CFL Micro PC Grow: Auto Berry


Active Member
Tonight i will be feeding her, her first dose of 50% strength bloom nutes and fish emulsion. Can't wait to c how frosty she ends up getting in the end.
enjoy the few bud shots, keep the feedback coming.:leaf::leaf:
-p.s, thanx for the tip




Active Member
man nice looking indeed, well done, id go to 100% next feed if she takes the 50% no problem, just remember water, feed, water, feed, repeat


Active Member
man nice looking indeed, well done, id go to 100% next feed if she takes the 50% no problem, just remember water, feed, water, feed, repeat
thank brah! input always appreciated, will see how she does over night, If all goes well then I will take it there.


Active Member
na man you did well, starting to frost up, i got some ko kush atm, 4 weeks into 12/12 and she is frooosssstttyy haha, stinks too, yum


Active Member
sounds amazing, if u got a link bro let me knoe, I'd stop through.
btw i've been using nutes every feeding, what r the downsides with this?
Or is it more of a precaution taken to prevent nute burn?


Active Member pics from a few days ago.

The downsides is, possibly making the soil too hot, she can get nute lockout, and stop taking up nutes altogether, fuck with the ph of the soil, and be very bad for the plant.
generally a feeding is followed by just normal phed water to remove any excess nutes in the soil, and allow the plant to take in some fresh water, balancing everything.

if your plant is showing no bad signs then i guess its fine, tho a break every now and again will not hurt at all


Active Member
you make a good point, I can see your reasoning behind that suggestion.
Next feeding i will do str8 water before i take it up to full strength. thanx
And your girls btw look beautiful and healthy.


Active Member


Active Member
looks like i need to stay tuned, nice genetics.
thanx, ye im getting anxious as well, shouldnt be to much longer now


Active Member
Very nice and keep posting good threads :)
Welcome, Nordic division.
Wheter or not you been watching quietly or just tuned in, its good to have you. Thanx brah, I'ma try n keep all my threads this updated and interactive.

She so icy already!
haha, you should see how she took the 50% nutes, (long whistle). Thanx though

p.s don't be afraid of the "like" button ya'll. Still learning the whole "rep" thing but that is greatly appreciated too. lol, but thank you and im glad ya'll enjoyng her progress.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Big Rep for this post :)
haha, appreciate it.

Just for a quic update, I gave her a flush yesterday, plan to hit her with some nutes on thursday. Her flower's become more swollen everyday and her crystals production is steady.
Final flush should be around the 26th/28th, aiming for the 6 or 7 th of july to chop down


Active Member
Watup RIU?!
Saw signs of very minimal burn, but since the flush things have improved. I decided to keep her at 50% strength from here until her final flush, switching to nutes every other feeding..
As for her height and over all size, growth verticaly has slowed down a bit, but stills remains steady. Her flowers are increasing in thickness, starting to get pretty thick. A very strong smell with bright green buds, and not to mention all those damn crystals!

There's the update>>> now to the pix, enjoy.:eyesmoke:

AB day 46 (6).jpgAB day 46 (5).jpgAB day 46 (11).jpgAB day 46 (8).jpgAB day 46 (7).jpg
