What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?


Well-Known Member
okay okay I'm sorry. So what is the elementary method of "extracting dinosaur bones"? Let's see, first we go to some mysterious country like Russia after the cold war, and fucking bury a little "science project" in the ground, then come back and "discover it". Holy crap I think we have a major phenomenon here!

When they find toothfairy bones... If FOX news said they found them, everybody and their mother would believe it :D
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah......... he comparable dinosaurs to the tooth fairy, com talk to me when they start finding tooth fairy bones


Well-Known Member
I don't know one person, besides you, who doesn't think dinosaurs existed...and to believe that some higher being exists who can make blind men see with mud? Magically turn one fish and a loaf of bread into a towns worth? You sir need to pick up the books and realize what's actually going on around you. Science is the key not religion.


Well-Known Member
Chronic we both know gay people are a myth...totally kidding...

Actually a lot of people do not believe that dinosaurs existed, fact is that fossils are unreliable, they just had to recall 50 species of dinosaur (or some number in that ball park sorry i read it awhile ago and like i said its too early for me to want to find it) because they were miss categorized.

I have a creationist view of what dinosaurs were but that neither here nor there.

but back to the Mayans...Ancient Mexican Zombies would be cool...


Well-Known Member
For a man that knows tons of people and everything about Dinosaurs, you don't know much about literary technique. The Bible IS a book, it is not an instruction book for you to read about fishes and mud in the eye and somehow relate that to 2012.

A Biblical genre is a classification of Bible literature according to literary genre. The genre of a particular Bible passage is ordinarily identified by analysis of its general writing style, tone, form, structure, literary technique, content, design, and related linguistic factors; texts that exhibit a common set of literary features (very often in keeping with the writing styles of the times in which they were written) are together considered as belonging to a genre.
I don't know one person, besides you, who doesn't think dinosaurs existed...and to believe that some higher being exists who can make blind men see with mud? Magically turn one fish and a loaf of bread into a towns worth? You sir need to pick up the books and realize what's actually going on around you. Science is the key not religion.


Well-Known Member
I read books that have facts in them (compiled by accomplished scientists w phds and who have worked DIRECTLY in the field), not ones full of stories.


Well-Known Member
Chronic we both know gay people are a myth...totally kidding...

Actually a lot of people do not believe that dinosaurs existed, fact is that fossils are unreliable, they just had to recall 50 species of dinosaur (or some number in that ball park sorry i read it awhile ago and like i said its too early for me to want to find it) because they were miss categorized.

I have a creationist view of what dinosaurs were but that neither here nor there.

but back to the Mayans...Ancient Mexican Zombies would be cool...
miss categorized is A LOT different then non existent. ;)


Well-Known Member
you tell me that the bible has all the answers yet you are skeptical to every other thing brought up. so do this for me buddy i dont think the bible is a real book. Tell me why Christianity gained its followers in Europe when it originated in the middle east. People have been writing and telling fictinal storys since before books so it is very likely that the bible is a Fiction novel. A roman soldier picked it up brought it back to Europe thinking it was a real story told his friends and started a cult.

That is why the middle east remains majorly non-christian. If my friend calls me on the phone and tells me he got in a fight with 3 big dudes and won i might believe it. but if i was there with my own eyes watching him get his ass beat of course i would not believe him.

and this not about religion it is about being skeptical


Well-Known Member
So, that's nice. I've read fiction books too, by Dan Brown. But comparing one book to another and whether it is scientific or not, is just a crappy argument, dude. How many years of your life have you been fighting this one? I'm not really fighting though, I'm just sharing information with those that don't want to receive it, because that's what people are supposed to do. Helping those in darkness. Now if YOU want to go ahead and make believe that there is nothing here but a rock (earth) and your oppressive government, and some nice crap mixed in every once in a while, then fucking great. However the rest of us would like to believe that Oppression from all corners of the government is just a temporary fact of life and it will be lifted when ignorrant terds are flushed out of the system. If you start thinking about everybody and not just your selfish troll existance, believing in God is not religion, it's an idea and faith, and people want to believe in something nice, not a bunch of useless crap like dinosaurs! Does a 93 year old Grandma lay on her deathbed in the hospital thinking that Aliens or a Tyrannosaurus Rex will take her to the afterlife??? NOOOOOOOOO. No humanitarian genuinely believes that the PRODUCTION of dinosaur evidence is PROPER EDUCATION. why not study UFOS instead? Because it equally doesn't matter.
I read books that have facts in them (compiled by accomplished scientists w phds and who have worked DIRECTLY in the field), not ones full of stories.


Well-Known Member
If you are talking to me Ryan, I can frankly tell you that I never said the Bible has all answers. If you want some about God, then yes, it does have many answers and suggestions. If you want to read about how an entire city of ravenous, butt-thirsty homosexuals got it's colon blown out by fire from the sky and then tell me that God didn't punish a city for using their cocks for NON-REPRODUCTIVE purposes, then go ahead and lie in my face.
you tell me that the bible has all the answers yet you are skeptical to every other thing brought up. so do this for me buddy i dont think the bible is a real book. Tell me why Christianity gained its followers in Europe when it originated in the middle east. People have been writing and telling fictinal storys since before books so it is very likely that the bible is a Fiction novel. A roman soldier picked it up brought it back to Europe thinking it was a real story told his friends and started a cult.

That is why the middle east remains majorly non-christian. If my friend calls me on the phone and tells me he got in a fight with 3 big dudes and won i might believe it. but if i was there with my own eyes watching him get his ass beat of course i would not believe him.


Well-Known Member
Tru dat Fdd :)

I think they existed, im just saying there are people who dont think they did.
Google dinomummy, found in the badlands in USA this hadrasaur was found with like 70% of it's organs, skin, and tendons. Pretty groundbreaking find as it wasnt just a pile of bones found in Russia...


Well-Known Member
Google dinomummy, found in the badlands in USA this hadrasaur was found with like 70% of it's organs, skin, and tendons. Pretty groundbreaking find as it wasnt just a pile of bones found in Russia...
Again not saying they did not exist...just playing devils advocate i suppose. Im sure we wont agree as to when they existed but they existed non the less. I like to look at things from every angle even those who dont share my beliefs or opinions...makes for fun conversations...

Question everything...


Well-Known Member
I am going to try to explain why Christianity went to europe, and not to the sandy people of the east. I'm sorry, but I must require you to think about Angels a second, they are different than tooth fairies anyway. Damn we need some angel bones. Lucifer is/was the devil. He was/is an angel. Angels are similar to people only in that they have a consciousness to make moral decision. Biblical history indicates that Blah Blah Blah happened and the Devil was blasted from a mighty fart of heaven down to the earth. Satan is synonymous with serpents. I can't con
nect all symbolisms for everybody because of time, but check this guy out.

That smurfy "god" is basically a lord of the snakes. So who should the Europeans choose, lord of the snakes, or the lamb of God, I don't know but it's a simple one for me.

yTell me why Christianity gained its followers in Europe when it originated in the middle east. People have been writing and telling fictinal storys since before books so it is very likely that the bible is a Fiction novel. A roman soldier picked it up brought it back to Europe thinking it was a real story told his friends and started a cult.

That is why the middle east remains majorly non-christian. If my friend calls me on the phone and tells me he got in a fight with 3 big dudes and won i might believe it. but if i was there with my own eyes watching him get his ass beat of course i would not believe him.

and this not about religion it is about being skeptical