56 days FlOwErInG...my first grow!!! =D


Active Member
so i vegged for like 5 weeks under a 400w MH and switched to a 400w HPS...today was day 56...all doing well i think..different mystery seeds growing, some one kind strain is maturing slower, it has alot of big white hairs with orange ones starting to appear...no concerns really..well im curious what the little white/yellowish dots are covered around some of the leafs closest to the light...theres no insect problem for sure...i am using a boatload of nutrients though..any ADVICE or some kind of TIPS, let me know! bongsmilie


New Member
Lookin great man, nice first grow just a little out of control but thats to be expected for a first timer :)

your gunna be a happy man


New Member
its a common problem not a huge deal but check and make sure your ph in correct - runoff and all, what medium are you using and what nutrients exactly? Do you use a magnifying glass to inspect for insects well? It looks like nute burn a little dont feed for a little while, you should have 1 to 2 plain waterings between each feeding to be safe.

again not a huge deal your plants are pretty darn healthy your gunna have great stuff there and lots of it but you have room for improvement in your practices and learn to LST and do other types of training, you will master it soon enough your off to a great start.


Looking good babes... still a while to go but, boy! yous gona be one happy bunny!!!

Regarding the spots, i think they are either a very slight Magnessium deficiency or possible Red Spider Mite damage...
Check the undersides ov the leaves with a Magnifing glass and if you see little critters (about Half a millimeter or so (and not nesasealy Red)) then you got RSM. But DONT PANIC...
...Get a soapy sponge and gently wipe the leaves, top and bottom as your too far into flowering i think to spray the plants. This will cover the mites with soap, thereby suffocating them as they breath through their bodies, not their mouth-parts.
If theres no critters to be seen then give a water with an Epsom salts solution... 2 table-spoons per 5 litre watering can. you might have to repeat in a week or so but they'll be fine.
Its not a bad deficiency you got anyhoo.
Well done for getting them this far... not long now..........



New Member
Patience is a key and it will be tested here on your first grow, day 56 you say? feels like its almost done? Nope sad to say looks like you got 3-4 weeks left for the best outcome. There is a fine line you will tread on with each indoor grow, the line between optimal production and the best outcome, you will learn how far you can step on that line as you grow a particular strain. (sad to say its not very far lol, when shes done shes done)


Active Member
Patience is a key and it will be tested here on your first grow, day 56 you say? feels like its almost done? Nope sad to say looks like you got 3-4 weeks left for the best outcome. There is a fine line you will tread on with each indoor grow, the line between optimal production and the best outcome, you will learn how far you can step on that line as you grow a particular strain. (sad to say its not very far lol, when shes done shes done)

so my plants look like they should go 84-91 days flowering? damn lol


Active Member
just ordered a 100x mag so i can really see the trich colors now...whats an average flower time? 10-12 weeks?