thump easy
Well-Known Member
I enjoyed delivering furniture, although I can't say why. The people are always happy to see you, but never seem to pick up the toys and trash on the floor, or put their dogs away, even though we called to let them know we were coming. So you end up carrying a 400lb glass curio across an icy sidewalk and into a house full of trash with dogs running in and out your feet. There is no safe way to carry weight while navigating a house and stairs, so I ended up with a bad back as well, but I wouldn't change anything. One other thing I noticed, the more money someone had the less likely they were to tip. Poorer people seem to appreciate the service far more than rich people.
hahaha you know ur right about the tips on the richer they r the tighter they are i got fucked buy radiologist 4500 cancer doctor 2000 electical enginear about 250,ooo n im the broke kid construction sucks wen u do a hand shake mother fucker get a good deal n they still want to fuckyou on the way out one doctors wife she was from india dude those women r depribe she wanted her marble floor howned n borders they tricked me n bull nose edge pieces i didnt specifie on the blue print so i did the women told me the fucken pations were expireing because of me because i had to finish the fucken floor dude it would have been finished had their not been three fucken difrent typs of floors under it n they wanted me to level out the didfences in the from room to room yet they all were difrent floors ow man i lost on the removal i lost on the man hours i lost on the borders to much cuting n i lost on the bull noses i had to hire a marble guy to bull nose about 1500 pieces dude i lost my fucken ass my but hole hurted so fucken bad i was puting the last piece in and the ladie started to yell at me n almost slaped me while on my knees because they new three fucken floor were under nieth dude what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!! i got up held it in went to the serko k n some fool got crazzy with me for no reason i beet the fuck out of him i mean wrong tyming the dude yelled at me n because he was with another person he aproach me n well he didnt know i a trained fighter i sead the hell with it busted his nose busted his mouth busted his eye blood like a foset shit im small but dont fuck with me..... any ways i went home the next morning the husband the owner gave me 2000 dollars n sead look i know my wife is a lil hard to handle at tymes this is a gift n thats the only rich mother fucker who gave a fuck but his other budie got me n thier budie got me to at a fucken store dude told me come on come on give me a deal so i did u put material i had to unmantal shelfing from another store for material i should have to told him to go fuck him self but young n dumb live n you learn peep the avi. give me a few minutes
the radioligist sead his old ladie took his money divorce lolz hahahaa i gues im fucked
the doctor told me it was my fault the stuckle guy didnt put down plastic DAM i had nothing to do with that shit man! just wanted to fuck me carma got him thow my work is superb the stuckle cracked on synthetic thats crazzy carm i tell u had nothing to do with me
the indian guy in the store with the shelving for product i dont know y he was so cheap but he got me at the end sead he payed to much n hell pay me next week next week next week n i setled for half a thow fucken jew basterd..... waisting my tym ow man people human nature realy fucken sux.
the electrical engineer was a theif.