bud troubles..


New Member
So i'm taking a hiatus from bud, for personal and financial reasons. Latley I have been smoking a lot, like maybe a gram or two with a g or two of concentrates like oil or wax in a single session. I see people take "dabs" and fall out. I smoke a gram of half&half straight in one hit out a bowl.. wax/bud, and maybe get some type of head change. Seriously wtf?!?

I didnt smoke for a week, got home and smoked a gram straight and nothing. Mind you this is the type of bud that was hard as a rock but would stick to skin like glue! My buddy hits his g and takes a nap. So I knew it was me.

I smoke one way... take a sizable hit with a chaser breath to lock the smoke in my lungs. Hold for maybe 10sec and release slowly through my nose. Now im not saying I never get high, but I defiantly have never gotten to a point where I cant function. I have only been accused of being on drugs while sober and its kinda irritating. Especially when the person accusing is two steps away from being retarded.

accuser:"Hey, I know your high"
me: "well I guess you dont know much"
accuser: "i can tell, you act like it and I can tell by your voice"
me " can i be honest?"
accuser: yes
me: "well ive been noticing how mentally incapable you are, you know like functionally retarded". I know your fucking retarded.. i can tell by your voice, the way you look, and how your talking that you have a complete waste of space between your ears.

They usually walk away and not too happy. Like im the bad guy. Someone comes to me talking crazy.. I set a mirror in front of them and im the bad guy lol.

Anyways back to this bud troubles... I go into the room last night... (btw I fucked up) didnt step foot in there for a few days,.. very busy.. I had to cut down 5 ladies.. due to over heat, lack of water. Something somewhere stopped working and my temps hit 105!! That can make a human mentally unstable god only knows what happens when it comes to plants.
The bud is ok, as it will be all for hash pile.

The grow room is a mess, I wish this stuff was like candy so i could have helpers lol. My girl cant do it cuz she dumb and a snitch. I gave a g to her friend and she was like "is this the one you grew"?? I gave her the meanest face and "what bitch" was my reply! she snitched out my girl for telling her. She says shes cool cuz they are friends.. I told her look bitch, just because your my girls friend does not make you cool.. im not friends with or trust her, so why would I you? I told her I dont grow anything but a hard dick and hair on my head and escorted her out my house. Lose lips sink mother fucking ships.. some people are so stupid and receive no home training. Parents usually just as stupid maybe even more teaching their spawn to shit in their hands and rub their faces.

im done for now.. I have to get back to business... be back in a bit. thanks


New Member
mind fucking myself with a new home build.. building a co2 extractor... well kinda

maybe just butane rig that keeps the stripping medium. does anyone have experience with vacuum pumps?


New Member
i could feasibly kill one with no repercussion, the other one I would have alot explaining to do to my kids lol.


New Member
its not a big deal, i just hate people even know when I even sneeze, mind your own damn business and i mind mine type shit. lol
i think I have it under control.. Sell the king ranch and get a 5 series, act dumb and denie.


Active Member
its not a big deal, i just hate people even know when I even sneeze, mind your own damn business and i mind mine type shit. lol
i think I have it under control.. Sell the king ranch and get a 5 series, act dumb and denie.
sounds like a good idea


New Member
new home build> PappaBear's DIY Silencer.. in progress.

will release an update with more info as soon as I find more redily availible materials. Also I will take full details photos as always.


New Member
Research lady bugs and how to keep them alive. Once you figure this out, you basically don't need any pesticides, organic or chemical based. Feed them a 3 part system as that is the easiest and most efficient way to produce the yields you desire. Add a carbohydrate/sugur and some type of beneficial bacteria for soil + hygrozyme. If you take it easy on the nutrients and learn about the plant and how it grows, than you can achieve a greater product every time. Holding on to a mother and gen2 mother cut from the first to understand clone traits. Mark the clones from both gen1 and gen2 to see if you have same product. Knowing all this about what you are growing is important because you want to maximize potential. That way you know if or which is the better mother so you can start on a second strain. Dispensaries get their product from a seasoned grower (hopefully) that carries at least one or two bottom bitches. These are the mothers that are tried and true, obviously because it makes him or her the most money. A real "grower" gives a fuck enough to make the most of a good thing and make their plants happy. Find out what your lowest temp for ladybugs to act bad (no lower than 68'F) and that is your low. Your temps should never be past 80'F, I say this because that gives you a protective barrier against hotter temps that can do some serious damage. Moisture content varies on growing cycle and should never be -20% or +80% . Fresh cut clones are a different story, you dont need a lot of light. Humidity when first cut can be 100% in your dome at the beginning but will need to decrease over a short time. Domed clones get 24/0 light cycle, cones/teens can take 24/0 but 18/6 is more efficient, and finally flowering on 12/12.

This should start you out with the basic knowledge of getting busy.