I'd need to wire it up backwards though wouldn't i? so it would do the opposite of what its produced to do?Sounds like a plan, should work fine.
I'm not 100% on the idea yet, its for a future grow but im researching stuff for it now. I looked at a digital one like "Xcon" but it was £30 and i dont really want to pay that much if i dont have to.I have just ordered this guy here. I havent recieved it yet but I just slapped a male plug end on my exhaust fan and I think it will work great. I considered using other thermostats but I was not confident in how to wire it up to my fan. I hope it works for you and I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
Thanks. I'm going to keep looking around but this seemed the cheapest most professionally looking i could find.If your just turning it on and off it should work. Yes reverse the wiring.