Potassium, From Bannanas?


Active Member
I heard the other day that putting banana slices in your soil is a good way to give your plants the potassium they need. Any truth to this?:eyesmoke:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't think so. You need to put them in a compost bin or something t break tem down I believe. I am eating a banana righht now. :D


Well-Known Member
might be okay for a compost bin, and bananas are not that high in potassium. Potatoes have like 3 times more the amount.


Active Member
It didn't sound right to me. But, you never know. It's like mixing beer and dish soap to make your lawn shiny and green. Not into the compost thing, gonna go look for earth juice this week at the local hydro shop.


Well-Known Member
There's a popular method of gardening called Lasagna Gardenin. The idea is you take your leaves, mulch, apple skins, banana peels, etc and layer them between dirt. It goes dirt, greens, dirt, greens, and so fourth. The point is to make gardening and compost a one step process.

However this is really just amending your soil and usually takes a few seasons for the greens to break down.

Your probably more interesting in getting nutrients to your plants now, so you should sick with fertilizers that are already broken down and ready for the plants to absorb.


Active Member
You guys crack me up! My first grow, I've done a ton of research, asked fellow growers, but anything I'm confused on I'll ask here. This site ROCKS (So do the members)!!!!


Well-Known Member
No it will only encourage fruit fly, fucken gnats and god knows what else. Just use a well balanced good quality fert from the hydro shop or nursery and your plants will get all the K they need.