My Girls and His 2011 Outdoor Jungle


Well-Known Member
what if it rains wouldnt your plants be sitting in a puttle?

*or im guessing the ground soaks up water pretty well.


Well-Known Member
once th sun finaly comes out for good they are all gonna take off. we have been having jus shitty ass weather down here, rainy and cold


Well-Known Member
Those plants are in a greenhouse? They will take off here real soon plus you can let them go on the back end. Keepem green dirrtyd


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
once th sun finaly comes out for good they are all gonna take off. we have been having jus shitty ass weather down here, rainy and cold
its been the same here. we have had sun the past few days.. hope it stays this way..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Those plants are in a greenhouse? They will take off here real soon plus you can let them go on the back end. Keepem green dirrtyd
ya thats the nice thing about a green house. you can keep them going longer if need to..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
5 are growing strong but the runt is still the same. no worse no better.. im going to hang in there with here.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
will i desided to replace the runt. i got a pitt pull. never grew this strain b4 so well see what she produces.. the runt is still alive and growing . she will be grown as a regular house plant. setting on the coffee table..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
closing my thread here and every were else.. im a gonna watch my girls grow all by myself.. C--YA


Well-Known Member
Shame dude u were one of the cooler guys , may i ask why ur done ? just bored with posting on the net now im guessing ?


New Member
because RIU is becoming more and more of a drag to be on
I am glad Mygirls is leaving.........I have never seen anything of substance from him. He has only insulted folks that disagree with him. Good riddance. Frankly, I am surprised with all of your homophobic slurs and misspelled insults that mods let you keep your account this long.

Rollitup only becomes a drag when folks want to constantly insult each other and start infighting......exactly what mygirls does.....just look at his posts in oregon......And I sincerely doubt he grows pounds every year, and then just sits on them.....and I have yet to hear of a guy on the coast that gives away pounds every year out of the goodness of his heart.