Does topping cause the leaves to sag??


Active Member
Just topped my plants and the leaves look...lifeless and rubbery,they are upright still,just kind of starting to curl and have no...strength.Just wondering if this may be a separate problem or if they will perk back up in time...sorry no pics...maybe spider mites?,they just started showing up as well.


Active Member
No I just gave them the usual dose of water.Maybe the circulation??my fan broke down so for the last couple days I had a shitty one that doesn't oscillate,to much constant air??...temps good,humidity is good,or maybe just a little more love haha...I dunno,we'll see in the morning!!


Well-Known Member
Topping puts your plant in shock for all most a week it will have slow growth and slightly DROOP:eyesmoke:After 4-7 days it will pert back up:clap:Every plant is differentbongsmilieI top after the 5th set of branches cuz the first 2 ain't shit and the other 3 sets of branches will give you 6 pack of cola's with a bushier plant:hump:if you top after the 4th set of branches you'll get 4 nicer cola's with a little tall plant:bigjoint:


Active Member
I actually read a thread in the forum that kind of scared me,(uncle bens topping technique or something??)I read it after I topped and it tells me if I top above the 4th set I will get no colas at all or just one,not sure...,....I hope I didn't wreck them!!!


Well-Known Member
I actually read a thread in the forum that kind of scared me,(uncle bens topping technique or something??)I read it after I topped and it tells me if I top above the 4th set I will get no colas at all or just one,not sure...,....I hope I didn't wreck them!!!
Your not going to get 1 really big cola:lol:You'll get 4 or 6 smaller cola's with a shorter and bushier plant:clap:No matter how you topped it you will get more medication:hump:


Well-Known Member
Topping puts your plant in shock for all most a week it will have slow growth and slightly DROOP:eyesmoke:After 4-7 days it will pert back up:clap:Every plant is differentbongsmilieI top after the 5th set of branches cuz the first 2 ain't shit and the other 3 sets of branches will give you 6 pack of cola's with a bushier plant:hump:if you top after the 4th set of branches you'll get 4 nicer cola's with a little tall plant:bigjoint:
You can top at any node, topping has never put my plants in 'shock', the rest of the growth continues, the top in which you cut needs some time to recover but not the plant itself. Every plant is different but should not go into "shock" from topping. I cut almost all the nodes off my mom's when I cut trays of clones, they never go into "shock", and I'm hacking nearly 60% of her growth. Next day, shoots already regrowing. If your plants are curling/clawing then you have other issues.


Active Member
I topped after my fourth node & tied the fan leaves down into the soil with paperclips & got 8 tops .. On ---
EmeraldTriangle Grapefruit Krush (Grpfrt x Bubba) .. Im very happy with how she doing .. Day 9 of Flower and streching a lot for such a small plant. I love topping & LST but Im still a newbie & havent even gotten a yield yet.

And I didnt see any significant sagging after topping her. Maybe you overwatered a little. Gave my Hammerhead a little too much water the other day and 2 days later she was really droopy. Good Luck man .. Post some pics

- thchead