Large Soil Containers. Rubbermade? 55 Gal Drum? Others?

They use lights to keep the plants from flowering too early. That way you can put plants outside early in the season & they won't immediately go into flower. They stay in 'veg' mode longer, = BIGGER plants at flowering time.

They use lights to keep the plants from flowering too early. That way you can put plants outside early in the season & they won't immediately go into flower. They stay in 'veg' mode longer, = BIGGER plants at flowering time.


Oh ok i see what you mean. Didn't know a light bulb would work though.
It doesn't take much light to interupt a plants night cycle. The lights are only to keep them awake, not grow them.

At 3:00am my back yard looks like Aliens have landed! lol!
An extra month or two. Are you serious? You will need atleast a year or more to get plants that big. I started that 3 foot plant at the beginning of March. I consider that a month or two early. I will transplant her into the ground just to prove your month or two wrong. A 5 gallon will suffice for most of us around here, but if a person is a exception to the rule and do crazy shit like veg inside for over a year then I agree a 5 gallon container will not work. Though for the average person that starts a grow from seed/clone in Feb to Apr then a 5 gallon bucket will be PLENTY. I really doubt most here are growing for more than 6-7 months. If the OP goes with a 55 gallon container right now he is only wasting money because he WILL NOT fill that pot out in 2011.
WTF is with you man.. your annoying and ignorant is all I know. I'm a Colto MMJ patient thats been at it for some time.. and QUICKLY learned (one season) that 5 gallon containers severely limit the quality, size and weigh of outdoor flowers. Check out MrCouchloks channel on youtube.. I just bought three 65 gallon smartpots to let my mothers go buck wild out in the sun. 5 gallons do okay if your indoors and flower at 12" -18"
WTF is with you man.. your annoying and ignorant is all I know. I'm a Colto MMJ patient thats been at it for some time.. and QUICKLY learned (one season) that 5 gallon containers severely limit the quality, size and weigh of outdoor flowers. Check out MrCouchloks channel on youtube.. I just bought three 65 gallon smartpots to let my mothers go buck wild out in the sun. 5 gallons do okay if your indoors and flower at 12" -18"

It's been well established that that guy is an idiot and knows NOTHING! Here's apic from yesterday that I planted a 25 gallon plant that is root bound and it was cloned in February. It was grown only under T-5 lighting till May, and then it was put out and had a light on it at night for a couple hours so it wouldn't flower. I just moved amd have an script for my house so I planted it in my backyard. I took piIMG_1862.jpgcs of the ROOT BALL, so everyone could see that it's not only possible, but likely if you know how to grow at all. Proof positive ....nuff said!IMG_1859.jpg
they can steal it just as easy in the ground it doesn't matter to a thief
What you think a thief is like damn it's in the ground i can't steal it
It's been well established that that guy is an idiot and knows NOTHING! Here's apic from yesterday that I planted a 25 gallon plant that is root bound and it was cloned in February. It was grown only under T-5 lighting till May, and then it was put out and had a light on it at night for a couple hours so it wouldn't flower. I just moved amd have an script for my house so I planted it in my backyard. I took piView attachment 1644306cs of the ROOT BALL, so everyone could see that it's not only possible, but likely if you know how to grow at all. Proof positive ....nuff said!View attachment 1644305

There you go there you have it! The proof that dumb shit wanted! Lol
Throwed would say "where's the pic's of the seeds purchased? &/or "You photo shopped" the pictures! or some other excuse to keep arguing

I just hit up Throwed, he told me to tell you...

"There's no perspective in those pics. That looks like a one gallon pot, and everyone knows one gallon pota are too small for outdoor grows. Seriously, you guys are just making yourself look bad with all the lies, spoonfeeding bullshit to the RIU community. I'm here to spread the TRUTH, you only need 5 gallon buckets to grow for a 6-7 month season, anything else is overkill...Keep posting your fake pics and lies, but I'll be here to bust your asses every time and lay down the truth!

5 gallon buckets rule!!!!!!!!!!!! At least, thats what the tattoo on my forehead says!"

Just thought I'd relay the message...
I'm starting to think maybe Throwed was a 'plant'!

You know the radio talk shows hire people to call in and cause drama.

Maybe Trollwed is really a RIU adminstrator, just sturring up ratings! Has anyone ever seen Throwed & FDD in the same place at the same time?:mrgreen:

I'm just saying

yeah... were is throwed?enjoying a big mac at mcdonnalds? fighting a kangaroo? preparing for 2012? building 6ft thick solid concrete grow rooms 8 stories below sea level? whatever hes doing hes not posting in this thread anymore
I'm starting to think maybe Throwed was a 'plant'!

You know the radio talk shows hire people to call in and cause drama.

Maybe Trollwed is really a RIU adminstrator, just sturring up ratings! Has anyone ever seen Throwed & FDD in the same place at the same time?:mrgreen:

I'm just saying


why do people do guerrilas grow in pots?
anybody can come and steal your plants like nothing.

It is more difficult to dig a sufficient hole (4+ feet wide, 2-3+ feet deep) many times than carry in soil/containers which is also much better than "native soil", the containers also prevent animals that are low to the ground access.(Rats, rabbits, coyotes, some insects) The complete water delivered to the plant isn't "spilled into" side areas and other plants. And moving them can be a good thing too, as the season progresses the angle of the Sun changes so you can gain more light. If you had a notice of CAMP/ripper activity you can pull em under camo/trees etc. Just a few reasons, lol.