My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!


Well-Known Member
whats up man, looks like you're gonna have a wicked summer this year! nice strain choice as well :D

Matt Rize

It can also harm the way your roots interact with organics I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) making your plants entirely dependent on synthetics.

When you are buying bottles of "organic nutrients", what you're getting is a by product of an organic process, not a living organic system, so that eliminates the waiting period of a food to develop, plants can uptake them immediately. Stuff like compost teas take a while for plants to uptake because they are basically food for the micro-organisms in your soil. The waste of the micro organisms and/or their postmortem decay is what produces nutrients so that process takes a while. But bottled organic nutrients are actually nutrients that your plant can immediately take it.

I'm 90% sure that is all correct, but I'll check my books tomorrow to verify (too sleepy now) the accuracy of all of it.
Dan, I just wrote about this. Bottled nutes are only partially available, the rest needs to be processed via microbial nutrient cycling, making the bottled nutes into something resembling organic growing. Redefining the Soil Food Web for Indoors

Matt Rize

Thats interesting and thanks for saying all of that! Yea i herd dont use mollasses in veg and some people said do it helps the microbes as you said. We will see what they look like tomorrow but i watered them today good all 5 gallons of water gone in one watering and i used crab meal and this liquid black mollasses. I just wish i had ordered more smart pots!

So the nutes sounds like going synthetic is best like flora nova kmk said its killer stuff!! And maybe some bud candy?? The guy at the store said synthetics dont do good in soil and would defeat my purpose of going organic. So what can ya guys tell me? Thanks!
NOOOOO!!!!!! Leave the synthetics out of the garden. Bud Candy... lawd a mercy what a waste of money. Can you repost your complete soil mix? Why are you using bottled nutes outside? If you are going to use anything, use some high grade humic from and some molasses.


Well-Known Member
NOOOOO!!!!!! Leave the synthetics out of the garden. Bud Candy... lawd a mercy what a waste of money. Can you repost your complete soil mix? Why are you using bottled nutes outside? If you are going to use anything, use some high grade humic from and some molasses.
Yea man i dont what to do when it comes to flowering time. I know its gonna need a lot of different nutes and lots of it. So idk weather to go general organics or synthetic. Several people said synthetics are the way to go to get those big full juice buds. Yet others are saying dont go this way as you just said. Can you link me to some stuff thats good? Soo confused lol.

Matt my soil mix is happy frog mixed 50/50 with ocean forest some worm castings dolomite lime and peat moss and perlite. So far my babys are liking it i just wrote down there heights to keep record every week. And i got two 5 gallon buckets full of water in the sun for tomorrows watering : )


Well-Known Member
I'm using epsoma on my girls outside. Organic slow release fertilizer. Put it in the top 4" of your soil and everytime you water it will release nutes. I use the plant tone for veg and tomatoe tone for flower. It's like 5$ for a 4lb bag.


Well-Known Member
Organics offer the best taste and potency imo.. but yield will be less.. synthetics.. give you more yield .. some times frostier.. and potency will still be good. So its more of what your preference is .. the good thing with organics.. its very hard to burn your ladies.. You will hear a MILLION opinions on nutes and organic vs synthetic.. I like both in their own way.. Everything looks great btw..

Matt Rize

Yea man i dont what to do when it comes to flowering time. I know its gonna need a lot of different nutes and lots of it. So idk weather to go general organics or synthetic. Several people said synthetics are the way to go to get those big full juice buds. Yet others are saying dont go this way as you just said. Can you link me to some stuff thats good? Soo confused lol.

Matt my soil mix is happy frog mixed 50/50 with ocean forest some worm castings dolomite lime and peat moss and perlite. So far my babys are liking it i just wrote down there heights to keep record every week. And i got two 5 gallon buckets full of water in the sun for tomorrows watering : )
You are talking about a good size outdoor garden? If yes, I would mix a "supersoil" and save big bucks, plus make life easier. Just make sure to let it cook, and some neem cake from


Well-Known Member
the yellowing on the bottom of the plant is most likely from lack of CAL/MAG from when they were clones. dont worry about it just let them fall off on there own. you should go with floranova its easy to use and works well. if your plants are burning from hot soil just give them water tell they start doing better.


Well-Known Member
the yellowing on the bottom of the plant is most likely from lack of CAL/MAG from when they were clones. dont worry about it just let them fall off on there own. you should go with floranova its easy to use and works well. if your plants are burning from hot soil just give them water tell they start doing better.
Sounds like a plan to sucess! Whats everyone else say? Thnaks for chiming in just got home and will be giving my girls a good soak down tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
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I used either Dutch Master Gold or Schultz liquid fertilizer. The only reason I used the dutch master was because it was free. I'd recommend just a standard outdoor garden fertilizer. You don't have to overthink your grow. Just simple soil with fertilizer occasionally should be fine. I only added fertilizer 5 times my whole grow. 5 months long. You only need to keep it alive for it to be good, you don't have to pump it full of chemicals.


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to over think this i just dont wanna mess it up!! Haha so far no bugs and good sun shine and the soil is really retaining the water well. I put my fingers in the dirt and still really wet.

So should i wait to water till tomorrow? I guess i will just keep talking and listening before i pick flower nutes. Matt said stay away from bottled stuff and yet everyone seems to love floranova? sooo many choices for a grower : )


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to over think this i just dont wanna mess it up!! Haha so far no bugs and good sun shine and the soil is really retaining the water well. I put my fingers in the dirt and still really wet.

So should i wait to water till tomorrow? I guess i will just keep talking and listening before i pick flower nutes. Matt said stay away from bottled stuff and yet everyone seems to love floranova? sooo many choices for a grower : )
if your soil is even moist when you stick your finger in it you dont want to water


Well-Known Member
Dam I just watered them really good! Well the g 13s were not perky and the soil is hot so my step dad said try to kinda flush them out. I went through almost ten gallons of water. So now I wont have to water for like 3 days. The sun has been pretty hot out here in socal last few days. Anyways everything is looking good to me. My step dad told me if its not perky like my g 13s and not perfect lookiing its not gonna yield a great weight is what be he basically told me.

Basically was telling me that you want them real green happy perky and they should just be taking off right now. I guess time will tell. Here is a update you can tell me what you all think!

Above are the blue dream banana and this is cotton candy



Active Member
Hey man the grow is looking good so far. I wouldn't be in a big hurry to get your flowering nutrients yet, but when you do get them, I recommend Max Sea either by itself or with a dedicated budding supplement. For outdoor soil grows you can't go wrong with MaxSea :)