CFL'S are they really detectable? >> helicopters <<


Active Member
So CFL lightbulbs produce little heat but alot of light and are favourites for stealth grows

all i'm asking is do you think they can be seen from helicopter as they dont use alot of energy anyways in the house bill, and if they produce litte heat anyways wont it be blocked out by anything covering it?


Active Member
I doubt the helicopters would be able to see it unless you have a massive amount of them in one place :bigjoint:

Mort Fink

New Member
Seriously man I hate to sound like a jerk but use your noggin. They put off basically no heat and nearly every house in the world uses them.


Well-Known Member
who the fuck still trips about the helicopters seein your grow room
?..its not 1987 anymore guys, people have better shit to do...unless your in some straight up shit life inbred state where its not legal, but then @ that point you have much more serious problems than cops, u need a life. move to SO CAL!!!!!!!....


Well-Known Member
Short answer- No, the Pig in the sky can not smell CFL lamps burning.
Long Answer- if you have a pile of CFLS generating heat in the highest room of your house, the attic or a loft, and you fail to evacuate the heat, yes, it will show up as a cube of warmness on the PIG radar. Airflow is key. CFLS aren't nothin important, but maybe the 200 watters could give it away. HPS are easy to detect, IMO, they create a lot of heat and it concentrates in the upper corners of the room, lighting up the weed nazi's radar for heat signal. Good luck!!! Sounds like alien vs. predator up in here.
So CFL lightbulbs produce little heat but alot of light and are favourites for stealth grows

all i'm asking is do you think they can be seen from helicopter as they dont use alot of energy anyways in the house bill, and if they produce litte heat anyways wont it be blocked out by anything covering it?


Well-Known Member
I bet my wood stove puts off more of a heat signature than cfls or an HID light . Or possibly the tanning bed in the garage. People own things that are legal and produce heat signatures. Point being if they are looking at you with thermal imaging, you have made mistakes and are already fucked.


Well-Known Member
Yes Mr. Escobar, they have devoted billions of dollars to detect CFLs and they know the difference between the ones in your box and the ones everyone uses everyday. They will hover over you and once they see that on for 12 off for are fucked. Noone has ever really gotten away with indoor growing. Once I took a big shit...big ol steamer and it didn't flush right away....5 min later feds at the door. Apparently the heat signature triggered the FLIR. So what you want to do is take a huge steamer about a block from your house as a decoy.


Well-Known Member
dank your dook story is off the hook. I only shit in other people's houses so I can use my toilet's tank as a nute res for an upcoming toilet grow debut...maybe


Well-Known Member
I saw on Barry Coopers Never Get Busted that the cops look for heat coming out of the house like when someone is blowing the hot air out of their grow room or vents blowing heat off lights. I didnt get it though because my laundry dryer would put off a heat signiture on a FLIR just like everyone elses. My flat screen puts off hella heat. Helicopters fly over my house all the time and no cops have come snooping around. There are kinds of shit that will give off heat around the house.


Well-Known Member
who the fuck still trips about the helicopters seein your grow room
?..its not 1987 anymore guys, people have better shit to do...unless your in some straight up shit life inbred state where its not legal, but then @ that point you have much more serious problems than cops, u need a life. move to SO CAL!!!!!!!....
People who have had too many bongs, or people with common sense and a bit of caution.

The Grouch

I know in the UK that the police have been tipped off to grow rooms in attics, using IR/Heat cameras.
Usually as a by-product of chasing scallies through housing estates in built up areas, after they have ditched stolen/joyridden cars.
Mind you the last time I heard they busted a house, it turned out to belong to a fellow Plod who had no loft insulation in his house!
(UK is a tad colder than the States.) You will have no problems with the almost non-existent heat output from CFLs unless they spell
out "I grow weed" in foot high letters on your roof... oh, and there is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid answers.