Well-Known Member
fast food for me. throw me in an element where i can't have anything i smell and see and snot-nose ass customers always complaining about the food or service would drive me insane.
Lol, my sister's like 90lbs and works for Securitas doing exactly that.Security guard in a very large unoccupied commercial building at night.
Ha ha ha!!! My brother does septic and I do roadkill, don't any of you people watch dirty jobs with mike rowe? lol.. anyhoo's, i've seen mike do some jobs that you couldn't pay me enough to ever even think of doing..
i think number one on that list would be septic tank cleaner.. you've got to hook up a large hose to someones shit tank basically, and suck in the lovely order that comes out of that hole as the lovely stuff from inside of the hole goes into your truck.. once the truck is full, you've got to go and dump it all out and breathe the stank in all over again.. not for me..
another one that looked like it stunk, literally, was this place that takes dead animals and make skeletons out of their bones.. they have to use several processes to help remove any dead skin or muscles or what have you from the bones first. one of these methods was by using water and boiling the bones.. can you imagine the stench that must come from that lovely witches brew on a hot summers day?? ever smelled a dead mouse or anything rotting on a hot day?? omg, puke a rama, lol..
hmm. another one i can think of as well.. road kill removal crew.. again, pretty much for the same reasons as above job.. dead animals stink, and maggots do more than freak me out.. again, not for me..
one last one for shits and gigles that you won't catch me doing any time soon.. idk what the name of the job even is, but what they do is go around to all of the farms in the area and remove any dead animals, and put them on the back of a truck, and take them to this big factory where they skin them, and then grind the carcus up to use as say dog food and people food as in meat byproducts.. again, no effing way you're going to catch me riding around in the big dead meat wagon picking up dead cows and shit.. nada way..
Ha ha ha!!! My brother does septic and I do roadkill pickup.
I have an incredibly strange family. My other sis is a model and just came back from Germany. I guess we chose the oddball career way, and your sister does security at the amityville horror at nights too right?? jesh, where the hell do you live at, lmao..
I have an incredibly strange family. My other sis is a model and just came back from Germany. I guess we chose the oddball career paths.
Stinky jobs but you get a lot of time off and pretty good pay.
I turn them into compost using the manure from my farm.So what do you do with the carrcases 420???
I turn them into compost using the manure from my farm.