Do You Believe In Ghosts?


Well-Known Member
Everyone was given free will. Who am I to get offended because we have different views and experiences in life. People who never had any "psychic/ghost" experiences are the funnest to talk to. Big Respect Forgetfulpenguin
Yes I do and for only three small payments of $29.99 I'll sell you a BSometer that can detect them, along with UFOs, big foot, and the very much alive Elvis Presley impersonator. Don't forget to browse my selection BSliterature that is currently on sale buy 3 get a pen that I stole from a bank teller.

Sorry I'm stoned and feeling sarcastic. :mrgreen: aka If this post offended you then you are not high enough.


Well-Known Member
to answer the smartass' question.
Good job insulting the one person who was on your side and had something to say that knows a lick of what they are talking about.

I'll implore you to shut up now. Your remarks make the rest of us look bad, and you lack the understanding of the subject matter to discuss this with Heisenberg or MP.


an interesting take - that using a tool or not using a tool while still utilizing one's psychic faculties for divination or mediumship makes it somehow different in the eyes of god. Do you feel that those who use tarot or runes will be going to hell?

Like I said, I know several psychics, but none Christian, though I've never stopped into one of those little storefront psychic shops. I suppose there must be a few Christian psychics out there and I'm wondering just how it is they reconcile this with their bible. Pointing out that the bible used to allow divination is a moot point, because the bible of today is what people go by today. I'm asking this genuinely and don't mean any disrespect.


Well-Known Member
I do not judge on who goes to hell and who does not. I don't think life/death is that cut and dry. If it was I would be hell bound many years ago. You see when I was very young and started to understand what I could do and how to explore it, I thought I could expand it by using Tarot, Runes,etc. I was very good and accurate but I soon realized that my "psychic" abilities were not working as well or as often any more. Matter of fact it was less and less the more time I put into "man made tools". Once I threw away all my tools, and just let nature take it's course, it all started to come back, slowly. I believe that there is an opposite to everything in life/heavens. God gives us gifts, and therefore the "devil" has his own as well.
Good job insulting the one person who was on your side and had something to say that knows a lick of what they are talking about.

I'll implore you to shut up now. Your remarks make the rest of us look bad, and you lack the understanding of the subject matter to discuss this with Heisenberg or MP.


an interesting take - that using a tool or not using a tool while still utilizing one's psychic faculties for divination or mediumship makes it somehow different in the eyes of god. Do you feel that those who use tarot or runes will be going to hell?

Like I said, I know several psychics, but none Christian, though I've never stopped into one of those little storefront psychic shops. I suppose there must be a few Christian psychics out there and I'm wondering just how it is they reconcile this with their bible. Pointing out that the bible used to allow divination is a moot point, because the bible of today is what people go by today. I'm asking this genuinely and don't mean any disrespect.


Well-Known Member
I do not judge on who goes to hell and who does not. I don't think life/death is that cut and dry. If it was I would be hell bound many years ago. You see when I was very young and started to understand what I could do and how to explore it, I thought I could expand it by using Tarot, Runes,etc. I was very good and accurate but I soon realized that my "psychic" abilities were not working as well or as often any more. Matter of fact it was less and less the more time I put into "man made tools". Once I threw away all my tools, and just let nature take it's course, it all started to come back, slowly. I believe that there is an opposite to everything in life/heavens. God gives us gifts, and therefore the "devil" has his own as well.
I'm not sure I understand your final statement. Are you saying that man-made divination tools are gifts from the devil?


Well-Known Member
Omg, " born again cristian" let me guess your going to spend the rest of your life trying to "save others" and be extremely judgmental along the way?.:roll:
Applying stereotypes isn't fair. Although I too dislike the 'bible thumping in your face for your own good' types, I haven't seen GoldenGanja13 display this behavior; quite the opposite actually.


Well-Known Member
Personally what I am saying is there are opposites to everything. God gave me a gift that needs no tools made from man. So personally I believe the use of Ouija Boards and Tarot cards (just a few) are connected to the "dark" side and not of God. I believe God dislikes such man made tools. Just like he dis likes Witch craft. Make sense ?
I'm not sure I understand your final statement. Are you saying that man-made divination tools are gifts from the devil?


Well-Known Member
Personally what I am saying is there are opposites to everything. God gave me a gift that needs no tools made from man. So personally I believe the use of Ouija Boards and Tarot cards (just a few) are connected to the "dark" side and not of God. I believe God dislikes such man made tools. Just like he dis likes Witch craft. Make sense ?
No. God hates liars and frauds. Witchcraft and other religions are always good fronts for fraud and scams. THe ouija board is as evil as the bible.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Personally what I am saying is there are opposites to everything. God gave me a gift that needs no tools made from man. So personally I believe the use of Ouija Boards and Tarot cards (just a few) are connected to the "dark" side and not of God. I believe God dislikes such man made tools. Just like he dis likes Witch craft. Make sense ?
I know everyone is trying to civil and non insulting in here, but jesus christ this is bat shit insane. I don't hate you or anything, but I gotta call you out on having absolutely crazy unfounded beliefs. This just blew my mind. I need to medicate.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ is a living Spirit is he not? Many of us (including myself) have been visited by him and even given divine inspiration through him. So if it's ok for Jesus Christ to be a living spirit, why is it not ok for the rest of us ?
I know everyone is trying to civil and non insulting in here, but jesus christ this is bat shit insane. I don't hate you or anything, but I gotta call you out on having absolutely crazy unfounded beliefs. This just blew my mind. I need to medicate.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ is a living Spirit is he not? Many of us (including myself) have been visited by him and even given divine inspiration through him. So if it's ok for Jesus Christ to be a living spirit, why is it not ok for the rest of us ?
Not sure how that is related to what GI said, or how it relates to the assertion of divination tools being "dark". Can you elaborate?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ is a living Spirit is he not? Many of us (including myself) have been visited by him and even given divine inspiration through him. So if it's ok for Jesus Christ to be a living spirit, why is it not ok for the rest of us ?
No he is not. What do you have to substantiate that claim other than your own personal experience? Hasn't this been covered at length in this thread?


Well-Known Member
Spirits are ideas disembodied (as it were) from the memories and people that spawned them and have grown through their own evolution within the minds of the people.


Well-Known Member
As for mediums. Monkey->Banana->Ladder->

Except try strapping the monkeys to the ladder and setting in on fire. Thanks Yahweh, fucking asshole.


Well-Known Member
Good job insulting the one person who was on your side and had something to say that knows a lick of what they are talking about.

I'll implore you to shut up now. Your remarks make the rest of us look bad, and you lack the understanding of the subject matter to discuss this with Heisenberg or MP.

......... I'm asking this genuinely and don't mean any disrespect.
You didn't seem like you were on my side; you seemed sardonic & provacative in your approach; If I'm wrong then I apologize. had you closed your prior missives as you did this one, your intent would have been clearer. And I'll not shut up as I'm the only one here with extensive experience with these matters in a tangible manner. Not to disparage GGs gifts or experiences, but I have witnessed material manipulation by spirits on a daily basis for over a year now.I rather suspect that what you're doing is known as "playing possum" here in Texas. you provoke, then flip over on your back when the provocation is answered. I call it how I see it. whatever.... *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
Jedi skills challenge- ON :D

to be brutally honest, I'm not sure who's mad at who; I just know I got called out, so i stepped up. I'm totally cool with GoldenGanj; she does her deal, I do mine, respect given. is Karrion force-sensitive as well? I didn't know that... seemed like the skeptical snarky guy... but I'm pretty high & may be wrong. it happens...