When is too late?


Well-Known Member
Hi, i haven't gotten my buds outdoors yet, and was wondering when is too late? I'm thinking as long as they are planted in the ground by July 1st they should still harvest but i should expect a much lower yield correct? The strain I will grow is called Nuken... bought the seeds from a local shop. It is Kish x Godbud apparently so it is supposed to be an alright yield, and is usually grown in a northern climate I have read which is where i am located. But back to my question, if i get them outside by July 1st or so, possibly starting inside with cfl's, will my yield be worth the effort of buying soil, digging 3x3 holes, ect. Thanks for taking the time to read this lol. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Don't you know Marijuana is bad for you? It's like the devil's drug and America's
#1 menace. Watch "Reefer Madness". Great and education film. If you don't know where to find it just search it on youtube. By the way... that avatar is a threat to America. I'm telling! *TH* :dunce:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Will the yield be worth the effort? Well that depends entirely on how you value your time and how you value cannabis. If you are a lawyer and you could have earned $5000 in the time it takes to dig the holes and such, then i'd say no, it's probably not worth it, if you're on a day off and sitting around the house reading cannabis forums, well..


Well-Known Member
What do you consider worthwhile? How big will your plants be on the 1st of July? When is your first frost? These are all questions which need to be answered before you can decide what to do. Provided you have ample time to frost or unseemly weather and you have a desire to grow the girls outside to flower, then by all means move them outside.
The worst possible thing that could happen is you don't have a bumper crop, the best thing is you could have a very nice plant with a good yield. Don't be sucked into other peoples thoughts about what to do, do what you think is right and learn from that. I have grown since 1968 and have learned something new with each plant grown, lots of successes and many failures.
The best of luck to your grow and to your new learning experience in growing outside.


Active Member
Don't you know Marijuana is bad for you? It's like the devil's drug and America's
#1 menace. Watch "Reefer Madness". Great and education film. If you don't know where to find it just search it on youtube. By the way... that avatar is a threat to America. I'm telling! *TH* :dunce:
the devils harvest.


Well-Known Member
I say yes.. 1 blunt is better than no blunt. As long as you get something, it will be worth your while. You may only get a couple ounces, but like I said its better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
Will the yield be worth the effort? Well that depends entirely on how you value your time and how you value cannabis. If you are a lawyer and you could have earned $5000 in the time it takes to dig the holes and such, then i'd say no, it's probably not worth it, if you're on a day off and sitting around the house reading cannabis forums, well..
^^ haha makes sence to me right. how much can you make just sitting around reading pot forums?? :)

depending on what strain you have, and how many seeds you plant you could harvest a couple OZ's you could harvest a couple LBS. that strain seems to be a good yeilder, so if you know what your doing it should give you 1-2 OZ's per plant (average, consider you only have 1 month~ of veg time.). i would do it just for the few extra OZ's of smoke for myself, but thats just me.


Well-Known Member
I believe first frost is aprox sep 24th here, give or take two weeks. I'm probably going to do it anyways, just thought i'd get some input..


Well-Known Member
I planted the first week of July last year. Three clones about 8-10 inches tall. I have "about" the same 1st frost date as you, but was really careful to watch the weather forecast and chopped the second week of October. My problem proved to be rain rather than frost. Harvested over a pound of dried cured bud. Amazing stuff too.
Had one 6 footer and two bushy four footers.


Active Member
Can you get large clones at the store? Where im at I can get 25 and 36 inch clones for $50.
If you can get a healthy "plant" not a tiny clone then go for it.

Last year 4 plants died due to root bound and I replaced them and got nice 2 pounders.


Well-Known Member
I am going to start them inside on probably 20/4 for about 2 weeks hopefully so whatever height they will be by then because they are seeds not clones.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Based upon reading what everyone said, I am stoked. I have all my babies topped and they are already growing the two new arms out of the top and they are all about 10-12 inches. Hoping to get some a cool amount


Well-Known Member
Well the thing is even if you started germinating them today and put them out July 1, I still don't think you would need massive 3x3 (and I'm assuming 3 deep) holes. So right there you lower your investment in time and money considerably.

I'd say it's worth it if you start soon. Let's say they start flowering late July, that's still 6 weeks veg time. Granted, they aren't going to be 1lb monsters, but the yield will still be worth it to me.