Barneys Pineapple Express Auto


Active Member
Good job on the PE autos bud. 12 gs dry is fairly standard imo. I've grown 4 autos and all them were between 10-15. Was this ur first gro?
This is my second grow ever, First auto attempt. I plan on doing more real soon.

i hope i can push 20g outdoors, maybe it will do less since auto's are lumens whores.
I hope so to! I want to see how they do outdoors, I will def sub to that!

has anyone tried this and g13 labs pe im wondering if they have same taste?
I heard it yields real nice, better then the BF PE.

I am now on a mission to find the biggest yielder auto! Any suggestion?


Well-Known Member
i got a PE Auto on the go at the moment - she is one stinky little bitch - very fruity/skunky can smell the cheese in her stinking up the whole joint
sitting at about 60cm height and 8 weeks (from seed) - reckon if the buds keep swelling and sucking up the boost i should get about an oz (wasn't expecting much more tbh - breeders yield is 15-20g)
another 2-3 weeks left maybe less...

how long did you leave yours for in total skiller?
where's the harvest pics?
and when is the smoke report coming?

also if you looking for good yielding auto's - look into short stuff seeds, I pulled 2.5oz of a 12 week Mi5 and have seen some RRR and AA's come down with about 3-4oz

also check out 215medicineman's youtube channel -
he pulled 7oz of a diavolo

IL diavolo is the largest auto yet! 7oz in 72 days!! Most success ive had with autos yet, and its just going to get bigger and better from here. Russian Rocket Fuel and Deimos also produce a large yield at avg of 3+ oz dry off each plant!
:) :leaf:


Active Member
i hope i can push 20g outdoors, maybe it will do less since auto's are lumens whores.

No way autos do way better outside you get like 30% more on avg. I wish I could grow outside but I would have to have a green house and not sure it's worth the investment because once we have dispensaries we can't grow at home anymore in AZ.
I really suggest that you use Organic nutes ( if your not already ) because with Organic nutes it's really hard to get Nute burn :p you can give them crazy amounts without getting any burn what so ever.

The BioBizz range is the business dude

BioBizz - grow

BioBizz - Bloom

BioBizz - topmax
Using these nutes man they are the bomb !!!

Currently using 2.5ml bbb / 1 ml bbg per 1/2 litre for LR2 and she has exloded in week 5 man well reco these nutes !

Got a PEA on the go too 2.5 wks in and she has loved the bbg nutes i gave her last feed - i am startin to feed each watering and NO nutes burn.


Well-Known Member
yeh it's good stuff.. you can push the organics quite hard without burning..

you using the bio soils too?

Using these nutes man they are the bomb !!!

Currently using 2.5ml bbb / 1 ml bbg per 1/2 litre for LR2 and she has exloded in week 5 man well reco these nutes !

Got a PEA on the go too 2.5 wks in and she has loved the bbg nutes i gave her last feed - i am startin to feed each watering and NO nutes burn.


Well-Known Member
BioBizz fishmix, grow, bloom, & topmax are the shit ....I grow 90% autos...harvesting 3-5 per month.....I veg all under T5 on 24/0 for a month, then to a tent with 400w hps to finish on 12/12...for those concerned about smaller yeild...check out this Budda Syrup...will be chopping in 2-3 days...appears to be upwards of 2 oz dry...I finish all my autos under 12/12...for reduced cost and temp control since it's summer and the 12 on is at night....syrup3-6-18.jpg


Well-Known Member
do you ever notice yellowing in the older leaves towards the end of the grow? i'm never sure if it's me or just the plant doing it's thing or if its just not getting enough N.. doesn't seem to matter too much though as its always only in the last 2-3 weeks ... but would just be nice to know what the cause is.. i'm gonna up the grow a bit and see if it slows it down..

BioBizz fishmix, grow, bloom, & topmax are the shit ....I grow 90% autos...harvesting 3-5 per month.....I veg all under T5 on 24/0 for a month, then to a tent with 400w hps to finish on 12/12...for those concerned about smaller yeild...check out this Budda Syrup...will be chopping in 2-3 days...appears to be upwards of 2 oz dry...I finish all my autos under 12/12...for reduced cost and temp control since it's summer and the 12 on is at night....View attachment 1660384


Well-Known Member's fairly typical for some fan leaves to yellow a bit....sometimes a LOT...I do keep adding a bit of bio-grow during flowering and happy with the results....BioBizz has really made my grows much more fun and productive even tho I only grow for myself...

benjamin alexander

Active Member
Hey all just thought i'd chip in my 2c worth on pea, i've heard many negative reports on it but i have two at 2 weeks from seed standing about 3-4 inches tall with 5 nodes and crazy secondary growth, both have shown sex today at multiple budsites and are outgrowing everything else i popped at the same time, definately express so far! I've got two different pheno's by the looks, one sativa one indica with very fat and twisted leaves :) already starting to smell a bit fruity. I'm running them under a 600hps 24/0 atm, feeding dutchmaster gold with rhizo and foliar feeding with liquid light and saturator. I'll post up some pix soon but so far these babies are running circles around everyone else, fed up to 600 ppm and they just love it!

benjamin alexander

Active Member
Also, anyone else personally experienced auto's suffering due to transplant? I've heard people say they hate it but these have been moved once already and didn't skip a beat, if anything they had a spurt! This is the same treatment all my plants auto or not get and i have never seen any negative effects?


Well-Known Member
Hey all just thought i'd chip in my 2c worth on pea, i've heard many negative reports on it but i have two at 2 weeks from seed standing about 3-4 inches tall with 5 nodes and crazy secondary growth, both have shown sex today at multiple budsites and are outgrowing everything else i popped at the same time, definately express so far! I've got two different pheno's by the looks, one sativa one indica with very fat and twisted leaves :) already starting to smell a bit fruity.
Ive got three on the go and have to agree with everything you said there. Looks like all three of mine are different phenos, ones clearly indica with dark leaves, ones taller (2ft 4in (0.72m) with lighter leaves and looks more sativa, the final one is bushy and shorter but light coloured. I will be highly surprised if they don't all pull 30g+

Nice to the original thread author - good to see someone documenting a new strain. Did my first grow last year (lowlife auto -ak47's) and made identical mistakes as you - although mine was arguably worse with the water here being ph8.5 In my opinion that was your problem. So lesson learned for next time. Just a bit of FYI in case you do try the Pineapple Express again - ive found them to be pretty much nutrient hogs, mine are currently taking a cap-full (15ml approx) of bio-bizz grow and two cap-fulls (30ml approx) of bio-bizz bloom in 10 litres of water each watering. This is on day 35. Im even considering upping the dose. (I know this is high dose, because the super critical autos ive also got going freak out with half those amounts). :peace:

benjamin alexander

Active Member
I'd definately have to agree with you about the nutes, mine are at 1300 ppm and i think they could even take more, gonna up the dose on one and see :)


hi my m8s got a P.e auto 9 weeks now frm seed shes stands at 3ft shes a stinky bitch smelling ov cheese..most hairs are brown and trichomes are all milky..cant find out how long frm seed she takes?..I know she almost done.also the read up were i bought the seed is wrong its says i wont get more than 15-20g ive got double says she only grows to 50cm.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
Take breeders descriptions with a grain of salt man especially with new and slightly unstable strains. Personally i've found adding about to weeks to the flowering time and finding out the final height for yourself, only found omfgindicaman with experience with finishing a grow with these being so new

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I got another 4 Pineapple express autos going now, they are about 5 weeks old and are at 19-21 inches except for this B E A U T I F U L runt i decided not to scrap, the buds are forming, and YES, she loves herself some nutes, i been feeding them 2ml of tiger bloom 1ml of grow big per gallon, and they just seem to love it, my 3 bigger plants are the pheno's i had before, who smell like cheese and fruit, the runt is more indica and has such a nice stanky fruity smell and is only 13 inches tall. This strain seems unstable but the pheno's are legit, any pheno i find works out so far and ive already harvested 5 of these babies.

my advice: harvest at 9-10weeks are larger sativa pheno, i went 8 weeks on one and it had a nice head high and body buzz, the ones i waited till 10 weeks for stank a whole lot more like cheese and skunk but give you a much nicer body stone with a nice head high, this is some pretty potent stuff. i think ill have my auto's ready by september 5-11 depending on how much amber trichs i get. good luck, harvesting at 9-10 weeks is perfect for this strain. i'd wait a week to see if she fills out more, and i flush the final week to get rid of taste (even though curing does the same job, i take extra precaution)


Well-Known Member
Hey I started my first grow Pineapple express auto and gorilla grow auto in 19L 5gallon 75% fill in which 40% Soil and 60% organic compost soil. It's been 1 and half day seeds have not sprouted in soil I followed old germination process which I planted the seed directly in soil and watered any suggestions on germination