Need Help with a stealth grow using CFLs


Alright so me and my friend are thinking about growing some weed because everyone in our town does it, even our teachers. So we were going to have like a 1 plant stealth box to grow it in, we have a garage with electrical outlets (2) that we planned to put it in. But because the house is rented out the garage is full of the land lord’s shit. Obviously we don’t wanna get kicked out, or caught, so it has to be the most stealthy that it could possibly be. We were thinking about taking a card board box and throwing some CFLs into it (about 6, is this too much for 1 plant?) If you have any other ideas that we could use for a stealth box that is extremely easy to make and extremely stealthy, please provide a link or just explain how it’s made.

For our box we planned to take a card board box and line the insides of it with reflective tape/mylar and then have some hooks at the top of the box and have the lights on a chain so we could raise and lower them. We were gonna use a 5 inch computer fan for the exhaust and put it on the bottom of the box near the plants base and then put a 4 inch computer fan for the intake and put it at the top of the box diagonal from the exhaust so that with the exhaust fan being stronger it will suck the air threw faster and hopefully cool down the CFLs so my plant doesn’t burn.

Anyways, we’re just using some bag seed we had so we don’t really know the strain or anything all we know is that it’s indica and it smokes nice lol. I had never smoked before and when I smoked this shit it was so smooth I didn’t cough once, and I was taking some big ass hits.

Anyways any links will really help, please tell me how many lights I should use and what size fans and what my box should look like and shit.. I really need some help with this first grow, also do I have to have nutrients? I know people say it helps with the growth of the buds but that shits expensive and im pretty fucking poor right now.

Do me a favor and help a stoner out, stay high. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You can always go to like walmart or someplace that has cheap furniture and just cut the inside of the drawers out so that it looks like say a dresser but really u have a plant in there and then also i use 4 cfls with 25 watts each and in the veg stage you need daylight bulbs and in the flower you need soft white bulbs.Another idea is going out and buying just the computer case but none of the shit inside and do it that way look it up on you tube for that and then you could do a big plastic bin and im sure there are things on you tube for that as well


Well-Known Member
Well your idea for a grow in a cardbox box is not really stealthy in my opinion, like what the other guy said you should get a dresser or pc, or you could do it like how I did, and get a sterllite shelf from walmart and do your grow in there, of course your gonna have to modify on a few things, but it works. Also you have your intake and and exhaust setup backwards, intake needs to be on bottom, so fresh air can circulate and the exhaust on top, so it can take the hot air out, since hot air travels upwards. As far as nutrients sorry but your gonna need them, if your strapped for cash start out with some fox farm ocean floor, it should have enough nutes for 3 to 4 weeks enough for vegging, but after that your gonna need them.


Thanks for the replies guys, I went searching on craigslist this morning and found a dresser for FREE, fucking win? Anyways, i plan to screw the front of the drawers to the base of it so that they cant pull open and then just break out the part that you would put your clothes in, I'm going to try and do 3-6 CFLs, how many plants do you think I could fit into a space? If i use FF ocean floor that would give me 4 weeks to go mow some lawns and work my ass off for a little more money for a light controller thing, whatever the fuck those are called, and some nutes. Anyways, are PC fans the best you can get? Because this dresser is made out of like 3/4 inch thick wood and I really don't want to cut through it to insert some fans. If I have to cut through the wood, any ideas how? I've got some pretty basic tools but besides that I don't have much. Thanks for all the input guys, once it gets started I'll start a grow log! :D


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys, I went searching on craigslist this morning and found a dresser for FREE, fucking win? Anyways, i plan to screw the front of the drawers to the base of it so that they cant pull open and then just break out the part that you would put your clothes in, I'm going to try and do 3-6 CFLs, how many plants do you think I could fit into a space? If i use FF ocean floor that would give me 4 weeks to go mow some lawns and work my ass off for a little more money for a light controller thing, whatever the fuck those are called, and some nutes. Anyways, are PC fans the best you can get? Because this dresser is made out of like 3/4 inch thick wood and I really don't want to cut through it to insert some fans. If I have to cut through the wood, any ideas how? I've got some pretty basic tools but besides that I don't have much. Thanks for all the input guys, once it gets started I'll start a grow log! :D
myself i use 5 cfls for 1 plant 4 26w 65k daylight speck and 1 32w warm white spec for mixed light sents your plants love it as for nutes u dont need them at all as a matter of fact the reson why u want to use them beause they make your plant bigger faster goign compleatly organic means your plant will just grow as normal like a normal lifespan if you will..i grow in a cardbord box just for my vedg and it seems to work out great for me just with a little lst and you will be for your dresser it dpends on how big it is and how many square feet it is but u can easily fit 4 plants in there just gotta have enuff lights for them all...diffrent people have diffrent ancers for everything


Just went and measured my dresser and it's 2 feet 7 inches BY 4 feet 6 inches BY 1 foot 8 inches. (w BY h BY l)
As for a soil I was just going to go get some generic shit at my local hardware store, I don't really have any plant places near here lol. I was thinking about Miracle Grow All purpose during vegging and then the Bloom shit during Vegging and only doing like 1/4th of what they say or so? Idk i have heard a lot of bad shit about MG so I might not. Anyways, I'm just trying to make a couple of $ so that i can make a good grow box and buy some awesome strains and shit, this is basically just for some money to start a personal use crop.. Anyways, thanks for everyones help. With my box being as fucking huge as it is, how many plants do you think i could fit in it? And i heard its 100W CFL for one plant and then an additional 50W for every other plant? So if i have like 6 plants that'd be 350W total, right? And I also heard not to mix the light spectrems and just go full out 6500K during veg and full out 2700K during flowering.. Idk Im not a seasoned grower, nor toker so I don't know much about anything.. ANY responses help ALOT! Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
you can mix them but u just need to make sure that when u flower u have soft white but a mix of daylight and soft white at both stages is fine also i use mg and its ok its kinda hard to use so i would go with something that dose not have time release capsules and shit.Also i would just start two plants just so that its easier to manage on your first grow.Also before you do anything with the dresser clean it really well with some kind of wood cleaner you don't want any problems with bugs and other can prob find cheap fans at walmart but i dont really know

The Grouch

Newbie grower here, so no major insights but:

PLEASE don't use a cardboard box; shit! no-one on this thread thought to mention how dangerous that is?
I know Help4weed now has a dresser, it just concerned me that no one saw the one weak spot in his plan.
Even low wattage (2-3) cfs can get hot when used 24/0;18/6.. Fire drill over.

Other than that, Good luck and enjoy the grow!


Newbie grower here, so no major insights but:

PLEASE don't use a cardboard box; shit! no-one on this thread thought to mention how dangerous that is?
I know Help4weed now has a dresser, it just concerned me that no one saw the one weak spot in his plan.
Even low wattage (2-3) cfs can get hot when used 24/0;18/6.. Fire drill over.

Other than that, Good luck and enjoy the grow!
Thanks man, and yeah that's why I went looking for this box. No fire hazard please!