What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Been looking at the mayan calander and the math behind it.
Makes alot of sense and adds up.
Whats your guy's opinion on that?
Im pretty sure everyone has alot to say. No flaming about religion.
Just post what you think about 2012.


Active Member
well if you think it "Adds up" then why the fuck are you spamming us with your shit if we are all going to die in 6 months?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Fuck the spam dude.

I made this thread to talk about 2012, dont even mind that shit lol.
I just made a promise.

Whats your thoughts bro?


Similar predicitions have been recurring throughout history for ages, nothing is going to happen, and we'll still be able to smoke weed everyday until the year 3000 and beyond :)


Well-Known Member
earths been alright for the past ~5billions years (besides a few ice ages) so i dont think we have anything to worry about....now yellowstone is whole other story, think thats what we need to look out for. Super volcanos and the cascadia subduction zone will be the end of us


Active Member
i know that we will ALL hit the core at that time
you can bring all your predictions but i believe that some people are thinking too out instead of IN.


Well-Known Member
their are a minimum of 3 ancient civilizations, that all point to 12 12 2012 as a great time of change. now, considering each of these 3 civilizations existed at pretty much different era of earths history, had no known form of long distance communications, travels, (most would need time machines to speak to the other civilizations) or ability to speak directly between these civilizations.

yet all 3 (their are more) have the same Date in our current times as the end of the world, or time of great change.

1. the Mayans
2. the Hope Indians
3. the writer of the ying/yang

study these 3 cultures, and you ll realized in short order, their is NO WAY these 3 communicated with each other in history, thus no way they could of had shared knowledge of 12 12 2012.

do i think it will be the end of the world? not at all. But if you ask me what i think will happen, well thats a different story.

lets take one extremely plausable circumstance, and take it forward.

its 12 12, 2012, 2pm EST. all is fine. at 3pm, for unexplained reasons, power thru the world starts dropping off. unbenouned to the masses, but our and other governments have been aware of this situation, the sun is in its 7 yr cycle of high solar activity. (this is actually a very very likely scenario as 2012 is infact, the solar maximum). compounding on the 7 yr solar maximum, is the fact that our universe is near the center "RIFT" of our universe. its been long thought the center rift of our universe is like a power line, or the area between our north and south pole. ie massive energy movements. so this compounds the solar flares from the sun into a once in a millenia solar event. thus we have no records of the last ones from previous mellenia.

the added strength of the solar flare, further energized by the proximity of the centeral rift in our universe, causes EVERY SINGLE eclectronic chip to fry ou here on earth.

now the only people that will notice an immediate issue, are those with pace makers, ect that have been implanted in their body. they ll just stop working, and a large majority of those individuals will drop dead on the spot. (i suppose if your a religeous person, you may see this as gods revenge for keeping a person here in our living rehlm, when the man clearly tried to bring them home to the promised land years prior).

so other than no electricity, 12 12 2012 ends with some unusual deaths of folks who had electronic parts implanted in them.

BUT>.. and heres where the end of humanity as we know it comes in.

what will happen in 1 week, when power thru the world is not back on.
how about 2 weeks.

now 1 month.

2 months,

6 months?

now go roll up the biggest fatty you can smoke, and let this situation run willynilly thru your melons for a few days.

then come back and tell us what you think the situation will be like after 6 months of no electricity.

no tv, no phone, no gas, no food, no news, no nothing, but life in 1700 america.


Active Member
The mayan calendar ends on the date that the age of pisces ends and we go into the age of aquarius. Not the day the world ends, just the day the age of pisces ends. Big misunderstanding. Damn that language barrier.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my opinion about 2012 is the same one that I have about the Dinosaurs, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Fairies, The Man in the Moon, Uncle Sam, Santa Clause, Honest 21st Century Presidents, The Devil, human evolution from monkeys... God damn there is a lot of informational feces floating around in the collective pool of intelligence of man kind. I am fucking pissed off about every *fact* that doesn't serve any sense in today's world. if December 2012 is going to be like in that similarly named movie, Hoo-fucking-RAY! If we can't flush the toilet called our *government*, then let mother nature do it for us. And Dinosaurs... There is a big Dinosaur attraction house, just a temporary building put up with some animatronic dinosaurs outside and probably some stupid dino shit inside as well. It's across the main street here , and just the other day I saw about 500 unsuspecting school children that were just 7 years old, waiting outside, going to eat up this famous, useless fucking lie. Really? Schools need to spend money on taking kids to dinosaur theme parks? Lies lies Lies!!!!!! 21st century is a lie cake and everybody from the current generation is eating it up. I hate what the current generation is listening too... Justin Fucking Beiber??? Disney for Kids? All a bunch of shit designed to disintegrate the manlyhood of any 7+ year old, or turn the little girls into sluts... Me thinks the next 20 years are fucked :D


Well-Known Member
Hey, I want to throw a nutty terd of info out there again...
I know the OP said, something along the lines of not bringing religion up and 2012. That's cool. But I want to think outside of these boxes that people are putting their minds into. If God only refers to "religion", then "President of the United States" refers to "Federal Government". When we think about how the Federal Governments laws effect all of us, whether we want to fucking believe in them or not, we still go to jail for consequences that we may or may not believe in also. Well, atleast we can all agree on the previous statement. ........

So what the fuck guys? I mean for those that say God doesn't have anything to do with people in General unless it's about religion. I didn't ride the short bus to school, but I know retarded sentiments when I read/listen to them. You can be atheist, you can be gay and marry another dude and cum in his brown eye, you can do a lot of things that all the old literatures say are forbidden and not to do, and you will be alive today, and tomorrow. But "the end of humanity", and divine punishment is in the forecast.

So now let's ALL pretend everybody is accountable under God.
The end of the world is talked about a lot.
The evolution of the past Century is enough to cast a stark contrast on the rest of mankind's history. When the end of the world was thought to happen hundreds of times back in the day and its announcement surfaced to the public media, the false alarms created a belief that the world will never end. If we can entertain for just a damn minute that God really does exist, then doesn't anybody else see that the evolution of mankind is really starting to piss Him off? Take a look at world events. The internets. Did they exist all over the fucking place a hundred years ago? Noooooo. This is called EVOLUTION. As time passes, mankind loosens up his image of abiding to the natural laws of God and gets, well, a little gayer every day. Men are marrying men. Sexual lust is satisfied with just a mank and some minutes on Google, world money capital is printed at an astounding rate, so it's all fucking paper and not worth "The Gold Standard", Lies, lots of informational lies circulating, and the videos of "poopular artists" are becoming more obscene and filthy every year. Does somebody think that top artists make their own videos to be creative and cool? Fuck no, that's what music labels are for. They suggest what kind of content that gets out for YOU to see and appreciate and enjoy it's brainwashing effect. They also dictate what they DON'T want you to see. Flashback, the USA government is very brave to allow big production movies that make it to millions of viewers, suggesting that the world trade center bombing was in fact a government plot.

Maybe some troll is going to come out of his butthole with some tastey commentary for the masses against my "agenda" that he will pick out. I only mentioned a causes for the demise of humanity (extreme public gayness (usa)), and the economy farse, and maybe that's all you see, but God Damn it, if I have to write a book every time in order for a foolish troll to get a free education, I'm not gonna be on RIU or anyother board for much longer. Think.

Our toilet is overflowing guys

earths been alright for the past ~5billions years (besides a few ice ages) so i dont think we have anything to worry about....now yellowstone is whole other story, think thats what we need to look out for. Super volcanos and the cascadia subduction zone will be the end of us


Well-Known Member
so you think dinosaurs didnt exist?
and the recent innovations over the past 100 years is evolution? i think you dont know what evolution is.
and your reasoning for god ending the world is because he doesnt like our technology, and gay people are not shunned in our society? how many gay people does god have to put on the earth before you realize he wants them here?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure there is an apocalypse at the end of every Mayan calendar, it just means a new beginning. Thats what i read, too early for me to want to actually look up where i got my info...

But hey if a Mayan army of undead warriors come to kill us then fuck yeah!

Besides we all know the aliens who abducted Elvis to be there king will return to rescue us from our evil governments...at least thats what wikipedia tells me...gotta be legit right?


Well-Known Member
Wake up buddy, lots of people think the dinosaurs didn't exist. Would you put your knocked out tooth, lost by your own ignorrance, under your pillow so the tooth fairy can leave you a dollar? Thx for your questions, they really are taking the thread somewhere. You think the internet is a recent innovation like a space shuttle is just "an innovation"? Gay people? Gay people don't legalize marijuana, they don't serve me personally so I don't have an opinion about that. Only God has one. If you think I am making opinions for God, then you have a lot of work to do. Crack open a book called "The Bible". Try to get an original text if you can. Wait, wait I know. Non believers don't read books.
so you think dinosaurs didnt exist?
and the recent innovations over the past 100 years is evolution? i think you dont know what evolution is.
and your reasoning for god ending the world is because he doesnt like our technology, and gay people are not shunned in our society? how many gay people does god have to put on the earth before you realize he wants them here?


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah......... he comparable dinosaurs to the tooth fairy, com talk to me when they start finding tooth fairy bones