Closet is 2x3 lined with thick white drawing paper and white out fabric mounted to a fabbed door inside the door frame. Grew in MG potting soil with MG all pupose 12-4-8 throughout, and 4 cfl (cant remember watts or color). The one in front turned out male.
pic one: lights off
pic two: lights on
pic three: from above (had to get on a step stool)
pic four: First attempt at clones, only 2 survived.
will post more later.


Tyler D.

Like nothing. maybe an ounce. I didn't think changing fertz would matter I had thumbed through but not entirely read the marij grow bible and had done zilch online research. I just saw seeds in first time for a long time in the expensive weed i use to buy so i thought: "i bet this is good shit, i'm going to grow it". I've come such a long way since then, it makes me laugh. I'm still no seasoned pro but i can hopefully hold my own, guess we'll see with the girls i'm growing now.

Tyler D.

ya even if i put it to the ceiling and leave the door open its 100+, at 750 its 90-100. I am not even going to flower them completely I just thought i'd get a little bud from'em. I'm waiting for the mothers i just topped to produce more main shoots and then top those so I'll have plenty of shoots to take clones from. While i'm doing that i'll let those keep flowering

Mort Fink

New Member
oh ya and how do you post more than 4 pics at a time?
Shouldn't be a trick to it just add them in attachments. Ive seen it, On mine I have six or more. Maybe you got to go back to the text and skip a line or something. I have seen peple with like 20 or more attachments, maybe the system was messed up cuz I know the searches weren't working right. Try it again.

Tyler D.

Shouldn't be a trick to it just add them in attachments. Ive seen it, On mine I have six or more. Maybe you got to go back to the text and skip a line or something. I have seen peple with like 20 or more attachments, maybe the system was messed up cuz I know the searches weren't working right. Try it again.
There we go.
Pick one and two are the 2 that survived (earlier post left off here). 3 is the one i flowered, the other was mommy. Pic 4 is one grow, 5 is another. 6 is one of the smaller nugs that i hadn't smoked yet. Fast forward a few cycles and there is 7. 8 is the last batch i flowered under the cfls. 9 - 12 are close ups of the cfl hood. Notice on the last one there is a nail twist tied to the power cord. This is how i adjust the heights of each bulb. Ghetto i know but it works well and cost pennies. Lastly the pic of the lonely bag seed mom i'm going to clone 1 or 2 off of to compare against jack and sage.


Tyler D.

and yes there is obvious burns on 3,4, and 5. With low yeild but hey thats why I practice on free bag seeds. I've realized light is only one small aspect of growing. Learning fertilizing, watering, and general care for the plant can be done under 3-4 cfls per plant. If you buy $hit weed there is usually a ton of seeds. The reason why I think the weed turns out $hitty is because it is gorilla grown with minimal care and little to no bud curing. That combo would turn most genetics out into shwag IMHO. Doing this practice goes a looooong way.

Once I really learned how to read her, care for her, and get what i wanted out of her i bought good seeds and moved thanks bitch i'm out.

And they're off:JH #1 (i randomly numbered from 1-4) took the early lead but jH #3 pulls ahead and takes control. She is really looking like she is going to be a power house. Her pre sex pistils are twice as large as any others and are super frosty already...!! pics later

Mort Fink

New Member
Good shot man, awesome pictures. That one plant with the buds about to get chopped is a real beauty, I hope to get one like that. I like your CFL hood, nice design well spread out lights. Rock on man Im gonna take some pic and post sometime soon most likely.